The Color CCD Image Gallery
M57 "The Ring Nebula"
This 128 second picture is the compilation of 16 individual 8 second
exposures. The Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula in Lyra.This image
represents the first successful use of the "Track and Accumulate" function
with Steward Observatory's CCD camera. Notice the hot blue central star,
and the red outer layer. Red is the coolest region, blue the hottest.
Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner
Comet Hale-Bopp
A 15 second exposure of Comet Hale-Bopp. The red outer layer is dust,
but the white areas are mostly gas.
Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner
A 1 second exposure of this blue planetary nebula in Hercules.
Credit: Rory Barnes, Terry Hurford
M76 "The Little Dumbbell"
This is another Track and Accumulate image. M76 is a planetary nebula
in Cassiopeia. This is a compilation of 20 fifteen second exposures.
Unfortunatley the Track and Accumulate function makes the images somewhat
"grainy", however, it was necessary to take a five minute exposure of M76
because it is the faintest of the 110 Messier objects at 11.6 magnitudes.
Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner
This is a .3 second exposure. This is not a raw image as it has been
sharpened twice and smoothed once. This processing was necessary to bring
out the cloud bands.
Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner
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