Electronic Supplement to
Comparison of earthquake source models for the 2011 Tohoku event using tsunami simulations and near field observations

by Breanyn T MacInnes, Aditya Riadi Gusman, Randall J LeVeque, Yuichiro Tanioka

Additional figures and data sets

Follow the links below for additional figures and data sets that were used to create them. Some data processing Python scripts are also included.

DART buoy observations and simulation from each source

Figure S1: DART plots. Observed and simulated response at each DART buoy studied. Time is in seconds from 05:46:24 UTC on 11 March 2011. The simulation is shown in two forms: unshifted (with instantaneous seafloor deformation at t=0) and shifted by the optimal time T_d as discussed in the text.

Raw data and processing scripts

Inundation simulations

See Figure 1 from the paper for locations of sites referred to below.

Figure S2: K factor plots.

The K factor (after Aida, 1978) is regarded as a correction factor to adjust the simulated tsunami so as to fit the actual tsunami averaged over observation points in a site. For example, if the K factor is greater than one, it suggests that the simulated tsunami was smaller than the actual tsunami. The factor κ is defined as a measure of the fluctuation in K. See figure for equations.

Figure S3: Sendai Plain. All inundation simulations and observations.

Figure S4: Sendai Plain point comparisons. Point comparisons of all tsunami observations with the closest corresponding simulated inundation.

Figure S5: Shizugawa. All inundation simulations and observations.

Figure S6: Shizugawa point comparisons. Point comparisons of all tsunami observations with the closest corresponding simulated inundation.

Figure S7: Hirota. All inundation simulations and observations.

Figure S8: Hirota point comparisons. Point comparisons of all tsunami observations with the closest corresponding simulated inundation.

Figure S9: Funakoshi. All inundation simulations and observations.

Figure S10: Funakoshi point comparisons. Point comparisons of all tsunami observations with the closest corresponding simulated inundation.

Figure S11: Taro. All inundation simulations and observations.

Figure S12: Taro point comparisons. Point comparisons of all tsunami observations with the closest corresponding simulated inundation.

Runup on coast of Japan

Figure S13: Runup comparisons. Comparison of runup observations at 5247 points on the coast with runup measured at the same points from the simulations with each source.

Simulation codes

The GeoClaw simulation codes and some of the bathymetry and source data files are available at http://github.com/rjleveque/tohoku2011-paper1


Aida, I., (1978). Reliability of a tsunami source model derived from fault parameters, J. Phys. Earth 26, 57-73.

Mori, N., T. Takahashi, and The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group (2102). Nationalwide post event survey and analysis of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami, Coast Eng J 54, 1, doi: 10.1142/S0578563412500015

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