Homework 6ΒΆ
hw6A.html Rendered version of notebook $AM574/homeworks/hw6/hw6A.ipynb
hw6B.html Rendered version of notebook $AM574/homeworks/hw6/pysystem/hw6B.ipynb
hw6C.html Rendered version of notebook $AM574/homeworks/hw6/radialdam/hw6C.ipynb
The homework is due by 11:00pm PDT on March 10, 2023. You can turn it in up to 24 hours late with a 10% reduction in credit.
Code you need to get started is in the Class GitHub Repository in the directories $AM574/homeworks/hw6 and $AM574/homeworks/hw6/psystem.
Also the code in this notebook may be useful, particularly if you had problems with Homework 5:
hw5solutions.html Rendered version of notebook $AM574/homeworks/hw5/hw5solutions.ipynb
To submit, see the Canvas page.