This is part of Homework 6. Due by 11:00pm on March 10, 2023
For the complete assignment and submission instructions, see:
The main point of this assignment is to get some more experience running Clawpack and producing plots.
The code in this directory is similar to the one that produced the plots in Section 21.7.1 of FVMHP. However, those plots (and all the other examples in the book) use gravitational constant $g=1$, corresponding to nondimensionalized variables.
For a real-world problem we generally use physical coordinates, e.g. $h$ is measured in meters, and $u$ in m/s, in which case we should use $g=9.81$ m/s$^2$. The code in this directory has been modified in that way, and also a more extreme jump in depth is imposed.
This notebook shows one approach to using Clawpack via a Jupyter notebook. You could simply augment this notebook with additional cells to compute and display the results for the questions below.
Or you can run clawpack at the command line as explained earlier and as you probably did for hw3. In that case you will want to modify the Riemann data that is specified in
, run the code, make the plots, and save an appropriate frame of the solution to illustrate the results.
You might want to try doing it both ways.
Although you do not need to turn much in for this problem, produce the required plots to show that you got it working. Also please spend some time studying the code to understand how things work and ask questions if you don't. I hope that this will help you see how you might use Clawpack in the future for other problems.
Some things to note as you inspect the code:
The Riemann solvers specified in the Makefile
s are from the Clawpack riemann
repository, which you should have as part of Clawpack. You might want to see how the normal and transverse solvers are implemented. You could first look at $CLAW/riemann/src/rp1_shallow_roe_with_efix.f90
for the 1D version, which is used in the 1drad
The 1D code in the 1drad
subdirectory use a fractional step method to solve the equations (21.37) with a radial source term. You might want to look at how the src1.f90
subroutine solves the ODEs in each cell using a 2-stage explicit Runge-Kutta method.
The 1D code imposes solid wall boundary conditions at the left boundary ($r=0$), which is the correct thing to do at the origin in this case. Extrapolation BCs are used at the right boundary.
Extrapolation BCs are also imposed on the 2D problem, and note that the waves leave the domain with little spurious reflection at later times.
For fun, you might want to change to solid wall boundary conditions in the 2D problem and run out to later times to see how the waves bounce around in a closed container.
Common blocks are used for passing some parameters around rather than a Fortran 90 module as was done in the psystem
The subroutine fdisc
specifies the location of the dam as the level set of a curve in 2D. In qinit.f90
, the library routine cellave
is then used to compute the fraction of each grid cell that lies to the left or right of the curve specified by fdisc
. For fun you could try a non-radially symmetric dam.
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
Check that the CLAW environment variable is set. (It must be set in the Unix shell before starting the notebook server).
import os
CLAW = os.environ['CLAW']
print("Using Clawpack from ", CLAW)
print("*** Environment variable CLAW must be set to run code")
Using Clawpack from /Users/rjl/git/clawpack
from clawpack.clawutil import nbtools
from clawpack.visclaw import animation_tools
from IPython.display import HTML, Image
You might want to adjust this depending on the size of your browser window.
width_image = 400
figsize_animation = (3,4)
Using anim.to_jshtml()
gives animations similar to what you see in the html files if you do make plots
, but you may prefer the anim.to_html5_video()
option. See the matplotlib.animation.Animation documentation for more information, also on how to save an animation as a separate file.
def show_anim(anim):
html_version = HTML(anim.to_jshtml())
#html_version = HTML(anim.to_html5_video())
return html_version
We first have to run the code in the subdirectory 1drad
to create the "reference solution" used in the scatter plots.
If you are working at the command line, just cd into the 1drad
directory and do make .output
This is a bit clumsy to do in the notebook!
print(os.getcwd()) # get current working directory (can also use `pwd` in a cell)
outdir,plotdir = nbtools.make_output_and_plots(verbose=False)
print('outdir = %s' % os.path.abspath(outdir))
outdir = /Users/rjl/git/amath574w2023/homeworks/hw6/radialdam/1drad/_output
import glob
print('solution frames in outdir:')
tfiles = glob.glob('%s/fort.t*' % outdir)
solution frames in outdir: ['_output/fort.t0000' '_output/fort.t0001' '_output/fort.t0002' '_output/fort.t0003' '_output/fort.t0004' '_output/fort.t0005' '_output/fort.t0006' '_output/fort.t0007' '_output/fort.t0008' '_output/fort.t0009' '_output/fort.t0010']
This should have created frames 0 through 6, and the output times should be exactly the same as what is used in the 2D run below, in order for the plots to come out looking right.
Note that there is also a
file in the 1drad
directory if you want to look at the 1D solution, and a 1drad.ipynb
notebook that can facilitate this.
Change back to the main directory for running the 2D code...
nbtools.make_exe(new=True) # new=True ==> force recompilation of all code
Executing shell command: make new Done... Check this file to see output:
See the README.html file for links to input files...
First create data files needed for the Fortran code, using parameters specified in, and then run the code and produce plots. Specifying a label insures the resulting plot directory will persist after later runs are done below.
outdir,plotdir = nbtools.make_output_and_plots(label='1')
Executing shell command: make output OUTDIR=_output_1 Done... Check this file to see output:
Executing shell command: make plots OUTDIR=_output_1 PLOTDIR=_plots_1 Done... Check this file to see output:
View plots created at this link:
frameno = 4
# pcolor plot of depth (figno=1):
png_file = '%s/frame%sfig0.png' % (plotdir, str(frameno).zfill(4))
print('displaying %s' % png_file)
Image(png_file, width=width_image)
displaying _plots_1/frame0004fig0.png
# contour plot of depth (figno=1):
png_file = '%s/frame%sfig1.png' % (plotdir, str(frameno).zfill(4))
print('displaying %s' % png_file)
Image(png_file, width=width_image)
displaying _plots_1/frame0004fig1.png
# scatter plot of depth (figno=10):
png_file = '%s/frame%sfig10.png' % (plotdir, str(frameno).zfill(4))
print('displaying %s' % png_file)
Image(png_file, width=width_image)
displaying _plots_1/frame0004fig10.png
Clicking on the _PlotIndex
link above, you can view an animation of the results. (This might not work if you run into permission problems with the notebook accessing this webpage.)
After creating all png files in the _plots
directory, these can also be combined in an animation that is displayed inline:
anim = animation_tools.animate_from_plotdir(plotdir,figno=0,
figno = 10
)¶anim = animation_tools.animate_from_plotdir(plotdir,figno=10,
Experiment with the following and produce a few plots and comments on what you observe. Again the main point is to get you more familiar with the code and how to use it, and also to get a better feel for how these methods work and the advantages of the high-resolution methods.
You can do this by adding more cells to this notebook, importing setrun
and then modifying values as was done in hw6B.ipynb
, or you can edit
and use the command line to make .plots
, as you please. Either way, provide a few illustrative plots with a description of what you did to make them and what you observe.
(a) Using a coarser $50 \times 50$ grid, compare the second-order method that is specified in the current
clawdata.order = 2
clawdata.transverse_waves = 2
with the first-order method
clawdata.order = 1
clawdata.transverse_waves = 1
(b) If you set
clawdata.order = 1
clawdata.transverse_waves = 0
then the transverse Riemann solver is not used, and as with the "donor cell upwind" method for advection, the method is stable only for Courant number $\leq 0.5$. Test this out by trying values of
that are both above and below 0.5. Exactly when it starts to show unstability will depend on how large this is, and how fine the grid is.
(c) Compare
clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.45
clawdata.order = 1
clawdata.transverse_waves = 0
clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.45
clawdata.order = 1
clawdata.transverse_waves = 1
Although both are first order accurate (where the solution is smooth), you should observe that including the transverse waves gives a more isotropic solution.