This is part of Homework 6. Due by 11:00pm on March 10, 2023
For the complete assignment and submission instructions, see:
Ideally you will do this part of the homework by modifying this Jupyter notebook $AM574/homeworks/hw6/hw6A.ipynb
to fill in the solutions, with plots to accompany your results. If necessary you can scan some handwritten things instead.
The notebook $AM574/homeworks/hw5/hw5solutions.ipynb
may be helpful, particularly if you had any problems with hw5.
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
Many of the problems below concern the same nonlinear hyperbolic system $q_t + f(q)_x=0$ given by the p-system arising from Lagrangian gas dynamics (2.108) in the case of isothermal flow (as in Problem 2.8(b) from hw1 and hw5):
$$ \begin{split} v_t - u_x &= 0,\\ u_t + (a^2/v)_x &=0. \end{split} $$Write out formulas for general values of $a$ but use $a=2$ for the specific examples.
def plot_phase_plane():
Set up a plot with appropriate limits and labels
plot([0,6],[0,0],'k-',linewidth=0.7) # v-axis
xlabel('v = specific volume')
ylabel('u = velocity');
Question 1.
In hw5, you worked out relations for the Hugoniot loci and integral curves and found solutions consisting of 2 rarefaction waves or 2 shocks (possibly violating the entropy condition). These can be computed analytically. The notebook $AM574/homeworks/hw5/hw5solutions.ipynb
also illustrates how to use scipy.optimize.fsolve
to solve for the intersection point numerically.
Write a function Rsolver(vl,ul,vr,ur,a)
that takes a left and right state as input and returns vm,um
, the correct middle state in the vanishing viscosity Riemann solution. In this case each wave can be either a shock or rarefaction depending on the data provided.
Do this by first defining function phi_left(v,vl,ul,a)
that returns u
as a function of v
that is either along the integral curve or the Hugoniot locust through (vl,ul)
, depending on whether the state $(vm,um)should be connected to
(vl,ul)by a rarefaction wave or shock, respectively. Similarly define
phi_right(v,vr,ur,a). These functions are analogous to those defined in Section 13.10 for the shallow water equations, and can be defined using the functions
uint1, uint2, uhug1, uhug2` defined in Homework 5.
Then apply fsolve
to find the intersection of phi_left
with phi_right
. Note that fsolve
can take an initial guess for the solution and if this is not reasonably close to be correct then the solver may not converge. So as an initial guess, use the intersection of the appropriate integral curves passing through $q_\ell$ and $q_r$.
Test your function by applying it to:
(a) the case from Homework 5, $q_\ell = (1,-2)$ and $q_r = (1,2)$, where the correct solution has two rarefaction waves
(b) $q_\ell = (1,1)$ and $q_r = (2.5,-2)$, where the correct solution has two shock waves
(c) $q_\ell = (0.5, -1)$ and $q_r = (2, 1)$
(d) $q_\ell = (2.5,0)$ and $q_r = (0.2,2)$
In each case print out the state (vm,um)
and produce a phase plane plot like what is shown below. The solution to (b) should look like this:
from IPython.display import Image
Image('isothermal3.png', width=500)
Here is a the function I used to make this plot, missing a couple critical CONDITIONS
for you to think about and fill in, along with providing the function Rsolver
def plot_Rsoln_sample(vl,ul,vr,ur,a):
vm,um = Rsolver(vl,ul,vr,ur,a)
v = linspace(vl,vm,100)
label1 = '1-rarefaction'
label1 = '1-shock'
plot(v, phi_left(v,vl,ul,a),'r-',label=label1)
v = linspace(vr,vm,100)
label2 = '2-rarefaction'
label2 = '2-shock'
plot(v, phi_right(v,vr,ur,a),'b-',label=label2)
plot([vl],[ul],'ro',label='q left')
plot([vm],[um],'ko',label='q middle')
plot([vr],[ur],'bo',label='q right')
Question 2.
Following Section 13.8.2 and using the integral curves determined in hw5, what are the Riemann invariants for this system?
Question 3.
Compute the structure $\tilde q(x/t)$ of a centered rarefaction wave in the 1-wave family for this system (following Section 13.8.5) connecting two states $q_\ell$ and $q_r$ on the same integral curve. For what states is this a valid solution?
The next few problems concern the general p-system
$$ q = \begin{bmatrix}v\\u\end{bmatrix}, \qquad f(q) = \begin{bmatrix}-u \\ p(v) \end{bmatrix} $$with $p'(v) < 0$ for $v>0$.
Question 4.
For any given states $q_\ell~,q_r$, let $\Delta v = v_r - v_\ell$ and $\Delta p = p_r - p_\ell$. Show that the matrix
$$ \hat A(q_\ell,q_r) = \begin{bmatrix}0&-1\\ (\Delta p/\Delta v) & 0 \end{bmatrix} $$satisfies the condition (15.18) and hence can be used to define a "Roe solver" for this system.
Question 5.
Recall that the eigenvalues of the Jacobian $f'(q)$ are $\mp c$ where $c(q) = \sqrt{-p'(v)}$, and the corresponding eigenvector matrix is
$$ R(q) = \begin{bmatrix} 1&1 \\ c&-c \end{bmatrix} $$What are the eigenvalues $\hat\lambda$ and eigenvectors $\hat R$ of $\hat A(q_\ell,q_r)$?
Question 6.
Explain why an "entropy fix" is not needed for the p-system. Do this in terms of the mathematics but also think about why this is true in terms of the physical interpretation of Lagrangian gas dynamics -- why can there never be a transonic rarefaction?
Question 7.
Work out the HLL approximate Riemann solver for the p-system for isothermal flow with $p(v) = a^2/v$.
Question 8.
Again for for the p-system for isothermal flow, implement the HLL solver as a function Rsolver_HLL(vl,ul,vr,ur,a)
that returns the approximate middle state (vstar, ustar)
. As the speeds, use
Also implement the Roe solver as a function Rsolver_Roe(vl,ul,vr,ur,a)
that returns the approximate middle state (vhat, uhat)
. Note that your solver should do something reasonable if vl = vr
. (See for example the Fortran version rp1_psystem_roe.f90
used in hw6B
Then write a plotting function plot_Rsoln_HLL_Roe(vl,ul,vr,ur,a)
that augments the plot_Rsoln
defined above by also plotting the HLL state (vstar, ustar)
in green and the Roe state (vhat, uhat)
in magenta. For example, with the data from Question 1(b), you should see something like this:
Image('isothermal_HLL_Roe.png', width=400)