Oliver J. Rutz

Marion B. Ingersoll Professor
of Marketing
Faculty Director, MSBA Program

Oliver J. Rutz

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
PACCAR Hall, Box 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226, USA
Email: orutz@uw.edu
Office: PACCAR 432
Tel: 206.221.1856
Fax: 206.543.7472


Positions Held:

  • Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington
    - Marion B. Ingersoll Professor of Marketing, 2021-current
    - Faculty Director, Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) Program, 2018-current
    - Marion B. Ingersoll Professor, Associate Professor of Marketing, 2015-2021
    - Associate Professor of Marketing, 2013-2015
    - Assistant Professor of Marketing, 2011-2013
  • Yale School of Management, Assistant Professor of Marketing, 2007-2011
  • Amazon, Seattle
    - Scholar, Analytics and Insights, 2022-2023
  • McKinsey&Company, Associate, 1999-2003


  • Ph.D., UCLA Anderson School of Management, 2007
  • MBA, UCLA Anderson School of Management, 2003
  • Dipl.rer.pol., Economics, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg, Germany, 1999


  • Search Engine Marketing & Online Advertising
  • Methodological: Bayesian Dynamics, Sparse Data, Response&Attribution Models

Selected Awards:

  • 2022: Ph.D. Program Mentoring Award (UW Foster)
  • 2020: Finalist, Long Term Impact Award, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2019: Finalist, Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
  • 2018: Lex N. Gamble Award for Excellence in Case Development and Curriculum Innovation (UW Foster)
  • 2016: Winner, William F. O'Dell Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2016: Finalist, Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
  • 2013: Winner, Donald R. Lehmann Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2013: Finalist, Paul E. Green Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2013: Finalist, Frank M. Bass Award, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2012: Winner, Paul E. Green Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2012: Dean's Faculty Research Award (UW Foster)
  • 2007: Finalist, Clayton Dissertation Proposal Competition, Markting Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2007: Winner, Best Paper of the Conference Based on a Doctoral Dissertation, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)

Selected Honors:

  • 2020: MSI Scholars, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2015: Top 50 Scholar, Author Productivity in the Premier Marketing Journals (2011-2015), American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2014: Top 50 Scholar, Author Productivity in the Premier Marketing Journals (2010-2014), American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2013: MSI Young Scholar, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2013: Top 50 Scholars, Author Productivity in the Premier Marketing Journals (2009-2013), American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2007: Fellow, Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium

Professional Activities:

  • Area Editor: International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM)
  • Member of the Editorial Board: Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Retailing (JR), Journal of Interactive Marketing (JIM), Business Research (BuR)