Source code for mmf.physics.potentials.separable

r"""Separable Potentials.

This module contains various three-dimensional separable potentials of the form

.. math::
   \op{V} = g V_k V_q

The relevant one-body Schrodinger equation becomes in momentum space (for bound

.. math::
   \left(\frac{k}{2m} - E\right)\psi_k 
   = -gV_k \int\dbar^{3}{\vect{q}}\;V_q\psi_q.

The effective range expansion can be expressed succinctly for separable

.. math::
   k\cot\delta_k = -4\pi\left(\frac{1}{2 m g V_k^2} + 
       \sum_{p}\frac{\frac{V_p^2}{V_k^2} - \frac{k^2}{p^2}}
                    {p^2 - k^2}\right)
   = \frac{-1}{a} + \frac{r_{\text{eff}}k^2}{2} 
                  + P r_{\text{eff}}^{3}k^{4} + \order(k^6).

The first two coefficients are computed by the methods
:meth:`Separable.ainv` and :meth:`Separable.reff`.

.. note:: Everything here is expressed in units where
   :math:`\hbar=1`.  To restore these constants make the following
   substitutions.  Also, these units are for the one-body problem: i.e. $m$ is
   the mass of a single species.  If you wish to use these for the two-body
   problem, be sure to use the reduced mass in place of $m$.

   .. math::
      a, r_{\text{eff}}, k & \rightarrow a, r_{\text{eff}}, k\\
      g &\rightarrow \frac{g}{\hbar^2},\\
      \Lambda, p & \rightarrow \frac{\Lambda}{\hbar}, \frac{p}{\hbar}.

   The dimensions are thus:
    [$\hbar$] : 
       $ET = ML^2/T = 1$ which implies $T \equiv ML^2$.
    [$v$] : 
    [$g$] : 
       $EV = ML^5/T^2 = 1/T = L/M$.
    [$a$] = [$r_e$] : 

from __future__ import division

__all__ = ['VPoschlTeller', 'Separable', 'SharpCutoff', 'SmoothCutoff',
           'Yamaguchi', 'EffectiveRange']

from numpy import pi, inf
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
sp = scipy

from mmf.objects import StateVars, process_vars
from mmf.objects import Required, Computed
import mmf.math.differentiate
import mmf.math.special
import mmf.math.integrate.integrate_1d.quadrature
from mmf.math.integrate.integrate_1d.quadrature import Decay, PowerDecay

from mmf.interfaces import Interface, implements, Attribute

_ABS_TOL = 1e-12
_REL_TOL = 1e-12
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps

[docs]class VPoschlTeller(StateVars): r"""Poschl-Teller potential used by GFMC groups.""" _state_vars = [ ('V0', -1.0, "Strength of the potential."), ('r0', Required,\ """Range of potential. (This is only the effective range if V0 = -1)""")] process_vars()
[docs] def V(self, r, m=1.0): return 4.0*self.V0/m/self.r0**2/np.cosh(2.0*r/self.r0)**2
[docs] def Vp(self, p, m=1.0): r"""Fourier transform of potential. Notes ----- .. math:: \begin{aligned} \tilde{V}_{p} &= \frac{V_{0}\hbar^2\pi^3 r_{0}}{m}\left( \frac{\coth(x) - x^{-1}}{\sinh(x)} \right), & x &= \frac{\pi p r_{0}}{4} \end{aligned} """ x = pi*p*self.r0/4.0 x2 = x*x x1 = np.where(x2>0.01,x,1.0) fact = np.where(abs(x2)>0.01, (1./np.tanh(x1) - 1./x1)/np.sinh(x1), 1./3. + x2*(-7./90. + x2*31./2520.)) return self.V0*pi**3*self.r0/m*fact
[docs] def Vpq(self, p, q, m=1.0): r"""Integrated potential over angles that appears in the BCS s-wave gap equation: .. math:: \Delta_{q} = \int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{\d{p}}{2\pi^2} \frac{V_{qp}\Delta_{p}}{2\sqrt{E_{p}^2 + \Delta_{p}^2}} Notes ----- .. math:: V_{pq} &= \frac{V_{0}\hbar^2\pi^3 r_{0}}{2 m p q}\left( \frac{p - q}{\sinh(p - q)} - \frac{p + q}{\sinh(p + q)} \right) Examples -------- >>> V = VPoschlTeller(r0=1) >>> p = np.array([[0,1,2]]) >>> q = p.T >>> V.Vpq(p,q) array([[-6.57973627, -6.21059264, -5.25788171], [-6.21059264, -5.88551639, -5.03455853], [-5.25788171, -5.03455853, -4.4270986 ]]) """ # These factors should be 1 according to text, but that does # not work... need to figure out! _a_ = 2.0 # Could be problem with reduced mass _b_ = 2./pi const = _a_*self.V0*pi**2*self.r0/2.0/m p = np.asarray(p) q = np.asarray(q) x = _b_*pi*p*self.r0/4.0 + 0*q y = _b_*pi*q*self.r0/4.0 + 0*p res = np.where(x == 0, np.where(y == 0, 2./3., 2*(1./np.tanh(y) - 1./y)/np.sinh(y)), np.where(y == 0, 2*(1./np.tanh(x) - 1./x)/np.sinh(x), np.where(x == y, (1./x - 2.0/np.sinh(2.0*x))/x, ((x - y)/np.sinh(x - y) - (x + y)/np.sinh(x + y))/x/y))) return const*res
[docs]class Separable(StateVars): r"""Base class for separable potentials, including methods to compute their scattering properties: :math:`a^{-1}` and :math:`r_{eff}` are computed by :meth:`potentials.ainv` and :meth:`potentials.reff`. Notes ----- These potentials have the form: .. math:: V(p,q) = gv(p)v(q) Our convention for normalization is that v(0) = 1. By default, the coupling constant is set to -1, so the potential is attractive. The form-factors :math:`v(p)` should be functions that decay for large momenta and are roughly constant for small momenta. """ _state_vars = [('g', -1.0, "Coupling constant"), ('m', 1.0, "Mass. Set to reduced mass for two-body"), ('inf', Computed,\ """Infinite endpoint wrapped with a Decay subclass to encode the nature of the decay.""")] process_vars() ###################################################################### # Required methods for subclasses to implement
[docs] def v(self,p): r"""Return the form factor.""" raise NotImplementedError # Suggested method for subclasses to implement
def _get_p_c(self): r"""Return a list of typical/critical momenta for integration. These points are explicitly included in integrations to ensure that important features of the potential are not missed.""" return [] def _get_inf(self): r"""Return a form of `inf`, preferably wrapped with :class:`Decay` to describe the asymptotic behaviour of (v_p)^2. """ return inf def _kappa(self): r"""Return diff(v(p),p^2)/v(0) where p=0.""" def f(p2): return self.v(np.sqrt(p2)) kappa = mmf.math.differentiate.differentiate(f, dir=1.0)/self.v(0) return kappa
[docs] def set_g(self, ainv, reff=None): r"""Set the coupling and Lambda to fix the scattering length and range.""" if reff is None: def _f0(g): self.g = g return self.ainv() - ainv self.g = sp.optimize.fsolve(_f0,self.g) else: def _f1(x): self.g, self.Lambda = x return [self.ainv() - ainv, self.reff() - reff] self.g, self.Lambda = sp.optimize.fsolve(_f1,[self.g, self.Lambda]) ######################################################################
[docs] def __init__(self, *v, **kw): r"""Subclasses should call to add p_c to `self.V`""" self.v.__dict__['p_c'] = self.p_c self.inf = self._get_inf()
[docs] def p_c(self): r"""List of typical/critical momenta. The points should be carefully inspected during integration etc.""" return self._get_p_c()
def _v2p2(self, p2): r"""Return $v(p)^2$ as a function of $p^2$. This is used by :meth:`k_cot_delta`.""" if p2 < 0: p2 += 0j return self.v(np.sqrt(p2))**2 def _int(self, f, a, b, abs_tol=_ABS_TOL, rel_tol=_REL_TOL): r"""Integrate f including self.p_c as special points.""" res, err = mmf.math.integrate.integrate_1d.quadrature.integrate( f, a, b, points=self.p_c, abs_tol=abs_tol, rel_tol=rel_tol) return res
[docs] def k_cot_delta(self, p2, abs_tol=_ABS_TOL, rel_tol=_REL_TOL): r"""Return the phase shift $p\cot\delta_p$ as a function of $p^2$. .. math:: p\cot\delta_p = -4\pi\left(\frac{1}{2 m g V_p^2} + \sum_{k}\frac{\frac{V_k^2}{V_p^2} - \frac{p^2}{k^2}} {k^2 - p^2}\right) """ v2p2 = self._v2p2(p2) def f(k): k2 = k*k return k2*(self._v2p2(k2)/v2p2 - p2/k2)/(k2-p2) mg = self.m*self.g return -4.0*np.pi*( 0.5/mg/v2p2 + self._int(f, 0, self.inf, abs_tol, rel_tol)/(2*np.pi**2))
[docs] def ainv(self, abs_tol=_ABS_TOL, rel_tol=_REL_TOL): r"""Return the inverse s-wave scattering-length. Notes ----- This is computed by .. math:: a^{-1} = \frac{2\pi}{gmV_{0}^2} +\frac{2}{\pi V_{0}^2}\int_{0}^{\infty}\d{k}\;V_{k}^2 """ v0 = self.v(0) def f(k): return (self.v(k)/v0)**2 mg = self.m*self.g return 2*pi/mg/v0/v0 + 2/pi*self._int(f, 0, self.inf, abs_tol, rel_tol)
[docs] def reff(self, abs_tol=_ABS_TOL, rel_tol=_REL_TOL): r"""Return the s-wave effective range. Notes ----- This is computed by: .. math:: r_{\text{eff}} = \frac{8\pi \kappa}{gmV_{0}^2} - \frac{8}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\d{k} \frac{\frac{V_{k}^{2}}{V_{0}^{2}}\left(1-2k^2\kappa\right) -1 }{k^2} where :math:`\kappa = \left.\diff{\ln V_{p}}{p^2}\right|_{p=0}` """ v0 = self.v(0) kappa = self._kappa() if isinstance(self.inf, Decay): if 0 == kappa: inf_ = PowerDecay(inf, x0=self.inf.x0, n=2) else: inf_ = PowerDecay(inf, x0=max(self.inf.x0, 1./np.sqrt(abs(kappa))), n=2) else: inf_ = PowerDecay(inf, x0=max(self.p_c), n=2) def f(k): return ((self.v(k)/v0)**2*(1.0-2*k*k*kappa)-1.0)/k/k mg = self.g*self.m return 8*pi*kappa/mg/v0/v0 - 4/pi*self._int(f, 0, inf_, abs_tol, rel_tol)
def _test(self): r"""Automatic test for consistency of the various calculations.""" ai, re = self.ainv(), self.reff() h = 1e-6 ainvs = [-1.0,0.0,1.0] reffs = [0.1,0.01] for _ai in ainvs: for _re in reffs: self.set_g(ainv=_ai, reff=_re) assert(np.allclose(self.ainv(), -self.k_cot_delta(0))) assert(np.allclose(self.ainv(), _ai)) reff = 2*(self.k_cot_delta(h) - self.k_cot_delta(-h))/(2*h) assert(np.allclose(self.reff(), reff, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-5)) assert(np.allclose(self.reff(), _re)) self.set_g(ainv=ai, reff=re)
[docs]class SharpCutoff(Separable): r"""Separable potential with a sharp momentum cutoff. Notes ----- .. math:: v(p) &= \theta(p - \Lambda),\\ \frac{1}{a} &= \frac{2\pi}{mg} + \frac{2\Lambda}{\pi},\\ r_{\text{eff}} &= \frac{4}{\pi\Lambda},\\ Pr_{\text{eff}}^{3} &= \frac{2}{3\pi\Lambda^3}. :: assume(L>0);assume(k>0);assume(p>0);additionally(L>k): kcd:=(v)->-4*Pi*(1/2/m/g/v(k)**2 + int((v(p)**2/v(k)**2 - k^2/p^2)/(p^2-k^2)*p^2/2/Pi^2,p=0..infinity)): v:=p->Heaviside(L-p): ainv=-subs(k=0,kcd(v)); re=2*coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,2); P*re^3=coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,4); Examples -------- >>> V = SharpCutoff(Lambda=10.0) >>> V.set_g(ainv=1.0, reff=0.1) >>> V.ainv() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.00000000... >>> V.reff() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.10000000... """ _state_vars = [('Lambda', 1.0, "Momentum cutoff")] process_vars()
[docs] def v(self,p): return mmf.math.special.step(self.Lambda - p)
def _v2p2(self,p2): return mmf.math.special.step(self.Lambda**2 - p2) def _get_p_c(self): return [self.Lambda] def _get_inf(self): return inf def _kappa(self): r"""Return diff(v(p),p^2)/v(0) where p=0.""" return 0.0
[docs] def set_g(self, ainv, reff=None): r"""Set the coupling to fix the scattering length. Notes ----- .. math:: \Lambda &= \frac{4}{r_{\text{eff}}\pi},\\ g &= m^{-1}\frac{2\pi}{a^{-1} - \frac{2\Lambda}{\pi}}. """ if reff is not None: self.Lambda = 4./reff/pi self.g = 2.0*pi/(ainv - 2.0*self.Lambda/pi)/self.m
[docs]class SmoothCutoff(Separable): r"""Separable potential with a smooth momentum cutoff. .. math:: v(p) &= e^{-\tfrac{\pi}{8}\frac{p^2}{\Lambda^2}},\\ \frac{1}{a} &= \frac{2\pi}{mg} + \frac{2\Lambda}{\pi},\\ r_{\text{eff}} &= \frac{1}{\Lambda} - \frac{\pi^2}{mg\Lambda^2},\\ Pr_{\text{eff}}^{3} &= \frac{\pi}{48\Lambda^3} - \frac{2\pi^3}{8g\Lambda^4}. :: assume(L>0);assume(k>0);assume(p>0);additionally(L>k): kcd:=(v)->-4*Pi*(1/2/m/g/v(k)**2 + int((v(p)**2/v(k)**2 - k^2/p^2)/(p^2-k^2)*p^2/2/Pi^2,p=0..infinity)): v:=p->exp(-Pi/8*p^2/L^2): eqs:={ainv=-expand(simplify(eval(subs(k=0,kcd(v))))), re=2*expand(simplify(coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,2)))}; P*re^3=coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,4); solve(eqs,[g,L]); Examples -------- >>> a = 1.0 >>> V = SmoothCutoff(Lambda=10.0) >>> V.set_g(ainv=1.0, reff=0.1) >>> V.ainv() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.000000000... >>> V.reff() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.100000000... """ _state_vars = [('Lambda', 1.0, "Momentum cutoff")] process_vars()
[docs] def v(self, p): return np.exp(-pi/8*(p/self.Lambda)**2)
def _v2p2(self, p2): return np.exp(-pi/4*p2/self.Lambda**2) def _get_p_c(self): # Add the point where V.v(p) < eps return [self.Lambda, np.sqrt(abs(2*np.log(_EPS)))*self.Lambda] def _get_inf(self): return inf def _kappa(self): r"""Return diff(v(p),p^2)/v(0) where p=0.""" return -pi/8/self.Lambda**2
[docs] def set_g(self, ainv, reff=None): r"""Set the coupling to fix the scattering length. .. math:: \Lambda &= \frac{1 + \sqrt{1-\frac{\pi}{2} \frac{r_{\text{eff}}}{a}}} {r_{\text{eff}}},\\ g &= m^{-1}\frac{2\pi}{a^{-1} - \frac{2\Lambda}{\sqrt{\pi}}}. """ if reff: d = 1.0 - pi*reff*ainv/2.0 if d < 0: raise ValueError("reff must be less than 2a/pi") self.Lambda = (1.0 + np.sqrt(d))/reff self.g = 2*pi/(ainv - 2*self.Lambda/pi)/self.m
[docs]class EffectiveRange(Separable): r"""Separable Effective Range Interaction, completely determined by the scattering length and effective range. .. math:: v(p) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\left(\frac{\pi p}{2\Lambda}\right)^2 + 1}},\\ \frac{1}{a} &= \frac{2\pi}{mg} + \frac{2\Lambda}{\pi},\\ r_{\text{eff}} &= -\frac{\pi^3}{mg\Lambda^2},\\ Pr_{\text{eff}}^{3} &= 0 :: assume(L>0);assume(k>0);assume(p>0);additionally(L>k): kcd:=(v)->-4*Pi*(1/2/m/g/v(k)**2 + int((v(p)**2/v(k)**2 - k^2/p^2)/(p^2-k^2)*p^2/2/Pi^2,p=0..infinity)): v:=p->1/sqrt((Pi*p/2/L)^2+1): eqs:={ainv=-expand(simplify(eval(subs(k=0,kcd(v))))), re=2*expand(simplify(coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,2)))}; P*re^3=coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,4); simplify(expand(rationalize(subs(allvalues(solve(eqs,[g,L]))[1][1],L)),symbolic)); solve(eqs,[g,L]); Note that this as a closed effective range expansion stopping at the second term. Examples -------- >>> V = EffectiveRange(Lambda=10.0) >>> V.set_g(ainv=1.0,reff=0.5) >>> V.ainv() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.000000... >>> V.reff() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.500000... """ _state_vars = [('Lambda', 1.0, "Momentum cutoff")] process_vars()
[docs] def v(self, p): return 1./np.sqrt((pi*p/2/self.Lambda)**2 + 1.0)
def _v2p2(self, p2): return 1./((pi/2/self.Lambda)**2*p2 + 1.0) def _get_p_c(self): # Add the point where V.v(p) < eps return [2*self.Lambda/pi] # 2*self.Lambda/pi*np.sqrt(abs(1./_EPS**2 - 1.0))] def _get_inf(self): return PowerDecay(inf, x0=2*self.Lambda/pi, n=2) def _kappa(self): r"""Return diff(v(p),p^2)/v(0) where p=0.""" return -(pi/self.Lambda)**2/8
[docs] def set_g(self, ainv, reff=None): r"""Set the coupling and Lambda to fix the scattering length and range. .. math:: \Lambda &= \frac{1+\sqrt{1 - \frac{2r_{\text{eff}}}{a}}} {2r_{0}/\pi},\\ g &= \frac{4\pi}{a^{-1} - \frac{\Lambda}{\sqrt{\pi}}}. """ if reff: r_a = reff*ainv d = (1.0 - 2.0*r_a) if d < 0: raise ValueError("reff must be less than a/2") self.Lambda = (1.0 + np.sqrt(d))/(2*reff/pi) self.g = 2*pi/(ainv - 2*self.Lambda/pi)/self.m
[docs]class Yamaguchi(Separable): r"""Separable Yamaguchi potential. .. math:: v(p) &= \frac{1}{\left(\frac{\pi p}{4\Lambda}\right)^2 + 1},\\ \frac{1}{a} &= \frac{2\pi}{mg} + \frac{2\Lambda}{\pi},\\ r_{\text{eff}} &= \frac{\pi}{4\Lambda} - \frac{\pi^3}{2mg\Lambda^2}\\ Pr_{\text{eff}}^{3} &= -\frac{\pi^5}{128 mg \Lambda^4} :: assume(L>0);assume(k>0);assume(p>0);additionally(L>k): kcd:=(v)->-4*Pi*(1/2/m/g/v(k)**2 + int((v(p)**2/v(k)**2 - k^2/p^2)/(p^2-k^2)*p^2/2/Pi^2,p=0..infinity)): v:=p->1/(1+(Pi*p/4/L)^2): eqs:={ainv=-expand(simplify(eval(subs(k=0,kcd(v))))), re=2*expand(simplify(coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,2)))}; P*re^3=coeff(series(kcd(v),k,6),k,4); solve(eqs,[g,L]); simplify(expand(rationalize(allvalues(solve(eqs,[g,L]))[1][1]))); Note: this has a closed effective range expansion with three terms. Examples -------- >>> V = Yamaguchi(Lambda=10.0) >>> V.set_g(ainv=1.0,reff=0.5) >>> V.ainv() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0... >>> V.reff() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.499999... """ _state_vars = [('Lambda', 1.0, "Momentum cutoff")] process_vars()
[docs] def v(self, p): return 1./((pi*p/4.0/self.Lambda)**2 + 1.0)
def _v2p2(self, p2): return 1./((pi/4.0/self.Lambda)**2*p2 + 1.0)**2 def _get_inf(self): return PowerDecay(inf, x0=self.Lambda, n=4) def _get_p_c(self): # Add the point where V.v(p) < eps return [self.Lambda] # np.sqrt(abs(1.0/_EPS - 1.0))*self.Lambda] def _kappa(self): r"""Return diff(v(p),p^2)/v(0) where p=0.""" return -pi*pi/self.Lambda**2/16
[docs] def set_g(self, ainv, reff=None): r"""Set the coupling and Lambda to fix the scattering length and range. .. math:: \Lambda = \frac{\pi}{8r_{\text{eff}}}\left( 3 + \sqrt{9-16\frac{r_{\text{eff}}}{a}}\right). """ if reff: d = (9.0 - 16.0*reff*ainv) if d < 0: raise ValueError("reff must be less than 9*a/16") self.Lambda = pi*(3 + np.sqrt(d))/8/reff self.g = 2*pi/(ainv - 2*self.Lambda/pi)/self.m