Source code for mmf.math.special.lerch

r"""Module of routines for computing the Lerch Trancendent and related

We have the :dfn:`Lerch Trancendent` $\Phi(z,s,a)$, the :dfn:`Polylogarithm` $\Li_s(z)$:

.. math::
     \Phi(z,s,a) &= \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^\infty \d{t}\;
     \Li_s(z) &= \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{z^{k}}{k^s}
               = z\Phi(z, s, 1),

The Fermi-Dirac integrals can be expressed in terms of these:

.. math::
     F_{j}(x) &= \frac{1}{\Gamma(j + 1)}\int_{0}^{\infty}\d{t}\;
                 \frac{t^{j}}{e^{t - x} + 1} 
                  = e^{x}\Phi(-e^{x},j+1,1)

__all__ = ['LerchPhi', 'Li', 'Fi']

import numpy as np
from numpy import isreal,iscomplex, inf, finfo
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.special import gamma
import math
import cmath

_eps = finfo(type(1.0)).eps
_epsrel = _eps*64
_epsabs = 0.0

def LerchPhi_real(z,s,a):
    r"""Return the Lerch Trancendent $\Phi(z,s,a)$ for real arguments (see
    LerchPhi for more details.

    Computes the result using the integral representation:

    .. math::
       \Phi(z,s,a) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^\infty \d{t}\;

    The following analysis is for real arguments: complex values may
    mess up the integration.

    The asymptotics of the integrand are:

    Near t == 0:
      If z != 1: t^{s-1}
      If z == 1: t^{s-2}

    Near t == inf:

    In addition, if 1 < z then there is an additional pole at
    t = t0 = -log(1/z): ~ 1/(t-t0)

    The asymptotics dictate that the integral is convergent iff:
    (0 < a) and ((z != 1 and 0 < s) or 
                 (z == 1 and 1 < s))

    For speed, however, we assume that the calling routine has checked
    for convergence.

    The Lerch function is actually defined for smaller 

    The integrand only switches sign if $z > 1$ in which case we use the
    'Cauchy' form of the adaptive quad integrator to deal with the
    pole.  The only potential for roundoff is in the computation of
    the denominator if $ze^{-t} \sim 1$.

    The integrand is:

    .. math::
       \exp\left(\frac{(s-1)\ln{t} - at}{1-z e^{-t}}\right)

    # We break up the integral using 1/a as the length scale
    # because quad can't handle both infinite range and a
    # singularity.
    b0 = max(1./a,1.0)
    if z < 1.0:
        # Here we use the asymptotic forms of quad with power-law
        # divergences at the endpoints:
        # integrand = (t-a0)**alpha*(t-b0)**beta*f()
        # where a0 and b0 are the endpoints.
        alpha = s-1.0
        beta = 0.0

        # Determine cutoff for approximation
        cutoff = (720.0*_eps)**(0.25)
        def f1(t,s=s,a=a,cutoff=cutoff,exp=math.exp):
            # This should be computed robustly for small z and t
            return exp(-a*t)/(1.0-z*exp(-t))
    elif z == 1.0:
        # Here we use the asymptotic forms of quad with power-law
        # divergences at the endpoints:
        # integrand = (t-a0)**alpha*(t-b0)**beta*f()
        # where a0 and b0 are the endpoints.
        # We break up the integral using 1/a as the length scale
        # because quad can't handle both infinite range and a
        # singularity.
        alpha = s-2.0
        beta = 0.0

        # Determine cutoff for approximation
        cutoff = (720.0*_eps)**(0.25)
        def f1(t,s=s,a=a,cutoff=cutoff,exp=math.exp):
            # Compute t/(1.0-exp(-t)) robustly using series expansion:
            # 1 + t/2 + t**2/12 - t**4/720
            # It alternates beyond this point.
            if t < cutoff:
                factor = 1.0 + t*(0.5 + t/12.0)
                factor = t/(1.0-exp(-t))
            return exp(-a*t)*factor
        raise Exception("Not supported yet.")

    (result1,err1) = quad(f1,0,b0,epsabs=_epsabs,epsrel=_epsrel,

    def f(t,s=s,a=a,exp=math.exp,log=math.log):
        return exp((s - 1.0)*log(t) - a*t)/(1.0 - z*exp(-t))
    (result2,err2) = quad(f,b0,inf,epsabs=_epsabs,epsrel=_epsrel)

    result = result1+result2
    err = math.sqrt(err1*err1+err2*err2)
    return result/gamma(s)

[docs]def LerchPhi(z,s,a): r"""Return the Lerch Trancident function $\Phi(z,s,a)$ on a restricted domain. .. math:: \Phi(z,s,a) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{z^n}{(n+a)^s} Computes the result using the integral representation .. math:: \Phi(z,s,a) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^\infty \d{t}\; \frac{t^{s-1}e^{-at}}{1-ze^{-t}} Examples -------- >>> abs(LerchPhi(1,2,3) - (np.pi**2/6.0 - 5.0/4.0)) < 1e-12 True >>> abs(LerchPhi(0.5,2,3) - 0.157924211720100047221250) < 1e-12 True """ # Special Cases: if isreal(a) and isreal(s) and isreal(z) and \ ((0 < a) and (((0 < s) and (z < 1)) or ((1 < s) and (1 == z)))): return LerchPhi_real(z,s,a) else: raise Warning("Lerch arguments "+`(z,s,a)`+"not supported.") def f(t,s=s,a=a,exp=cmath.exp,log=cmath.log): return exp((s-1.0)*log(t)-a*t)/(1.0-z*exp(-t)) (result,err) = quad(f,0,inf,epsabs=_epsabs,epsrel=_epsrel) return result
[docs]def Li(s,z): r"""Return the polylogarithm $\Li_s(z)$. .. math:: \Li_s(z) &= \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{z^k}{k^s} = z\Phi(z, s, 1), """ return z*LerchPhi(z, s, 1.0)
[docs]def Fi(j,z): r"""Return the complete Fermi-Dirac integral $\operatorname{Fi}_{j}(z)$. .. math:: \operatorname{Fi}_{j}(z) &= \frac{1}{\Gamma(j + 1)}\int_{0}^{\infty}\d{t}\; \frac{t^{j}}{e^{t - z} + 1} = e^{z}\Phi(-e^{z},j+1,1) """ ez = np.exp(z) return ez*LerchPhi(-ez, j+1.0, 1.0)