Source code for mmf.math.linalg.cholesky.gmw81

"""These are a collection of codes based on the [GMW81]_ algorithm.

:func:`colmod` :
   Seems to work well and is quite efficient as it has been
   vectorized, but not quite as good as :func:`gmw`.  Use this for
:func:`gmw` :
   Seems to work well, but returns an explicit pivoting matrix and
   is very slow as it uses loops.
:func:`gmchol` :
   Fast (uses weave) but very bad for large matrices because it uses
   no pivoting.
from __future__ import division

__all__ = ['gmchol', 'colmod', 'mchol2']

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.weave

_FINFO = np.finfo(float)
_EPS = _FINFO.eps

def gmw(A):
    """Return `(P, L, e)` such that `P.T*A*P = L*L.T - diag(e)`.

    P : 2d array
       Permutation matrix used for pivoting.
    L : 2d array
       Lower triangular factor
    e : 1d array
    Positive diagonals of shift matrix `e`.
    The Gill, Murray, and Wright modified Cholesky algorithm.

    Algorithm 6.5 from page 148 of 'Numerical Optimization' by Jorge
    Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright, 1999, 2nd ed.

    n = A.shape[0]
    # Test matrix.
    #A = array([[4, 2, 1], [2, 6, 3], [1, 3, -0.004]], Float64)
    #n = len(A)
    #I = identity(n, Float64)

    # Calculate gamma(A) and xi(A).
    gamma = 0.0
    xi = 0.0
    for i in xrange(n):
        gamma = max(abs(A[i, i]), gamma)
        for j in xrange(i+1, n):
            xi = max(abs(A[i, j]), xi)

    # Calculate delta and beta.
    delta = _EPS * max(gamma + xi, 1.0)
    if n == 1:
        beta = np.sqrt(max(gamma, _EPS))
        beta = np.sqrt(max(gamma, xi / np.sqrt(n**2 - 1.0), _EPS))

    # Initialise data structures.
    a = 1.0 * A
    r = 0.0 * A
    e = np.zeros(n, dtype=float)
    P = np.eye(n, dtype=float)

    # Main loop.
    for j in xrange(n):
        # Row and column swapping, find the index > j of the largest
        # diagonal element.
        q = j
        for i in xrange(j+1, n):
            if abs(a[i, i]) >= abs(a[q, q]):
                q = i

        # Interchange row and column j and q (if j != q).
        if q != j:
            # Temporary permutation matrix for swaping 2 rows or columns.
            p = np.eye(n, dtype=float)

            # Modify the permutation matrix P by swaping columns.
            row_P = 1.0*P[:, q]
            P[:, q] = P[:, j]
            P[:, j] = row_P

            # Modify the permutation matrix p by swaping rows (same as
            # columns because p = pT).
            row_p = 1.0*p[q]
            p[q] = p[j]
            p[j] = row_p

            # Permute a and r (p = pT).
            a =,, p))
            r =, p)

        # Calculate dj.
        theta_j = 0.0
        if j < n-1:
            for i in xrange(j+1, n):
                theta_j = max(theta_j, abs(a[j, i]))
        dj = max(abs(a[j, j]), (theta_j/beta)**2, delta)

        # Calculate e (not really needed!).
        e[j] = dj - a[j, j]

        # Calculate row j of r and update a.
        r[j, j] = np.sqrt(dj)     # Damned sqrt introduces roundoff error.
        for i in xrange(j+1, n):
            r[j, i] = a[j, i] / r[j, j]
            for k in xrange(j+1, i+1):
                a[i, k] = a[k, i] = a[k, i] - r[j, i] * r[j, k]     # Keep matrix a symmetric.

    # The Cholesky factor of A.
    return P, r.T, e

[docs]def gmchol(A, test=False): """Return `(L, e)`: the Gill-Murray generalized Cholesky decomposition of `M = A + diag(e) = dot(L, L.T)` where 1) `M` is safely symmetric positive definite (SPD) and well conditioned. 2) `e` is small (zero if `A` is already SPD and not much larger than the most negative eigenvalue of `A`) .. math:: \mat{A} + \diag{e} = \mat{L}\mat{L}^{T} Parameters ---------- A : array Must be a non-singular and symmetric matrix test : bool If `True`, use the directly translated iterative code for testing. Returns ------- L : 2d array Lower triangular Cholesky factor. e : 1d array Diagonals of correction matrix `E`. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(3) >>> A = np.random.rand(100,100)*2 - 1 >>> A = A + A.T >>> L, e = gmchol(A, test=True) >>> np.allclose(,L.T), (A + np.diag(e))) True >>> -e.max()/np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min() < 1000 True >>> A2 = np.array([[-0.451, -0.041, 0.124], ... [-0.041, -0.265, 0.061], ... [ 0.124, 0.061, -0.517]]) >>> L, e = gmchol(A2, test=True) >>> e.max()/np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min() Notes ----- Translated from the following Gauss code of J. Gill:: \****************************************************************/ \* This is the Gill/Murray cholesky routine. Reference: */ \* */ \* Gill, Jeff and Gary King. ``What to do When Your Hessian */ \* is Not Invertible: Alternatives to Model Respecification */ \* in Nonlinear Estimation,'' Sociological Methods and */ \* Research, Vol. 32, No. 1 (2004): Pp. 54--87. */ \* */ \* Abstract */ \* */ \* What should a researcher do when statistical analysis */ \* software terminates before completion with a message that */ \* the Hessian is not invertable? The standard textbook advice */ \* is to respecify the model, but this is another way of saying */ \* that the researcher should change the question being asked. */ \* Obviously, however, computer programs should not be in the */ \* business of deciding what questions are worthy of */ \* study. Although noninvertable Hessians are sometimes signals */ \* of poorly posed questions, nonsensical models, or */ \* inappropriate estimators, they also frequently occur when */ \* information about the quantities of interest exists in the */ \* data, through the likelihood function. We explain the */ \* problem in some detail and lay out two preliminary proposals */ \* for ways of dealing with noninvertable Hessians without */ \* changing the question asked. */ \****************************************************************/ proc gmchol(A); /* calculates the Gill-Murray generalized choleski decomposition */ /* input matrix A must be non-singular and symmetric */ /* Author: Jeff Gill. Part of the Hessian Project. */ local i,j,k,n,sum,R,theta_j,norm_A,phi_j,delta,xi_j,gamm,E,beta_j; n = rows(A); R = eye(n); E = zeros(n,n); norm_A = maxc(sumc(abs(A))); gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); delta = maxc(maxc(__macheps*norm_A~__macheps)); for j (1, n, 1); theta_j = 0; for i (1, n, 1); sum = 0; for k (1, (i-1), 1); sum = sum + R[k,i]*R[k,j]; endfor; R[i,j] = (A[i,j] - sum)/R[i,i]; if (A[i,j] -sum) > theta_j; theta_j = A[i,j] - sum; endif; if i > j; R[i,j] = 0; endif; endfor; sum = 0; for k (1, (j-1), 1); sum = sum + R[k,j]^2; endfor; phi_j = A[j,j] - sum; if (j+1) <= n; xi_j = maxc(abs(A[(j+1):n,j])); else; xi_j = maxc(abs(A[n,j])); endif; beta_j = sqrt(maxc(maxc(gamm~(xi_j/n)~__macheps))); if delta >= maxc(abs(phi_j)~((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2))); E[j,j] = delta - phi_j; elseif abs(phi_j) >= maxc(((delta^2)/(beta_j^2))~delta); E[j,j] = abs(phi_j) - phi_j; elseif ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) >= maxc(delta~abs(phi_j)); E[j,j] = ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) - phi_j; endif; R[j,j] = sqrt(A[j,j] - sum + E[j,j]); endfor; retp(R'R); endp; """ if not test: A = np.ascontiguousarray(A, dtype='d') n = A.shape[0] L = np.eye(n, dtype='d') e = np.zeros(n, dtype='d') norm_A = float(np.linalg.norm(A, np.inf)) gamm = float(np.linalg.norm(A.diagonal(), np.inf)) delta = float(_EPS*max(1, norm_A)) code = r""" int i, j, k; double sum, tmp, theta_j2, phi_j, xi_j, beta_j2; for (j=0;j<n;++j) { theta_j2 = 0; for (i=0;i<n;++i) { sum = 0; for (k=0;k<i;++k){ sum += L2(i,k)*L2(j,k); } if (i <= j) { L2(j,i) = (A2(i,j) - sum)/L2(i,i); } theta_j2 = std::max(theta_j2, A2(i,j) - sum); } theta_j2 *= theta_j2; sum = 0; for (k=0;k<j;++k) { sum += L2(j,k)*L2(j,k); } phi_j = A2(j,j) - sum; if (j + 1 < n) { xi_j = 0; for (k=j+1;k<n;++k) { xi_j = std::max(tmp, fabs(A2(k,j))); } } else { xi_j = fabs(A2(n-1,j)); } beta_j2 = xi_j/n; beta_j2 = (beta_j2 < gamm)?gamm:beta_j2; beta_j2 = (beta_j2 < %(eps)d)?%(eps)d:beta_j2; if (delta >= std::max(fabs(phi_j), theta_j2/beta_j2)) { e[j] = delta - phi_j; } else if (fabs(phi_j) >= std::max(delta, delta*delta/beta_j2)) { e[j] = fabs(phi_j) - phi_j; } else if (std::max(delta, fabs(phi_j)) < theta_j2/beta_j2) { e[j] = theta_j2/beta_j2 - phi_j; } L2(j,j) = sqrt(A2(j,j) - sum + e[j]); } """ % dict(eps=_EPS) local_dict = dict(L=L, n=n, e=e, A=A, norm_A=norm_A, gamm=gamm, delta=delta) headers = ['<math.h>', '<algorithm>'] sp.weave.inline(code, local_dict.keys(), local_dict=local_dict, headers=headers) return (L, e) # local i,j,k,n,sum,R,theta_j,norm_A,phi_j,delta,xi_j,gamm,E,beta_j; n = A.shape[0] # n = rows(A); R = np.eye(n,dtype=float) # R = eye(n); e = np.zeros(n, dtype=float) # E = zeros(n,n); norm_A = abs(A).sum(axis=0).max() # norm_A = maxc(sumc(abs(A))); gamm = abs(A.diagonal()).max() # gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); delta = _EPS*max(1, norm_A) # delta = maxc(maxc(__macheps*norm_A~__macheps)); for j in xrange(n): # for j (1, n, 1); theta_j = 0 # theta_j = 0; for i in xrange(n): # for i (1, n, 1); sum_ = 0 # sum = 0; for k in xrange(i): # for k (1, (i-1), 1); sum_ += R[k,i]*R[k,j] # sum = sum + R[k,i]*R[k,j]; # endfor; R[i,j] = (A[i,j] - sum_)/R[i,i] # R[i,j] = (A[i,j] - sum)/R[i,i]; theta_j = max(theta_j, # if (A[i,j] -sum) > theta_j; A[i,j] - sum_) # theta_j = A[i,j] - sum; # endif; if i > j: # if i > j; R[i,j] = 0 # R[i,j] = 0; # endif; # endfor; sum_ = 0 # sum = 0; for k in xrange(j): # for k (1, (j-1), 1); sum_ += R[k,j]**2 # sum = sum + R[k,j]^2; # endfor; phi_j = A[j,j] - sum_ # phi_j = A[j,j] - sum; if j+1 < n: # if (j+1) <= n; xi_j = abs(A[j+1:,j]).max() # xi_j = maxc(abs(A[(j+1):n,j])); else: # else; xi_j = abs(A[-1,j]) # xi_j = maxc(abs(A[n,j])); # endif; beta_j = np.sqrt(max(gamm, # beta_j = sqrt(maxc(maxc(gamm~(xi_j/n)~__macheps))); xi_j/n, _EPS)) if delta >= max(abs(phi_j), # if delta >= maxc(abs(phi_j)~((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2))); (theta_j/beta_j)**2): e[j] = delta - phi_j # E[j,j] = delta - phi_j; elif abs(phi_j) >= max(delta, # elseif abs(phi_j) >= maxc(((delta^2)/(beta_j^2))~delta); (delta/beta_j)**2): e[j] = abs(phi_j) - phi_j # E[j,j] = abs(phi_j) - phi_j; elif (max(delta, abs(phi_j)) < # elseif ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) >= maxc(delta~abs(phi_j)); (theta_j/beta_j)**2): e[j] = ((theta_j/beta_j)**2 - phi_j) # E[j,j] = ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) - phi_j; # endif; R[j,j] = np.sqrt(A[j,j] # R[j,j] = sqrt(A[j,j] - sum + E[j,j]); - sum_ + e[j]) # endfor; return (R.T, e) # retp(R'R);
[docs]def colmod(A): """Modified Cholesky factorization `R = cholmod(A)` returns the upper Cholesky factor of `A` (same as `chol`) if `A` is (sufficiently) positive definite, and otherwise returns a modified factor `R` with diagonal entries `>= sqrt(delta)` and offdiagonal entries `<= beta` in absolute value, where `delta` and `beta` are defined in terms of size of diagonal and offdiagonal entries of A and the machine precision; see below. The idea is to ensure that `E = A - R'*R` is reasonably small if `A` is not too far from being indefinite. If `A` is sparse, so is `R. The output parameter indef is set to 0 if `A` is sufficiently positive definite and to 1 if the factorization is modified. The point of modified Cholesky is to avoid computing eigenvalues, but for dense matrices, MODCHOL takes longer than calling the built-in EIG, because of the cost of interpreting the code, even though it only has one loop and uses vector operations. reference: Nocedal and Wright, Algorithm 3.4 and subsequent discussion (not Algorithm 3.5, which is more complicated) original algorithm is due to Gill and Murray, 1974 written by M. Overton,, last modified Feb 2005 convenient to work with A = LDL' where D is diagonal, L is unit lower triangular, and so R = (LD^(1/2))' Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(3) >>> A = np.random.rand(100,100)*2-1 >>> A = A + A.T >>> L, e = colmod(A) >>> np.allclose(, L.T) - np.diag(e), A) True >>> 0 < np.linalg.eigvalsh(A + np.diag(e)).min() True >>> -e.max()/np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min() < 1000 True Notes ----- This is based on the following MATLAB code from Michael L. Overton: :: function [R, indef, E] = cholmod(A) if sum(sum(abs(A-A'))) > 0 error('A is not symmetric') end % set parameters governing bounds on L and D (eps is machine epsilon) n = length(A); diagA = diag(A); gamma = max(abs(diagA)); % max diagonal entry xi = max(max(abs(A - diag(diagA)))); % max offidagonal entry delta = eps*(max([gamma+xi, 1])); beta = sqrt(max([gamma, xi/n, eps])); indef = 0; % initialize d and L d = zeros(n,1); if issparse(A) L = speye(n); % sparse identity else L = eye(n); end % there are no inner for loops, everything implemented with % vector operations for a reasonable level of efficiency for j = 1:n K = 1:j-1; % column index: all columns to left of diagonal % d(K) doesn't work in case K is empty djtemp = A(j,j) - L(j,K)*(d(K,1).*L(j,K)'); % C(j,j) in book if j < n I = j+1:n; % row index: all rows below diagonal Ccol = A(I,j) - L(I,K)*(d(K,1).*L(j,K)'); % C(I,j) in book theta = max(abs(Ccol)); % guarantees d(j) not too small and L(I,j) not too big % in sufficiently positive definite case, d(j) = djtemp d(j) = max([abs(djtemp), (theta/beta)^2, delta]); L(I,j) = Ccol/d(j); else d(j) = max([abs(djtemp), delta]); end if d(j) > djtemp % A was not sufficiently positive definite indef = 1; end end % convert to usual output format: replace L by L*sqrt(D) and transpose for j=1:n L(:,j) = L(:,j)*sqrt(d(j)); % L = L*diag(sqrt(d)) bad in sparse case end; R = L'; if nargout == 3 E = A - R'*R; end """ assert np.allclose(A, A.T) n = A.shape[0] A_diag = A.diagonal() gamma = abs(A_diag).max() xi = abs(A - np.diag(A_diag)).max() # max offidagonal entry delta = _EPS*max(gamma + xi, 1) beta = np.sqrt(max(gamma, xi/n, _EPS)) indef = 0 # initialize d and L d = np.zeros(n, dtype=float) if sp.sparse.issparse(A): L = sp.sparse.issparse(*A.shape) else: L = np.eye(n); # there are no inner for loops, everything implemented with # vector operations for a reasonable level of efficiency for j in xrange(n): if j == 0: K = [] # column index: all columns to left of diagonal # d(K) doesn't work in case K is empty else: K = np.s_[:j] djtemp = A[j, j] -[j, K], d[K]*L[j,K].T) # C(j,j) in book if j < n - 1: I = np.s_[j+1:n] # row index: all rows below diagonal Ccol = A[I,j] -[I,K], d[K]*L[j,K].T) # C(I,j) in book theta = abs(Ccol).max() # guarantees d(j) not too small and L(I,j) not too big # in sufficiently positive definite case, d(j) = djtemp d[j] = max(abs(djtemp), (theta/beta)**2, delta) L[I,j] = Ccol/d[j] else: d[j] = max(abs(djtemp), delta) if d[j] > djtemp: # A was not sufficiently positive definite indef = True # convert to usual output format: replace L by L*sqrt(D) and transpose for j in xrange(n): L[:,j] = L[:,j]*np.sqrt(d[j]) # L = L*diag(sqrt(d)) bad in sparse case e = (, L.T) - A).diagonal() return L, e
[docs]def mchol2(A): """ Based on the `MATLAB code <>`_ by Brian Borchers and Michael Zibulevsky:: % % [L,D,E,pneg]=mchol2(G) % % Given a symmetric matrix G, find a matrix E of "small" norm and c % L, and D such that G+E is Positive Definite, and % % G+E = L*D*L' % % Also, calculate a direction pneg, such that if G is not PSD, then % % pneg'*G*pneg < 0 % % Reference: Gill, Murray, and Wright, "Practical Optimization", p111. % Author: Brian Borchers ( % Modification: Michael Zibulevsky ( % function [L,D,E,pneg]=mcholmz3(G) % % n gives the size of the matrix. % n=size(G,1); % % gamma, zi, nu, and beta2 are quantities used by the algorithm. % gamma=max(diag(G)); zi=max(max(G-diag(diag(G)))); nu=max([1,sqrt(n^2-1)]); beta2=max([gamma, zi/nu, 1.0E-15]); C=diag(diag(G)); L=zeros(n); D=zeros(n,1); % use vestors as diagonal matrices E=zeros(n,1); %%****************** ************** % % Loop through, calculating column j of L for j=1:n % for j=1:n, bb=[1:j-1]; ee=[j+1:n]; if (j > 1), L(j,bb)=C(j,bb)./D(bb)'; % Calculate the jth row of L. end; if (j >= 2) if (j < n), C(ee,j)=G(ee,j)- C(ee,bb)*L(j,bb)'; % Update the jth column of C. end; else C(ee,j)=G(ee,j); end; %%%% Update theta. if (j == n) theta(j)=0; else theta(j)=max(abs(C(ee,j))); end; %%%%% Update D D(j)=max([eps,abs(C(j,j)),theta(j)^2/beta2]'); %%%%%% Update E. E(j)=D(j)-C(j,j); %%%%%%% Update C again... %for i=j+1:n, % C(i,i)=C(i,i)-C(i,j)^2/D(j,j); %end; ind=[j*(n+1)+1 : n+1 : n*n]'; C(ind)=C(ind)-(1/D(j))*C(ee,j).^2; end; % % Put 1's on the diagonal of L % %for j=1:n, % L(j,j)=1; %end; ind=[1 : n+1 : n*n]'; L(ind)=1; % % if needed, finded a descent direction. % if (nargout == 4) [m,col]=min(diag(C)); rhs=zeros(n,1); rhs(col)=1; pneg=L'\rhs; end; return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Test %%%%%%%%%%%%% n=3; G=rand(n);G=G+G';eigG=eig(G), [L,D,E,pneg]=mchol(G) [L1,D1,E1,pneg1]=mcholmz1(G); LL=L-L1, DD=D-D1, EE=E-E1, pp=pneg-pneg1 n=3; G=rand(n);G=G+G';eigG=eig(G), [L,D,E,pneg]=mchol(G) [L2,D2,E2,pneg2]=mcholmz2(G); LL=L-L2, DD=D-diag(D2), EE=E-diag(E2), pp=pneg-pneg2 """