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School of Oceanography Ocean 420, Winter 2006
Physical Processes in the Ocean

Instructor: LuAnne Thompson
Email: luanne@u.washington.edu

Office: Ocean Sciences Building 317
Office Hours: After Class and By appointment
Telephone: 543 9965

January 11 2007, 2:22 PM
Make up lab for 1/11

Rebecca's office hours will be in the SAL lab on tuesdays at 1:30. For those of you that missed class on 1/11, go to Rebecca's office hours to make up the class. The problem set is on the web site in the assignments section.

Mid term solutions

OSB 425 Monday-Web 10:30-11:20, Thurs 10:30-11:20 OSB 111

TA: Rebecca Zanzig

e-mail: zanzig@ocean.washington.edu

Telephone: 281-6736

Office: OSB 347A

Office hours: 1:30-2:30 tuesdays in the SAL lab,
after class Wednesdays and by appointment

In this course we will build on what you have learned in Ocean 210 to develop a more quantitative physical understanding of oceanic processes. We will review the basic steady state physical balances in the ocean, and investigate how mixing and flow can induced changes in water properties. We will then move onto time dependent motions, waves and tides as well as a review of the physical oceanography of Puget Sound.