PhD’s chaired:
Elizabeth Shoffner (ongoing)
Yolanda Valencia (ongoing)
Austin Crane (ongoing)
Kristy Copeland (ongoing)
Magie Ramírez (2017) Decolonial Ruptures of the City. Art, Activism and Racialized Dispossession in Oakland
Mónica Farías (2016) Transformative Political Spaces? Asambleas Populares, Identity, Alliances and Belonging in Buenos Aires
Amy Piedalue (2015) Geographies of Peace & Violence: Marginalized Communities, Peace-building, and Response to Domestic Violence
Rebecca Burnett (2013) From Safety Net to Tightrope: New Landscapes of Welfare in the US
Dena Aufseeser (2012) “Managing” Poverty: Care and Control in the Everyday Lives of Peruvian Street Children
Juan Pablo Galvis (2011) Managing the Living City: Public Space and Development in Bogota
Dominic Corva (2010) The Geo-politics of Narco-Governance in the Americas: A Political Economy Approach.
Maureen Hickey (2010) Driving Globalization: Bangkok Taxi Drivers and the Restructuring of Work and Masculinity in Thailand.
Anne Bonds (2008) Placing the Prison: The politics of prisons, poverty, and neoliberal restructuring in the rural American Northwest.
Amy Freeman (2004) Contingent Modernity: Moroccan women’s narratives in “post” colonial perspectives.
Sarah Wright (2004) Harvesting knowledge: A study of the contested terrain of intellectual property rights in the Philippines.
Clare Newstead (2004) (Dis)entangling the politics of regional possibility in the post-colonial Caribbean.
Kim Van Eyck (2002) Neoliberation and democracy? The gendered restructuring of work, unions and the Colombian public sphere.
Wonho Lee (2000) Industrial reform, ownership structure and labor market segmentation: understanding a changing inequality in the post-reform China.
Lise Nelson (2000) Remaking gender and citizenship in a Mexican indigenous community.
Rachel Silvey (1997) Placing the migrant: Gender, Identity, and the Development in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Linda Becker (1997) Invisible Threads. Skill and the Discursive Marginalization of the Garment Industry’s Workforce.
James Bell (1996) A place for community? Urban social movements and the struggle over the space of the public in Moscow.
Patricia Price (1996) Crafting meaning from economic chaos: Low-income urban women and neoliberal reform in Mexico.
Suzanne Teltscher (1992) Informal Trading in Quito, Ecuador: Economic Integration, Internal Diversity, and Life Chances.
MA’s chaired:
Estelle Broyer (ongoing)
Meredith Krueger (2015) Care and Capitalist Crisis in Anglophone Digital Landscapes: The Case of the Mompreneur
Yolanda Valencia (2014) Leyes Crueles – Lugares Violentos: Mexican Women’s Testimonios Along the Migration Journey’
Natalie White (2012) Who is Transnational? Considering Ideologies of Return in Guatamalan Origin Communities.
Mónica Farías (2011) Embodying Economic “Crisis”: Argentina’s Middle Classes and the Cultural Politics of Difference.
Magie Ramírez (2011) Food as an engine: race, privilege and the transformative potential of food justice work in Seattle.
Amy Piedalue (2010) Solving Violence Through Development: India’s National Family Health Survey-3 and the Framing of Domestic Violence.
Heather Rule Day (2007) Competing visions for the hemisphere: the role of the Hemisphere Social Alliance in constructing alternatives to the FTAA.
Juan Pablo Galvis (2007) The state and the construction of territorial marginality: The case of the 1961 land reform in Colombia.
Rebecca Burnett (2007) Relocating the welfare mother: Neoliberal discourses on women in the culture of poverty.
Maureen Hickey (2002) On “The Beach”. Travelers’ dreams, Hollywood magic, and development dilemmas in Southern Thailand.
Colleen Donovan (2001) Negotiating protest and practice: Development, rural livelihoods, and the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST).
Linda Wasson (2001) Exploring discursive constructions of contemporary Vietnam in the context of tourism and economic development.
Sarah Hilbert (1995) Revitalization of identity and place: The Zapatista Rebellion and the challenge to Mexican nationalism.
Brigit Baur (1995) Pronasol: Decentralization and Democratization of Development.
Elizabeth Lobb (1994)
Rachel Silvey (1993) Changing Migration Patterns of Women in Java: A Multiscale Analysis.
Dion Mathewson (1993) The Impacts of Economic Restructuing on Woman-Headed Households, 1980-1990: Connections Between Employment and Housing.
Chuck Vavrus (1992) The Intersection of Class and Ethnicity: Land Tenure and Indian Community in Colonial Oaxaca, 1519-1821.
Alan Forsberg (1992) The Cocaine Trade: Exploitation and Social Change Amongst the Bolivian Peasantry.
Sam Shaw (1991) Infrastructure, Development and the Mexican Border: A New Synthesis.
Tim Oakes (1991) The Spatial Constitution of Ethnicity and Tourism in Southwest China: An Appeal for a Theoretically Rejuventated Cultural Geography.
Patricia Chalita Price (1990) Meditacion en el Umbral (Meditation on the Brink): The Woman-Headed Household in Urban Latin America as Possibility and Constraint.
Annie Faulkner (1988) Development, Women’s Status, and the Nature of Work: The Incorporation and Marginalization of Women In the Ecuadorian Economy, 1974 to 1982.