Urbanization impacts nearby rural and wildland settings (known as periurban landscapes). In Japan, agricultural fields, coastal areas, and other notable landscapes are in close proximity to high-density urban areas, so public perceptions are important. In some areas there is a revival of traditional land management practices; coppice forests and rice fields are key features. ‘Satoyama’ is the term for interdependent management of terraced rice paddies in valleys and adjacent forested slopes.
都市化は、農村や自然地域に影響を与えます(郊外の景観として知られているように)。日本では、農地、海岸やその他の特徴ある景観が、高密度な都市地域に互いに近接して混在しています。なので、市民の意識は重要です。そのため、伝統的な土地利用の実践が再興されてきています。それらの土地の特性としては、落葉広葉樹林や水田となっています。「里山」は、谷部の棚田と隣接の樹林が相互利用管理している地域を表す用語です。 |
The list below highlights recent ALPHA faculty publications. Each citation has an English abstract link (pdf).
Characteristic of People’s Awareness of Pasture Viewed from the Perspective of Rural Landscape Preservation. Yamamoto, S., Hasegawa, N., Fujihara, M., & Iwasaki, Y. Landscape Research Japan, (2006) 69 (5): 695. pdf
Study on Evaluation of Coppice Landscape Depend on Healthiness of Plants. Yamamoto, S., Shin, Y., & Takeda, N. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture, (2004) Int. Ed. 2: 192. pdf
The Study of Visual Recognition for Terraced Rice Paddy Field Using the Eye Movement Analysis System. Yamamoto, S., & Maenaka, H. Landscape Research Japan, (2003) 66, 5: 675. pdf
Satoyama and Fire Prevention. Saito, Y., Iwakawa, N., & Nakamura, K. Landscape Research Japan, (2003) 66 (3): 4 pdf
Comparative Study on the Use and Characteristics of a Coastal Area in Japan, Korea, and China. Bae, H. M., Saito, Y., & Shen, Y. Landscape Research Japan, (2003) Int’l Ed No. 2: 73. pdf
Components of Notable Landscape on Awaji Island and a Comparison of Landscape Formations in Japan, China, and Korea. Shen, Y., Saito, Y., & Bae, H., Landscape Research Japan, (2003) Int’l Ed No. 2: 79. pdf