Lindah Kotut's headshot

Lindah Kotut

Assistant Professor
Information School
University of Washington

Office: Mary Gates Hall 015
Campus Box: 352840
Phone: (206) 221-6128




  • Griot-Style Methodology: Longitudinal Study of Navigating Design With Unwritten Stories.
    Lindah Kotut, Neelma Bhatti, Taha Hassan, Derek Haqq and Morva Saaty
    ACM CHI 2024 | pdf | doi

  • "Things on the Ground are Different": Utility, Survival and Ethics in Multi-Device Ownership and Smartphone Sharing Contexts.
    Lindah Kotut and Hummd Alikhan.
    ACM CHI 2024 | pdf | doi

  • Begone, Orthot: A Near-Future Exploration of Bodily Autonomy.
    Hummd Alikhan and Lindah Kotut
    ACM CHI 2024 | pdf | doi


  • TL;DR Charter: Speculatively Demystifying Privacy Policy Documents and Terms Agreements.
    Lindah Kotut and D. Scott McCrickard.
    ACM GROUP 2022/2023. | pdf | doi | Best Paper, Honorable Mention Award


  • The Long Way Home: News Values in Stories Told by Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers on Social Media
    Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, and D. Scott McCrickard.
    ACM CSCW 2022 | pdf | doi

  • Winds of Change: Seeking, Preserving, and Retelling Indigenous Knowledge Through Self-Organized Online Communities
    Lindah Kotut and D. Scott McCrickard.
    ACM CHI 2022 | pdf | doi | Best Paper, Honorable Mention Award


  • Amplifying the Griot: Technology for Preserving, Retelling, and Supporting Underrepresented Stories
    Dissertation Commitee: Dr. D. Scott McCrickard (Chair), Dr. Naren Ramakrishnan, Dr. Michael Horning, Dr. Tanu Mitra and Dr. Norm Su
    link | pdf | Outstanding STEM Dissertation Award

  • Parenting, Studying And Working At Home In A Foreign Country: How International Student Mothers In The US Use Screen Media For And With Their Young Children.
    Neelma Bhatti, Lindah Kotut, Derek Haqq, Timothy L Stelter, Morva Saaty, D. Scott McCrickard, and Aisling Kelliher.
    CSCW 2021 PACM-HCI | pdf | doi

  • Trail as Heritage: Safeguarding Location-Specific and Transient Indigenous Knowledge.
    Lindah Kotut and D. Scott McCrickard.
    ACM AfriCHI 2021 | pdf | doi

  • Supporting Child-Group Interactions with Hands-off Museum Exhibit.
    Lindah Kotut, Ann Hoang, Havisha Panda, Jennifer Shenk, Phyllis Newbill, Derek Kellogg and D. Scott McCrickard.
    IJCCI Journal 2021 | pdf | doi


  • Opportunities in Conflict on the Trail (Book Chapter)
    Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, and D. Scott McCrickard.
    HCI Outdoors: Theory, Design, Methods and Applications | doi | pdf

  • Smartwatch-Centered Design and Development in Mobile Computing Classes.
    Andrey Esakia, Lindah Kotut. FIE 2020 | doi

  • Preparing for the Unexpected: Community Framework for Social Media Use and Social Support by Trail Thru-Hikers.
    Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Timothy L. Stelter and D. Scott McCrickard.
    ACM CHI 2020 | pdf | doi

  • Clash of Times: Respectful Technology Space for Integrating Community Stories in Intangible Exhibits.
    Lindah Kotut, Neelma Bhatti, Morva Saaty, Derek Haqq, Timothy L. Stelter and D. Scott McCrickard.
    ACM CHI 2020 | pdf | doi

  • Amplifying the Griot: Design Fiction for Development as an Inclusivity Lens.
    Lindah Kotut and D. Scott McCrickard.
    CHI 2020 Design Fictions Workshop | pdf

  • Using Stories to Understand Technology Needs and Technology Reuse by Rural Communities.
    Lindah Kotut.
    ACM GROUP 2020 | pdf | doi | Best Poster Award

  • All Things Considered: Stories as Signals and Guides to Understand and Design for Unmet Needs.
    Lindah Kotut.
    CRA-URMD 2020 | Poster

  • Willing Buyer, Willing Seller: Personal Data Trade as a Service.
    Lindah Kotut, Timothy L. Stelter, Michael Horning and D. Scott McCrickard.
    ACM GROUP 2020 | pdf | doi | Slides | Speaker Notes

  • Investigating Paradigms of Group Territory in Multiple Display Environments.
    Shuo Niu, D. Scott McCrickard, Julia Nguyen, Derek Haqq, Lindah Kotut, Timothy L. Stelter, and Edward A. Fox.
    ACM GROUP 2020 | pdf | doi


  • Designing for Playful Interactions at a Hands-off Evolving Exhibit.
    Lindah Kotut and D. Scott McCrickard.
    CRA-URMD 2019 | Poster


  • Technology at the Museum: The Missing Voice.
    Lindah Kotut, Ann Hoang, Jennifer Shenk, Havisha Panda and D. Scott McCrickard.
    AFRICHI 2018 | pdf | doi

  • Tensions on Trails: Understanding Differences between Group and Community Needs in Outdoor Settings.
    Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Derek Haqq, Shuo Niu, Timothy Stelter and D. Scott McCrickard.
    CSCW 2018 Rural Computing Workshop | pdf

  • Privacy Preserving Smart Meter Data.
    Swapna Thorve, Lindah Kotut, Mary Semaan.
    UrbComp 2018 | pdf | Paper | DAC Article

  • Opportunity in Conflict: Understanding Tension Among Key Groups on the Trail.
    Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Steve Harrison, Scott McCrickard.
    CHI 2018 HCI Outdoors Workshop | pdf

  • Who's On the Trail: Identifying Trail Uses with Affinity Diagrams.
    Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Scott McCrickard.
    ACM GROUP 2018 Technology on the Trail Workshop | pdf


  • Survey of Cyber Security Challenges and Solutions in Smart Grids.
    Lindah Kotut, Luay A. Wahsheh.
    Cybersecurity Symposium (CYBERSEC) 2016 | pdf | doi

  • Trust But Verify: Towards Assessing Permission Risk And Effective Presentation Of Evaluations To The End User
    Thesis Commitee: Dr. Luay A. Wahsheh (Chair), Dr. Jonathan Graham and Dr. Felicia Doswell