Discussion Board
If you have used a web browser, using the class discussion forum shouldn't
present a problem. Follow the instructions below to use the board. For
additional instructions, see Catalyst's GoPost
Help Center.
Accessing Posting Areas
This year, English 345 will participate in the Canvas courseware pilot
study. If you've used Catalyst tools, you should have no problems using
Canvas. Follow the instructions below to use Canvas's posting board:
- Go to the posting
- You will come to a login window. Log in with your UW Net ID and
password (the same name and password you use to access UW email).
If you don't have a UW Net ID, you can set
one up online.
- The board is organized into separate discussion areas, with the
current posting area at the top of the screen. Click on a folder title
to access any area.
Reading and Posting Messages
- Once you've selected a folder, you will see the posting prompts
and all currently posted responses.

- To reply to one of the prompts, scroll to the bottom of the screen
and click the Add New Entry button.
- Type your text into the box, using the bold, italics, alignment,
and list buttons to format your posting. You may also compose your
response in a word processing program and copy/paste it into the Add
New Entry box.

- To send your message click the Post Entry button.
Your message will appear at the bottom of the thread.
- To reply to one of your peer's postings, click Make Side
Comment icon at the bottom of his/her response

- If you want to edit or delete your response after posting it, use
the Edit or Delete icons next to
your posting.

Adding a Personal Icon to Your Postings
- Select the Profile option from any page on Canvas.
- On the profile details page, click the blank box next to your name.
- In the dialogue box that appears, click Upload image.
Browse your hard drive to locate and open the image.

- Choose Add File to upload your image.
- Click on your image in the thumbnail gallery and click the Select
Image button.
- Your avatar should now appear next to your name.