Portfolio Quick Links


Course Information

Screen Shot from Bride of Frankenstein

Instructor: K. Gillis-Bridges
Class: MW, 12:30-1:50 p.m.
Rooms: Mary Gates 082A/082
Office: Padelford A-105
Hours: MW 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Phone/Voice: 206.543.4892
Email: kgb@u

Portfolio and Reflective Essay


During finals week, you will turn in a portfolio of selected writing and a reflective essay evaluating the work you’ve done over the quarter and the progress you’ve made as a critical writer. Remember the goals of English 197:

The portfolio may also include a revision of one of your essays; if you choose this option, the grade for the revision will replace your original assignment grade. You will submit your portfolio and reflective essay electronically via Collect It.

Length and Due Date

Length: 2-3 pages, formatted as described in the “Essays” portion of the syllabus
Due: Wednesday, December 10, by 10:00 p.m. via Collect It.


Guidelines for Portfolio Selections

For your portfolio, you will select from your essays, homework and electronic responses, and peer critiques. The portfolio must include the following items:

  1. A writing assignment that you improved significantly from first draft to final version. Include both the first and final drafts in the portfolio.
  2. Two shorter assignments that best reflect your strengths as a critical thinker and/or writer. These can be homework assignments, electronic responses, and/or peer reviews.
  3. An optional, substantial revision of one or your essays. If you revise an essay, include the graded draft as well as the revision in the portfolio. “Substantial revision” means more than just changing a few sentences and correcting mechanical errors; rather, you must expand critical analysis, restructure ideas, and strengthen the overall argument.
  4. Graded drafts of all other essay assignments.


Guidelines for the Reflective Essay

Your reflective essay will explain how your portfolio selections illustrate your development as an analytical thinker and writer in cinema studies. Consider the portfolio an opportunity to gain a critical understanding of yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker by examining your writing and writing process. Reflective essays should contain the following elements:



I will grade your portfolio and reflective essay on a 40-point scale:

I will use the following grading criteria to evaluate the portfolio and reflective essay:

Late portfolios will receive a 10-point deduction per day late, including weekends and holidays. I will make exceptions to the lateness policy only in cases of documented illness or family emergency. Please remember that technology glitches do not constitute valid excuses for lateness.
