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Here are some older pictures of cool places and cool people . . . Click on any thumbnail to get a better view.

[Snowking Photo] Moonlight over Snowking Mountain.

[Mykids Photo] A couple of young kids!

[Eldorado Photo] The classic whaleback atop Eldorado Mountain.

[Rob Photo] We're going where??!

[Glacier Photo] Hamming it up on one of my favorite volcanoes.

[Alex Photo] Alexandra at one of our favorite -- and secret -- spots.

[Tesha3 Photo] Speaking of hamming it up! Here's . . . . Tesha!

[Alex2 Photo] There are wild creatures out there in the woods...

[Tesha Photo]Tesha lying down on the hike. She's resting up to carry my pack.

[Stuart Photo] Speaking of lying down . . . my climbing partners sleeping on the job.

[Alex Photo] Alex with Sherman the dog near Glacier Basin in the Monte Cristo area.

[Mt. Tomyhoi Photo] Here's me on Mt. Tomyhoi, close to the Canadian border, with Mt. Shuksan in the background. Normally a walk, late spring snow and our own bungling made this an interesting climb.

[Mt. Baker View Photo] Peering at Mt. Baker from the crest of the glacier on Tomyhoi's north side.

Jonathan M. Karpoff
Web -- http://www.pscs.org/~jon