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Here are some older pictures of cool places and cool people . . . Click on any thumbnail to get a better view.
Moonlight over Snowking Mountain.
A couple of young kids!
The classic whaleback atop Eldorado Mountain.
We're going where??!
Hamming it up on one of my favorite volcanoes.
Alexandra at one of our favorite -- and secret -- spots.
Speaking of hamming it up! Here's . . . . Tesha!
There are wild creatures out there in the woods...
Tesha lying down on the hike. She's resting up to carry my pack.
Speaking of lying down . . . my climbing partners sleeping on the job.
Alex with Sherman the dog near Glacier Basin in the Monte Cristo area.
Here's me on Mt. Tomyhoi, close to the Canadian border, with Mt. Shuksan in the background. Normally a walk, late spring snow and our own bungling made this an interesting climb.
Peering at Mt. Baker from the crest of the glacier on Tomyhoi's north side.
Jonathan M. Karpoff
Web -- http://www.pscs.org/~jon