EGRL Version 12.0 Released and Downloadable (Electronic Government Reference Library)

In a ZIP file containing editions in BibTeX, RIS, EndNote™ XML, and fully packaged EndNote™ lib formats among others, we herewith make available version 12.0 (July 6, 2016) of the E-Government Reference Library (EGRL).

Version 12.0 of the EGRL now contains 8,181 references of predominantly English language, peer-reviewed work. The number of qualifying references in the library has increased by 282, or 3.6% over version 11.5 (December of 2015) and by 8.3 % over version 11.0 (July of 2015). This publication period has been another good one for e-Government-related research adding a 3-digit number (628) of new peer-reviewed academic references to the EGRL within 12 months.

The EGRL has developed into an indispensable tool for e-Gov scholars. In particular, preparing and reviewing paper submissions was reported to heavily rely on this reference library.

In order to download the library, please register (or re-register, for repeat downloads) yourself and accept the GPL license agreement. As stated above we provide the references in various editions (BibTeX, RIS, EndNote™ XML, and unpackaged EndNote™ among others). Mendeley and Zotero versions can be created based on the files we provide.

As an author or co-author please check all your own entries for completeness and correctness. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.


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