
The International Federation for Information Processing, Working Group 8.5 was established by IFIP in 1987. WG 8.5 conducts research on Information Systems in Public Administration. It organises working conferences and publishes books on the topic and its specific issues through IFIP.

The aim of WG 8.5 is to improve the quality of information systems in public administration at international, national, regional and local levels. The Working Group’s special emphasis lays on a holistic consideration of e-Government and information systems in public administration. Furthermore, it investigates the relationship between central and local use of information systems and the provision of citizen services, together with the accomplishment of social goals.


Analysis of information processing politics in public administration.
Discussion of specific applications of information systems in public administration.
Analysis of the impacts of information systems on public administration.
Application of the results of other IFIP Working Groups, and specifically of TC 8 Working Groups, to public administration.

Current Officers for the period January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017


Prof. Hans Jochen Scholl, PhD
The Information School
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-2840, USA e-mail: jscholl_AT_uw.edu


Vice Chair:

Prof. Marijn Janssen, PhD
Faculty of TechnologyPolicy and Management
Delft University of Technology
PO Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands e-mail: m.f.w.h.a.janssen_AT_tbm.tudelft.nl


Assistant Prof. Olivier Glassey, PhD
University of Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland
e-mail: olivier.glassey_AT_idheap.unil.ch

Current Members (July 1, 2016):

First Name Last Name Country
Suha AlAwadhi Kuwait
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko Finland
Karin Axelsson Sweden
Frank Bannister Ireland
K.P. Basavaraj India
Victor Bekkers The Netherlands
Lasse Berntzen Norway
Melanie Bicking Germany
Ali Z. Bigdeli United Kingdom
Francesco Bolici Italy
Antonio Candiello Italy
Jean-Loup Chappelet Switzerland
Yannis Charalabidis Greece
Wichian Chutimaskul Thailand
Laurens Cloete South Africa
Csaba Csabas Ireland
Sharon Dawes USA
Rahul De India
Gerasimos Dimitriou Greece
Yogesh Dwivedi UK
Fiorella de Cindio Italy
Annelie Ekelin Sweden
Sara Eriksén Sweden
Enrico Ferro Italy
Leif Skiftenes Flak Norway
Andreás Gábor Hungary
Fernando Galindo Spain
Ehsan Ghadiri Iran
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia Mexico
Olivier Glassey Switzerland
Christoph Glauser Switzerland
Hugo Gong New Zealand
Thomas F. Gordon Germany
Åke Grönlund Sweden
Karim Hamza The Netherlands
Meliha Handic Bosnia and Herzegovina
Helle Zinner Henriksen Denmark
Keith Horton UK
Lars Ilshammar Sweden
Zahir Irani UK
Arild Jansen Norway
Marijn Janssen The Netherlands
Marius Johannessen Sweden
Tomasz Janowski Macau
Luiz Antonio Joia Brazil
Michel Klein France
Ralf Klischewski Egypt
Trond Knudsen Norway
Sotirios Koussouris Greece
Herbert Kubicek Germany
Arezou Lakishiraz Iran
Fenareti Lampathaki Greece
Beatriz Lanza Brazil
Pilar Lasala Spain
Ronald Leenes The Netherlands
Christine Leitner Austria
Miriam Lips New Zealand
Euripides Loukis Greece
Björn Lundell Sweden
Mariusz Luterek Poland
Ann Macintosh United Kingdom
Egle Malinauskiene Lithuania
Gabriel Marcuzzo Brazil
Rony Medaglia Denmark
Ulf Melin Sweden
Gregoris Mentzas Greece
Michael E. Milakovich USA
Carl Erik Moe Norway
Francesco Molinari Italy
Diego Navarra The Netherlands
Björn Niehaves Germany
William Olle United Kingdom
Sietse Overbeek The Netherlands
Monica Palmirani Italy
Panagiotis (Panos) Panagiotopoulos UK
Theresa Pardo USA
Denis Parfenov Ireland
Rimantas Petrauskas Lithuania
Ralf Plattfaut Germany
Andriana Prentza Greece
Alexander Prosser Austria
Charles Raab United Kingdom
Nripendra P. Rana UK
Agneta Ranerup Sweden
Singara Rao Karan Australia
Peter Reichstädter Austria
Andrea Resca Italy
Reinhard Riedl Switzerland
Nicolau Reinhard Brazil
Boriana Rukanova The Netherlands
Ahti Saarenpää Finland
Øystein Saebo Norway
Marius C. Silaghi USA
Hans Jochen Scholl USA
Maung K. Sein Norway
Ignace Snellen The Netherlands
Henk G. Sol The Netherlands
Maddalena Sorrentino Italy
Witold Staniszkis Poland
Themis Tambouris Greece
Yao-Hua Tan The Netherlands
A Min Tjoa Austria
Ljupco Todorowksi Slovenia
Roland Traunmüller Austria
Tom M. van Engers The Netherlands
Anne Fleur van Veenstra The Netherlands
Mirko Vintar Slovenia
Francesco Virili Italy
Melanie Volkhamer Germany
Vishanth Weerakkody UK
Silke Weiß Austria
Radboud Winkels The Netherlands
Gamel Wiredu Ghana
Maria A. Wimmer Germany
Anastasiya Yurchyshyna Switzerland
Anneke Zuiderwijk The Netherlands
Bram Klievink The Netherlands
Codrin-Florentin Nisioiu Romania
Dalibor Stanimirovic Slovenia
Salim Al-Shuaili Sultanate Of Oman
Haya Almagwashi UK
Renata Araujo Brazil
Lyudmila Bershadskaya Russia
Dmitrii Trutnev Russia
Andrei V. Chugunov Russia
Emad A. Abu-Shanab Jordan
Lukasz Porwol Ireland
Ahmed Darwish Egypt
DePauli Paolo Italy
Lourenço Rui Pedro Portugal
de Liddo Anna UK
Lindgre Ida Sweden
Sushya Iryna Sweden
Sokhn Maria Switzerland
Brooks Laurence UK
Parycek Peter Austria
Solar Mauricio Chile
Brous Paul The Netherlands
Lettieri Nicola Italy
Davies Todd USA
Matheus Ricardo The Netherlands


About IFIP & Technical Committee 8


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