Sampling & Monitoring Design for Natural Resources
Natural Resource Monitoring - Designing long-term
monitoring studies for wildlife refuges in Alaska, where target
frames are often measured in millions of hectares, access
logistics can overwhelm all other considerations, natural
variability can be tremendous, and populations may be highly
mobile and/or difficult to detect, forces consideration of a
number of key aspects of the design process that often remain in
the background in more 'standard' applications. Efforts in this
realm have so far focused on importing and publicizing methods
developed in other fields, refining and developing new methods,
and continuing education, especially with regard to non-sampling
errors such as frame mismatch, etc. .
Recent or Current Projects
General Methods
- Sampling and
monitoring design for estimating soil carbon, a review of
sampling and monitoring methods and issues prepared for an
edited volume on carbon sequestration (Smith et al. 2007.
Harnessing farms and forests in the low carbon economy: how
to create, measure, and verify greenhouse gas. Duke
University Press). A general overview and synthesis of standard
sampling and monitoring designs; the final version was severely
- Design choices and variance estimators for systematic sampling in
natural resource monitoring
(R code for unreplicated univariate systematic sampling
variance estimators is available
- Sequential sampling design for patch occupancy models
- Non-sampling errors in wildlife sampling and
Monitoring Applications
- Designs and variance estimators for systematic sampling salmon
(R code for unreplicated univariate systematic sampling
variance estimators is available
- Monitoring crevice-nesting seabirds using colony surface
area as a metric
- (Longitudinal models) Trends in wintering marine birds,
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Alaska (with Mike Keim,
- (Multi-stage Mark-Recapture) Survival of Steller's eiders
staging at Izembek Lagoon, Izembek NWR (with Abran
Steele-Feldman, UW QERM)
- Double-observer distance estimation of Brown bear density
at Togiak National Wildlife Refuge 2003/4 (with Brook Russell,
Col. State Univ.)
- (Random Effects models) Effect
of wildlife viewing on brown bear attendance, O'Malley River,
Kodiak NWR (with Tony Fishbach) (3MB file)
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home page. Last Edit: 5 Dec 2007