Here are some scientific
HyperCard stacks that I
developed a few years ago.
They are freely available to
download for personal use.
(Commercial resale is not
permitted without explicit
John G. Cramer
These files are ASCII .hex files of compressed self-extracting archives (.sea). They are to be used with Hypercard 2.0 or higher operating on a Macintosh.
Click below to download.
"Sol's Neighbors" (81k) - A star catalog with 3-D mapping graphics and
properties of hypothetical Earth-like planets for all
the star systems within 16 light years of our Solar System.
Recommended for SF writers who are planning "a little trip".
"The Chemical Elements" (106k) - A periodic table of the elements
with chemical properties, some isotope data, and electron shell
structure diagrams. This stack
is intended for operation in conjunction with the Isotopes stack (below).
"Table of the Isotopes" (455k) - An isotope table compiled from data
downloaded from a DOE database in 1987, including capabilities
for transitions through radioactive decays and nuclear reactions.
This stack
is intended for operation in conjunction with the
Chemical Elements stack (above).
Stack Trio (607k) - Download all three of these stacks at once.