
Curriculum Vitae

Alien Rule and Its Discontents:
June 3-4, 2005

Recent Papers


Courses Taught

Department of Sociology,
University of Washington


Michael Hechter
Professor of
of Washington


Recent Papers

“Nationalism and Direct Rule.”  Michael Hechter, Tuna Kuyucu, and Audrey Sacks. To be published in Gerard Delanty and Krishan Kumar, eds., Handbook of Nations and Nationalism. London: Sage Publications.

“On the 2004 Presidential Election.” Michael Hechter. Dædalus 134, 2 (Spring 2005).

"Attaining Social Order in Iraq." Michael Hechter and Nika Kabiri. Revised version of a paper presented at the Conference on Order, Conflict and Violence at Yale University, April 30- May 1st, 2004, New Haven, Connecticut.

"Prediction versus Explanation in the Measurement of Values" Michael Hechter, Hyojoung Kim, and Justin Baer. European Sociological Review. Vol 21, Number 2, April 2005; pp. 91-108.

"From Class To Culture." Michael Hechter. American Journal of Sociology. Chicago: Sep 2004. Vol. 110, Iss. 2; p. 400.