Service Philosophy
I approach my interactions with colleagues, the scientific community and the institution where I work with a philosophy of leadership through service. My greatest professional satisfaction is derived from facilitating and supporting the endeavors of my colleagues, the mission of my School and University and the future of my field and discipline. My approach to service is to center my efforts and actions on the needs of others; to find out how I can facilitate or support, and insert my influence or expertise where it will provide the greatest value and serve the needs of my peers, collaborators, institution, profession and discipline. I follow this view of leadership through service in my role as Dean Emeritus of The Information School, and I follow it in the many contributions that I make to the University of Washington and to the broader academic and professional communities associated with the field of information. Please see my CV for service earlier than 2000.
Editorial Appointments
Editorial Board Member, Journal of the American Society for Information Science (1997-2008)
An international, refereed scholarly journal published 12 times per year. The journal is devoted to the various fields of documentation and information science and serves as a forum for discussion and experimentation.
University of Washington Committee Appointments
Board of Deans and Chancellors (2006-2017) Chair, 2009-10 Academic Year
Race and Equity Initiative Steering Committee (2016-17)
Chair, UW IT Service Investment Board (2014-17)
UW IT Strategy Board (member) (2014-17)
Fee-based Program Policy Review Committee (2011)
UWS/UWB/UWT IT Costing Steering Group (2010-present)
Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) Steering Committee (2009-present)
Biomedical and Health Informatics and the Graduate Program in BHI Internal Advisory Board (2009-2014)
University of Washington Press Committee (1999-2011)
Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) Academic Impact Working Group (2010)
Two Years, Two Decades (2Y2D) Interdisciplinary Focus Group (2009)
The Information Management Advisory Committee (I-MAC) (2006-2008)
Advisory Review Committee on the Dean of University Libraries, Chair (February-June 2008)
Information Technology Advisory Committee (2003-2006)
Research Advisory Board (2003-2005)
Chair, Review Committee for the Program for Educational Transformation Through Technology, PETTT (January-April 2004)
Accreditation Committee (2001-2003)
Task Force Reviewing the Reorganization within the Provost’s Office (January-March 2002)
Graduate School Council (1999-2002)
Libraries Facilities Committee (1999-2000)
National Committee Appointments and Memberships
Computing Research Association (CRA) Dean’s Group, Co-chair (2012-14)
Computing Research Associations Information Technology (CRA-IT) Deans Group (2010-12)
Workforce Issues in Library and Information Science (WILIS) Advisory Board (2008‑2011)
External review of the Information Systems Programs, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) (March 27-29, 2011
External review of the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (October 2010)
American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Taskforce on Employment (2008)
Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Statistical Advisory Board (2007-2008)
New York State Accreditation, Program Review Team, Doctor of Professional Studies in Information Science and Technology, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, Reviewer, (April 2007)
International Committee Appointments and Memberships
iCaucus Executive Committee, iSchools.org, Past Chair (2014-16)
Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Immediate Past President (2014-15)
Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), President (2013-14)
H.W. Wilson Foundation Research Grant Programme, UCD School of Information and Library Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland, Reviewer (Fall 2014)
Applications Review Committee, Lecturer in Information, UCD School of Information & Library Studies, Dublin, Ireland (May 2014)
Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), President-elect (2012-13)
iCaucus, iSchools.org, Chair (2010-2012)
Applications Review Committee, Lecturer in Information (fixed term), UCD School of Information & Library Studies, Dublin, Ireland (December 2011)
iCaucus, iSchools.org, Chair-elect (2008-2010)
iSchools Steering Committee, iSchools.org, Deans Group, Agenda Leader, (2008)
Conference Organization
iConference 2011: Co-Chair. Conference hosted by the UW Information School, held in Seattle, Washington, USA, February 7-11, 2011.
The PIM workshop2005: Co-chair, An NSF sponsored invitational workshop on Personal Information Management, Seattle, Washington, Jan 27-29, 2005
CoLIS 2005: Program Committee, The 5th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science. Glasgow, Scotland, June 6-9 2005.
ISIC 2010: Program Committee, Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) Conference held in Murcia, Spain, September 27-October 2, 2010.
ISIC 2008: Program Committee, Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) Conference held at Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania, September 17-20, 2008.
ISIC 2006: Program Committee, Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) Conference held at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, 19-21 July 2006.
ISIC 2004: Program Committee, The Fifth International Conference on Information Needs, Seeking, and Use in Different Contexts. Dublin, Ireland, September 1-3, 2004.
IDM 2003: Co-Chair and member of the program Committee, National Science Foundation Information and Data Management Workshop. Seattle, Washington, September 14-17, 2003.
ISIC 2002: Program Committee, Information Seeking In Context: The Fourth International Conference on Information Needs, Seeking, and Use in Different Contexts. Lisbon, Portugal, September 13, 2002.
CoLIS4: Program Chair, Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Emerging Frameworks and Methods. University of Washington, Seattle, July 21st-25th 2002.