
Bruce, H., The User's View of the Internet. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2002.
Bruce, H., Fidel, R., Ingwersen, P., & Vakkari, P. (Eds.). Emerging frameworks and methods: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on conceptions of library and information science (CoLIS4). Greenwood Village: Libraries Unlimited, 2002.
Applebee, A., Bruce, H., Clayton, P. Pascoe, C., and Sharpe, E. Academics Online: A nationwide quantitative study of Australian academic use of the Internet. Melbourne: Auslib Press, 1998.
Bruce, H. Internet, AARNet and academic work: A longitudinal study. Canberra: Australian Government Printing Service, 1996.
Book Chapters
Bruce, H. The PAIN Hypothesis. In Fisher, K E., Erdelez, S., & McKechnie, E. F. (Eds.). Theories of information behavior: A researcher's guide. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2005.
Pettigrew, K., Fidel, R. and Bruce, H. "Conceptual frameworks in information behavior." The Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 35, 2001, 43-78.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bruce, H. "The Audacious Vision of Information Schools" Journal of Library and Information Science 37(1): 4-10 (April 2011). [Available at]
Bruce, H., Wenning, A., Jones, E., Vinson, J., & Jones, W. (2011). "Seeking an ideal solution to the management of personal information collections" Information Research, 16(1) paper 462. [Available at]
Bruce, H. Personal anticipated information need. Information Research, 10(3) paper 232 [Available at] April, 2005.
Fidel, R., Pejtersen, A.M., Cleal, B., and Bruce, H. "A multi-dimensional approach to the study of human-information interaction: a case study of collaborative information retrieval." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 55(11), 2004, 939-953.
Bruce, H., Jones, W. and Dumais, S. “Information behavior that keeps found things found” Information Research, Vol. 10 No. 1, October 2004.
Bruce, H., Fidel, R., Pejtersen, A.M., Dumais, S., Grudin, J. et al. "A comparison of the collaborative information retrieval of two design teams." The New Review of Information Behavior Research. 4, 2003, 139-153.
Bruce, H. and Lampson, M. "Information professionals as agents for information literacy." Education for Information. 20(2), 2002, 81-106.
Applebee, A., Bruce, H., Clayton, P. and Pascoe, C. "Australian academic use of the Internet: Implications for university administrators." Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy. 10(2), 2000, 141-149.
Reprinted: "Australian academic use of the Internet: Implications for university administrators." Library Computing: Internet & Software Applications for Information Professionals. 19(3/4), 2000, 198-206.
Bruce, H. and Clayton, P. "An Internet role for the academic librarian." Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 30(3), 1999, 171-187.
Bruce, H. "A new perspective on information education from Australia." Education for Information. 17(3), 1999, 187-198.
Bruce, H. "Perceptions of the Internet: What people think when they search the Internet for information." Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy. 9(3), 1999, 187-199.
Refereed Conference Papers & Contributions
Bruce, H. “The vision, successes and challenges of the iSchool movement,” 8th Annual Conference of the Saudi Association for Library Information. Information institutions in Saudi Arabia & their Roles in supporting the Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Society: Responsibilities; Challenges, Mechanism and Ambitions, Riyadh, Oct.31st - Nov.2, 2017.
Jones, W., Wenning, A., & Bruce, H. "How Do People Re-find Files, Emails and Web Pages?" Proceedings of iConference 2014. Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2014.
Bruce, H., Wenning, A., Jones, E., Vinson, J., and Jones, W. "Seeking an ideal solution to the management of personal information collections." ISIC 2010: the 8th Annual Information Seeking in Context Conference. Murcia, Spain, September 2010.
Jones, E., Bruce, H., et al. (2008). "I Give Up! Five Factors that Contribute to the Abandonment of Information Management Strategies." 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2008). Columbus, OH.
Civan, A., Jones, W., Klasnja, P., Bruce, H. (2008). "Better to Organize Personal Information by Folders Or by Tags?: The Devil Is in the Details." 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2008), Columbus, OH.[1]
Jones, W., Bruce, H., Foxley, A., and Munat, C. "Planning Personal Projects and Organizing Personal Information." Annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Austin, Texas, November 2006.
Jones, W., Bruce, H., and Foxley, A. Project contexts to situate personal information. Paper presented at SIGIR 2006; August, 2006, Seattle, WA.
Bruce, H., Richardson, D.J., and Eisenberg, M. "The I-Conference: Gathering of the Clans of Information." Bulletin of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 32 (No. 4), April-May, 2006 pp.9-23.
Jones, W., Bruce, H., Foxley, A., and Munat, C. The universal labeler: Plan your project and let the information flow. "Sparking Synergies: Bringing Research and Practice Together" ASIST Annual Meeting, October. 28-November 2, 2005, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Jones, W., Bruce, H., Gill, R., and Phuwanartnurak, J. "Don't take my folders away! Organizing personal information to get things done" Annual CHI conference, Portland, OR. April, 2005.
Bruce, H., Jones, W., and Dumais, S. "Keeping and Re-finding information on the Web: What do people do and what do they need?" ASIST 2004: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Managing and enhancing information: Cultures and conflicts. Providence, RI, November 13-18, 2004.
Bruce, H. & Delap, A. Building an Interdisciplinary Research Community and Culture in an Information School. The Society for Research Administrators International. Salt Lake City, Utah, October 23-27, 2004.
Bruce, H., Jones, W., and Dumais, S. "Information behaviors that keep found things found." ISIC 2004: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Information Seeking in Context Conference. Dublin, Ireland, September 1-3, 2004.
Jones, W., Dumais, S., and Bruce, H. "Once found, what then?: A study of "keeping" behaviors in the personal use of web information." ASIST 2002: Proceedings of the 65th ASIST Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 20, 2002.
Jones, W., Bruce, H., and Dumais, S. "Keeping found things found on the Web." Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Atlanta, Georgia, November 6, 2001. Download PDF
Efthimiadis, E. and Bruce, H. "A study of the impact of statewide database licensing on information provision in the state of Washington." Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Knowledge innovations: Celebrating our heritage, designing our future. Chicago, November 11-16, 2000.
Fidel, R. Bruce, H. Pejtersen, A. Dumais, S. Grudin, J. and Poltrock, S. "Collaborative Information Retrieval" In L. Hoglund (Ed)., The New Review of Information Behaviour Research: Studies of Information Seeking in Context. Papers from Information Seeking in Context 2000: The Third International Conference on Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts. Goteborg, Sweden, August 16-18, 2000. London & Los Angeles: Taylor Graham, pp. 235-247.
Research Reports
Bruce, H. Lampson, M. and Klein, R. Information Literacy Project Report. Final report to the State Library Information Literacy Committee.
Efthimiadis, E. N., Bruce H., James L. & Merrigan, K. A study of the impact of Statewide Database Licensing on Information Provision in the State of Washington. Final Report to the Washington State Library. February 2000.