Version 1.0 - Draft, 4/10/97
Copyright ©: 1995, 1996, 1997 George E. Mobus. All rights reserved.
Adaptrode Learning and Autonomous Agents
George E. Mobus
Previous Affiliation: Western Washington University
Current Affiliation: University of Washington Tacoma, Institute of Technology
The adaptrode model is viewed from the perspective of autonomous, artificial
agent technology. Real autonomy, it is argued, comes from an agent's capacity
to adapt to a nonstationary, real-world environment. This requires knowledge
acquisition through real-time, on-line and life-time learning. This page
provides an overview of the use of adaptrode-based machine learning in
agents to achieve this end. It includes a summary of the adaptrode mechanism
and its correspondence to biological systems.
An adaptrode is a unique linear, multi-staged adaptive filter which models
the memory trace encoding mechanism of the synaptic junction of living
neurons. It produces a response to the current primary input which is proportional
not only to that input, but also to both the history of the input and,
optionally, the history of secondary correlated inputs. This device is
the basis of a new machine learning approach that addresses a critical
problem in the construction of autonomous (so-called intelligent) agents.
That problem is the ability to carry on lifelong learning in an open world
environment. Open worlds are those for which no fixed boundary conditions
can be guaranteed. They are characterized by chaotic dynamics and nonstationary
processes leading to significant difficulties in precise mathematical formulations
which could be used to design strictly rational agents. The states of such
worlds are difficult, if not impossible to predict, especially for longer
time scales. This is the nature of the "real world" in which animals must
compete for critical resources to survive and reproduce. That animals have
succeeded in doing so atests to the efficacy of adaptation and learning.
The Need for Learning in Autonomous Agents
Further progress in autonomous agent technology depends on the development
of suitable machine learning algorithms that will provide agents with on-going
adaptive capabilities. Autonomy depends on the ability of an agent to acquire
new knowledge in the course of its experiences. Machine learning is now
one of the most active research areas in artificial intelligence. Much
of this work has centered around pattern recognition and categorization
in fixed worlds. The adaptrode is a unique multi-time scale, linear filter
that records memory traces of suitably encoded real world signals. Embedded
in a neural architecture it provides a means for continuous adaptation
to changing conditions in an open, evolving world.
Real World Considerations
The real world into which agents are expected to go is not just dynamic
it is also nonstationary, constantly changing. This means that patterns
of association change over time in indeterminate ways. Typical machine
learning systems have been monotonic with respect to the gain in knowledge
treating the world as a closed system. So long as the agent is exposed
to environments that are indeed closed, even if highly stochastic, such
a scheme can work reasonably well.
Natural environments are not closed worlds. The immediate (read accessible)
environment of the agent is itself embedded in, and interacts with, a larger
environment. And, in turn that environment is embedded in a still larger
one. While this regress is not necessarily infinite in any absolute sense
(i.e., the Universe may be closed), so far as the agent is concerned it
is effectively so due to the limits of accessibility in time. Environmental
interactions that took place in a prior time period on the periphery of
the agent's immediate environment can alter relationships that the agent
has already learned. The agent's knowledge is thus rendered less useful
and certainly suboptimal.
Adding to the complexity of real worlds, the time scales of these indeterminate
changes are themselves intedeterminate. Anything from catastrophe to subtle,
long-term changes can ensue depending on the dynamics of the interaction
and the spatial scale involved. An earthquake. resulting from eons of pressure
buildup in the tectonic plates, can alter the landscape in an instant.
Changes in solar radiation due to sun spot activity will cause colder or
warmer seasons over many years. Animals, our best examples of autonomous
agents in real world environments, need to adapt to a wide range of changing
conditions to survive in the real world.
As pointed out, traditionally machine learning has been pursued under
the closed world assumption. In large part this pursuit was motivated by
a simple expediency. Closed worlds are subject to tractable mathematical
analysis. One can offer proofs that a given algorithm produces a claimed
result. The systems are aimed at stationary targets. The problem has been
that when these same systems are aimed at different targets from the real
world they fail to produce the promised results.
Lifelong Learning
Autonomy means being able to make independent decisions while the agent
is deployed on a mission. We can envision some missions extending over
significant periods of time during which there would be no opportunity
for re-training the agent. Under such circumstances the agent must be capable
of learning continuously as the environment changes. Such a capability
has been called "lifelong learning".
One problem that faces many researchers who have attempted to address
this issue is the destructive interference of new information with respect
to old knowledge. In effect, continuous learning causes a "washing out"
of old knowledge. For example suppose a relationship between A and B has
been learned such that the occurrence of A generates a response to B. If
at some later time should this relationship be altered in the extant world,
the learner would have to acquire whatever new relationship might have
developed, say between C and B. In order to do so, many learning systems,
particularly symbolic-based representation systems, either need to forget
the older association or archive the prior association indexed by some
time stamp. In the former case, the new knowledge requires the obliteration
of the old. In the latter case, the system may be quickly overwhelmed by
the increase in size of the knowledge base. Additionally, recall, say for
reasoning purposes, is burdened by extra processing overhead associated
with temporal indexing.
The adaptrode overcomes these problems by incorporating a multi-stage,
differential memory trace mechanism that allows the simultaneous encoding
of associations that separate in time scale. It records not only short-term
memory traces but intermediate and long-term traces as well. These traces
are cascaded and precedence ordered, from short-term to long-term. Coupled
with the adaptrode's normal decay method, this means that traces that are
not reinforced over time will fade, rapidly in the short-term trace, more
slowly in intermediate traces and very slowly in long-term traces. Thus,
the adaptrode can maintain a very long memory trace of an association that
once was the rule but has not been sustained. This trace is a faint shadow
compared to other short-term traces that might compete for processing resources.
From the standpoint of lifelong learning, this makes it possible for the
adaptrodes in a network to retain old knowledge without interfering with
new knowledge.
This capacity is extremely important. It is not infrequent that associations
which have been true for a long time, and then due to short-term changes
in the environment, are no longer true over the duration of the short-term
changes. Subsequently, the longer-term rule will once again become true.
That is, the environment may undergo short-term or transitory changes that
are not, technically speaking, noise. Such changes create a need to learn
new associations in order to survive. On the other hand, the factors which
wrought such a change could eventually revert to the prior condition. The
older relationships would again become the norm and the older association
knowledge would become operative again. For systems that suffer from destructive
interference, the learner would have to start learning anew each time these
sorts of transitory changes occurred.
Multiple Time Scale Learning
As pointed out, changes that take place in the open world do so over varying
temporal scales. An agent can remain autonomous over the course of very
long mission times if it is capable of adapting in multiple time scales.
The adaptrode provides a cascade of memory trace mechanisms that operate
over lengthening time domains. A short-term trace records recent events
and fades (forgets) in a short time as well. An intermediate-time trace
mechanism is activated by the short-term trace and records a discounted
average level of the short-term trace. Similarly, a long-term trace mechanism,
activated by the intermediate-term trace, records a discounted average
level of the intermediate-term trace. In theory, any number of intermediate-term
levels could be defined such that very long time scales could be accommodated
or intermediate temporal resolution increased.
Semantic-driven Associative Learning
All learning systems attempt to encode associative links between suitable
representations of external objects (patterns). For most machine learning
systems this is a syntactically-driven process. For example supervised
learning mechanisms such as the error backpropogation method used in multi-layer
feedforward neural networks operate irrespective of the "meaning" of the
patterns being associated. Input patterns are mapped to desired output
patterns. The network itself, aside from capacity considerations, could
be applied to any similar set of mappings without regard to the "natural"
relationships being associated. This is perfectly legitimate for the employment
of neural nets to capture some difficult to specify, but predetermined
A brain is not a tabula rasa. Though malleable, it is not to be molded
in any old shape. It is organized, genetically, to be sensitive to specific
kinds of patterns at specific times during the development of the juvenile.
Learning in animals, and, according to the latest findings of neuroscience,
for humans as well, is guided largely by the meaning of the patterns encountered.
Such meaning is rooted (or grounded) in physiological needs, the homeostatic
milieu of the body. It is fixed by evolution and underlies a surprising
amount of rational thinking [see "Descartes' Error" by Antonio Damasio].
Thus not just anything is learned. What is learned is linked, through numerous
levels of association to be sure, to what is important to the biology of
the learner. This is called semantic-driven learning. Evolutionarilly-speaking
it has been a blindingly obvious success. It would be a worthy model for
autonomous agent learning.
A network of adaptrode-based neuron-like processing elements can be
constructed which learn associations based on semantics. That is, the network
can extract meaningful associations from the seeming chaos of patterns
impinging on the learning agent. This is accomplished by gating the influence
of the short-term memory trace on the intermediate-term trace with a correlation
term, derived from a second signal source. The correlation is not simple
however. The second signal must arrive after some small time lapse since
the onset of the primary signal. If the second signal arrives before the
primary or even simultaneously, no intermediate-term encoding ensues. The
secondary signal comes from a special input to the neuron-like processing
element. This signal conveys meaning to the learner. It signals some factor
in the environment which is deemed, a priori, requisite of a response.
In animals such a signal constitutes a stimulus-response circuit, a hard-wired,
genetically-determined condition-action pair. The adaptrode's primary signal,
however, comes from what might be called "free sense" transducers. Signals
from such transducers (note that this could be another neuron) do not convey
any necessary meaning. They simply inform the neuron about states of the
relevant environment at any given instant.
The adaptrode provides what Damasio calls a convergence point for these
signals. One, an arbitrary world-state variable, another a world-state
variable with direct consequences for the agent. The one arriving early,
the other lagging slightly. The result of this temporal offset, if it happens
reliably over longer time scales, is that the primary signal takes on the
same significance as the secondary. In other words, the primary, "free
sense" signal comes to represent the onset of the secondary meaningful
one. It effectively becomes a predictor of the meaningful signal. An important
survival advantage can easily be seen in this scheme. Prediction of an
impending consequential event gives the learner a jump start to respond.
The learner becomes proactive with respect to the consequence. Early action
can tend to reduce costs of merely reacting to stimuli.
Adding Adaptive Memory to Persistent Objects
A simple example of an autonomous adaptive agent is a persistent object
manager. Consider bookmarked URLs. Many users typically use bookmarks to
preserve the location of web pages that they wish to revisit. The number
of bookmarks can grow prodigiously. These are simply line items in a growing
database. But as is the case with monotonic growing entities a time comes
when the list is out of control. The reality is that most people keep things
for fear that they may need them later. So the bookmarks pile up while
old ones never get revisited. And in truth, in the dynamic (some would
say chaotic) environment of the web many old bookmarks end up pointing
In other words bookmark objects age. How can these objects be managed
in such a way that old, unused or unimportant items can be readily identified
and made candidates for disposal? One simple approach is to attach an adaptrode
to each URL. Each time the page is viewed, it results in an excitation
of the primary input to the adaptrode. Frequent viewing would result in
non-zero short-term trace values. Periodic surveys of these traces on all
adaptrodes would quickly reveal zero valued traces. But the adaptrode goes
beyond this simplistic scheme. Suppose that the viewing of the page results
in a click-through to another page or resource (e.g., ftp's file). This
would be a clear indication that the page was meaningful in some sense.
Thus a secondary signal to the adaptrode would gate short-term memory into
an intermediate-term trace. The adaptrode would remember the bookmarked
page as a predictor that something useful might be obtained by the user.
A survey of non-zero valued intermediate-term traces would provide a
list of candidate pages for a further stage of memory encoding. A user
could periodically be asked to explicitly rate the page bookmarked for
its value. The rating would be the basis for a final gating of the intermediate-term
trace into long-term memory. Effectively, an adaptrode in which the long-term
trace is non-zero is effectively permanent by virtue of frequency of use,
resulting in the magnitudes of short-term and intermediate-term traces
being high, and the long decay time for long-term traces.
Memory traces do fade however. Over time, even the long-term trace will
decay toward zero. Unless a page is frequented over the time scale into
which it is encoded, its adaptrode will eventually have a zero valued short-term
trace. It will become a candidate for removal from the list. The user could,
of course, be given the option to save the page URL anyway, or archive
it perhaps. But the manager agent will have done its duty in keeping track
of what the user actually does with the resources she has squirreled away.
And that is the key to agent usefulness. Embodied in the memory traces
of the adaptrodes attached to those many bookmarked URLs is the pattern
of actual user habit/thinking. The agent has learned a great deal about
the user's needs by observing the user's behavior. It can make informed
suggestions to the user that would be actually useful rather than intrusive.
Bookmarks are just one example of persistent objects that will depend
on user's needs. There are obviously many more examples of such objects
that do now, or will soon populate cyberspace. Adaptrodes and agents based
on this learning mechanism represent a way to add true intelligence - that
is semantically based reasoning - to the management of such objects.
How the Adaptrode Works
Extending Memory Traces
The adaptrode mechanism is based strongly on adaptive response in biological
systems, of which the modification of synaptic efficacy is one example.
Synaptic efficacy - the effectiveness with which a synapse passes on the
incomming signal - is thought to be the basis of all forms of learning.
There is a long tradition in animal learning theory of modelling the
memory trace of a stimulus using the exponential weighted moving avearge
(EWMA) method. This method produces a close approximation of data obtained
from animal experiments (so-called signature data) for short time scales,
but fails to model longer-term memory phenomena very well. The adaptrode
evolved from attempts to extend the EWMA method to account for these longer-term
Mathematically, EWMA can be stated: Eq.
Where s(t) is the signal strength at time t; w(t) is the memory trace
variable and alpha is a constant between 0 and 1.
Equation 1 can be rearranged: Eq.
The EWMA model of a memory trace suffers from the fact that it falls
off as fast as it rises. It works well to represent the dynamics of a memory
trace over a short span of time, but cannot provide a longer-term trace.
The adaptrode model introduces two "fixes" which improve the retention
of a memory trace while maintaining the leaky integrator characteristics
of the EWMA. The basic adaptrode equation is: Eq.
The first of two innovations here are the use of a distinct decay factor,
differnt from alpha. This factor, delta, is generally much smaller than
alpha thus providing for an extended, though still exponential decay of
the trace variable. The second inno vation is the use of a shunting factor
to bound the growth of w(t). Figure 1 shows a comparison between the adaptrode
trace and an EWMA trace. A unit pulse signal is received with each time
tick from t = 5 to t = 9. After that the input is held at zero until t
= 24. A single pulse is received at that time tick.
Fig. 1. Comparison of Adaptrode and EWMA trace characteristics.
As can be seen in the figure, the Adaptrode trace decays much more slowly
than that of the EWMA. Some memory trace remains after the EWMA trace had
decayed to (effectively) zero. By selecting appropriate values for alpha
and delta, one can obtain sufficiently long, though marginally strong,
trace values. In the figure, the adaptrode trace produces a stronger response
to the single impulse at t = 24 due to the fact that it started from a
higher base.
Multiple Time-scale Learning
Taken alone, this would help improve the memory trace performance by extending
the trace somewhat, but it cannot provide a sufficiently significant value
for later decision discrimination (to be discussed below). As it turns
out many real-world signals can be characterized as episodic and sporadic.
Episodes are short time scale clusters of excitation. These have indeterminate
intensity and duration as well as inter-episodic intervals. In the latter
case, it also turns out that many naturally occurring signals are also
clustered over longer time scales. Several episodes may follow over a short
time, followed by a longer inter-episode interval. Such clusters and inter-cluster
periods may have pink-noise or 1/f noise characteristics. For example many
inter-episode intervals may be short, some may be intermediate in length
while a smaller number will be large. This fractal-like quality may be
found at many scales.
An example is the impinging signal on a particular hair cell in the
ear, tuned to respond to a relatively narrow bandwidth. Owing to the chaotic
distribution in space and time of sounds in which this band is a component,
the hair cell will be activated in a sporadic and episodic fashion. The
hair cell is the source of auditory neural signals that are the basis of
sound learning and recognition in the brain. Neurons must be able to encode
memory traces of these signals in such a way as to accomodate the episodic/sporadic
nature of real-world events.
A third innovation of the adaptrode model, based on the biological properties
of real synapses (see below) is the use of multiple stages to encode traces
over increasingly extended time scales. The basic adaptrode equation is
used recursively but with adjustments to the alpha and delta parameters.
Equation 4 introduces a new index, k, which runs from 0 to some desired
number of time scales or domains less 1 (L). Eq.
Signals s_k are the secondary inputs to the adaptrode, converging on
the primary signal through the cascade of trace variables. This is the
correlation factor mentioned above. Its role will be better explained below.
Here I want to focus on the dynamics of the memory traces themselves
as the evolve over time with various primary input signals. The secondary
signals will be set to 1.0 and fixed. The basic model generated by Equation
4 is shown in Figure 2. Here a three level adaptrode is stimulated over
5 time units starting at time tick 1 (top trace rising for five ticks).
Fig. 2. A three level adaptrode showing the relative values of the three
memory trace variables.
As can readily be seen in this figure, the intermediate-term trace, w1,
rises slowly, compared with the rise of w0. The latter is stimulated directly
by the primary input signal. Similarly, the rise of w2 is much slower than
that of w1. This figure is of a non-associative adaptrode, that is, one
in which the gating signal of Eq. 4 for k = 1, 2, is clamped at 1.0.
To see the relevance of this effect we need to look at how the adaptrode
responds to multiple input episodes over time. The actual output of an
adaptrode filter, and hence its effect on the system in which it is embedded,
is related to the value of w0 in a straightforward way. Let r(t+1) be the
response of an adaptrode at time step t. Then:
Eq. 5
The response of an adaptrode is thus either the dominated by the value
of w0, if the input is active (in the current examples we are dealing with
binary inputs of either one or zero but the arguments here hold for continuous
values from one to zero as well), or by an exponentially decaying value
of r itself. The trace of r (not shown)_ effectively follows that of w0,
but falls off more steepley - it is not bounded from below by w 1.
With the understanding that the response of the adaptrode is dependent
on that of w0, we can now look at the effects of multiple input episodes
on the dynamics of that response. In Figure 3 is shown the memory traces
of a three-level adaptrode similar to that in Figure 2, but with two input
episodes separated by some interval of time. The peak response of the adaptrode
is approximated by that of w0. As can be seen in the figure, the second
response is at a slightly higher value than that of the first episode.
It is clear in the figure that this is due to the effects of the longer
term memory traces of w1 and w2. It is this dynamic that accounts for the
learning taking place in the adaptrode. The unit is learning to respond
more strongly as a function of its input history. One can see that not
only is the peak higher in the second response, but that the initial response
in the second episode is higher than that in the first.
Fig. 3. The dynamics of memory traces, and hence responses, of a three-level
adaptrode. Two input episodes are separated by some interval of time, but
due to the modulating effects of the longer-term traces, the adaptrode
responds marginally more strongly and more quickly to the second event.
Of course, both w1 and w2, themselves decay over time so that if there
were no further input events, or sufficiently rare events, these values
would tend toward zero and allow w0 to do so also.
Most learning situations, to be discussed below, are associative in
nature. That is the system encodes a correlation-based association between
two or more signals. However, there are important non-associative adaptive
responses that play an important role in circuit
dynamics. In practice the gating signals, s1, s2, etc. are not clamped
at 1.0, but rather are modulated based on prior stage activity. For example,
s1 may be switched on (1.0) while the adaptrode response (Eq. 5) is above
some threshold value. Similarly, s2 can be switched on while w0 is above
w1 by some small epsilon.
Associative Encoding
Single signal response characteristics of the multi-level adaptrode are
significant for encoding over multiple time scales. But the larger payoff
comes from the fourth innovation in the adaptrode model. The signals, si,
for i > 1, can come from sources outside the adaptrode, that is they are
secondary signals which, if they arrive in correspondence with the primary
signal, gate the increase of the longer-term trace variables according
to Equation 4 for levels greater than 0. Essentially this amounts to selective
gating of a short-term memory trace into a longer-term trace (or an intermediate-term
one) or the encoding of a correlation between the primary and secondary
signals. Readout of the encoding comes from the higher and faster response
of an adaptrode that codes such a correlation as compared with adaptrodes
that do not. Differential, competitive encoding of correlations is the
subject of a future page on Basic
Associative Networks (BAN) and will be covered in detail there. It
is also covered extensively in my paper on
relation encoding.
Briefly, causal relation encoding is the basis for perception of order
in the world. It is fundamentally important for agents to be able to predict
the occurance of semantically important events based on causal relations
(Granger, 1969) with otherwise non-meaningful events as discussed above
under the topic of Semantic-driven Associative Learning.
In Correspondence With Biology
In this section I will examine the correspondence between the adaptrode
model and what I believe to be the important aspects of the neurophysiology
of biological synapses that explain adaptive response.
The Biological Basis for an Adaptrode-like Model
As I have shown in my Ph.D. thesis, the adaptrode's dynamics emulate, at
least qualitatively, the time-course behavior of the post-synaptic membrane
reactivity - the excitatory (inhibitory) post-synaptic potential (E(I)PSP).
Daniel Alkon [] has develpoped a model of synaptic efficacy modulation
which depends not only on real-time modulation of the post-synaptic membrane
patch (specifically the conductance of potassium ion channels), but also
on intermediate-term and long-term molecular processes which operate deeper
in the post-synaptic compartment cytosol. Changes in portein and mRNA synthesis
are implicated and nuclear processes such as DNA activation have been suggested
as well.
The general model is summarized in Figure 4 and described here.
Fig. 4. A summary diagram of the major biophysical processes that transpire
in the post-synaptic cytosolic compartment. The diagram elements are explained
in the text.
The arrival of an action potential (AP) at a synapse bouton (arrows labelled
"Syapse" in the figure) initiates a rapid depolarization of the post-synaptic
membrane by triggering the opening of ion channels that allow the influx
of Na+, Ca++ and the outflux of K+. The time course nature of a unitary
excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP) is that it rises sharply with
each AP and falls off exponentially fast when the input signal goes to
zero. As the EPSP rises rapidly, somewhat slower acting processes, such
as the sodium ion pump, work to restore the membrane polarization to its
resting potential (actually negative with respect to the outside of the
In the figure, variables of interest are contained in square brackets.
Thin arrows indicate signals (flows of ions or molecules) which increase
a value or slow its decay. Heavy black arrows represent slow decrement
processes such as the removal of calcium ions from the cytosol. The dashed
arrows represent feedback loops that act principally by down-modulating
the slow decrement processes (slow them down even more). Associated with
all of the arrows are rate constants (not shown in this figure). Both rate
constants of increase (thin arrows) and constants of decay or active removal
(heavy arrows) are associated with these processes.
In the following description it is important to recognize that this
is my interpretation of the model as expounded by Alkon. I have attempted
to extract from his model those factors and their relationships which seem
to me to be the important essence of an adaptive process - namely the multiple
time scales over which the processes operate and the feedback loops. Any
distortion of the biological model as Alkon presents it are entirely due
to my interpretation. The intereseted reader is encouraged to take a look
at Alkon's work directly for complete clarification.
Following the time-course of events, a series of APs arrive at the synapse
labelled "CS" triggering the flux of ions and raising the EPSP. Calcium
ions accumulate in the interior of the compartment. At the same time the
elevated EPSP opens a "gate" (exact mechanism unknown but it is thought
to involve the concentration of calcium prior to the rise in the EPSP)
iff there is no previous influx of calcium from another compartment (show
above in the figure as the "unconditionable synapse"). Calcium ions from
the influx at the conditionable synapse start to accumulate initiating
a cascade of biophysical processes which impact the outflux of potassium
ions. In the short run, the concentration of calcium ions itself has a
down-modulating effect on the potassium outflux. As potassium is retained,
this makes the membrane potential more positive with respect to the exterior
than it would have been with just the influx of sodium and calcium ions.
Over a somewhat longer time scale, the continued or increased concentration
of calcium ions (from the unconditionable synaptic compartment) up-modulates
the phosphorylation of potassium ion channel proteins (thus further inhibiting
the outflux of potassium) by several processes (e.g., "KaM Kinase II" and
others in the diagram). In the event that the second source of calcium
is abscent, due either to the gate being closed or the "US" signal not
arriving, the compartment concentration of calcium ions is reduced by active
and passive removal mechanism so that the longer-term effects on the potassium
outflux are minimized. In this case the system returns to a restored state
and the memory trace represented by the calcium ion concentration decays
to effectively zero.
If, on the other hand, the concentration of calcium ions is longer lived
due to the secondary influx, even longer-term processes are set in motion.
For example, the mollecule protein kinase C (PKC) moves from the cytosol
into the cell membrane where its effectiveness as a phosphoryllator increases.
This translocation of a mollecule is presumably a slower processes - slow
to build and slow to decay.
All of these events, if they occur, contribute to the continued elevation
of the EPSP above its normal resting level. A burst of APs give rise to
a transient increase in the EPSP known as post-tetanic potentiation (PSP).
If the longer term processes are initiated, the effect is not transitory
in the sense that the elevated EPSP may last for several minutes to hours.
This is an intermediate-term potentiation (ITP). Finally, if the calcium
ion concentration is sustained long enough to effect the translocation
of PKC, the elevated EPSP may last for days. This model corresponds with
the phenomenon of long-term potentiation (LTP) [c.f.
Paul Kelly's Mechanisms Regulating Synaptic Plasticity in Brain].
The model also involves even longer term processes such as the increase
in protein synthesis (perhaps ion channel components) that takes place
in the cell body (shown as a second compartment under the synaptic compartment
and separated by a dashed line). Protein synthesis and transport operates
over much longer time scales (as compared with the realtime events associated
with the arrival of APs). Additionally, protein denaturing and removal
is a relatively slow process so that the accumulation of protein factors
that effect the efficacy of the synapse must be long-term.
Finally, Alkon raises the possiblity for really long-term processes
which involve the activation of some genes due to second messenger systems
activated by the long term location of PKC in the membrane. Such activation
involves the integration of presumably different proteins or other structural
components which can physically alter the morphology of dendritic compartments.
Addmittedly this area is speculative, but some evidence for it has been
Clearly the role of multi-time scale processes in effecting the responsiveness
of synapses is an important element in memory traces that extend in time.
Correspondence of the Adaptrode with the Biological Model
The above model describes a cascade of interacting processes the kinetics
of which are effected in part by the neighboring processes and in part
by rate constants for both the forward and reverse processes or removal
The adaptrode is a computational model of principles seen in the biological
model. It is not an exact homological mapping from biology to computation.
There are several dynamical models of integrate-and-fire neurons involving
considerable details of ion channels that are meant to be close representations
of real neurons. The adaptrode is not that kind of model. What I have sought
to capture was the computational essence of adpativity and apply it to
the case of synaptic processing. None the less some homology is in evidence.
For example, the response of the adaptrode (Eq. 5) is roughly equivalent
to the EPSP (roughly because it does not itself stay elevated after fall-off
in input signal). The concentration of calcium ions is approximated by
the level-0 weight, w0. It can also be seen that the other biophysical
processes that contribute to extending the reduced outflux of potassium
ions are represented in higher level weights. Each weight in the vector
of a single adaptrode has both increase (alpha) and decrement (delta) constants
corresponding to the kinetic constants associated with the biophysical
The adaptrode is a mechanism for encoding multiple time scale associations
between signals. Adaptrodes provide a means for building semantic-driven
learning systems tha t give agents the ability to learn meaningful causal
relations and hence the ability to predict mission-impacting situations.
Future pages will provide additional details on the construction of
artificial neurons, neural circuits and artificial nervous systems
that demonstrate proactivity in agents. For a preview of these pages, the
reader is directed to several papers that introduce the subjects. See,
for example,
a theroy of learning and representing causal relations in neural networks
[412k including graphics], and
MAVRIC's Brain [203k including graphics].