Psychology 317-318: Daily Updates (in reverse chronological
order of relevance)
FINAL UPDATE: Thursday, June 12, 2003,
11:00 AM
Final Exam Data
- mean 84.3; Median 86.5; range 35-99
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less than 100, I scale all scores upward
so that the highest grade is 100. So in this case, all of you can multiply
your exam grade by 100/99 to get the score that is entered on the official
grade sheet
Final Grade Data
- mean 3.0; Median 3.4; range 0.0-4.0
You may pick up a copy of the grade spreadsheet
here. The first column is your student
number. If you have questions, please email Iris at,
Have a great summer!
Information below this line is out of date and is provided
for historical purposes only
Exam #4 Data
- mean 74; Median 75; range 33-100.
Final Exam
- The Final Exam, which will occur Tuesday 6/10/03 from 8:30 - 10:30 will
cover all lectures from Psychology 318. It will cover textbook Chapters 10-15.
Final Homework: Due Friday, June 6
- Chapter 15: 1d, 11b, 13b-c, 14, 16, 22 (problem 8 only), 23 (problem 1 only),
24 (problem 1 only), 25 (problem 1 only).
Final HW answer sheet will be available from
here on Friday
6/6 around 1:00 PM.
Additional Office Hours: Monday 6/9/03
- :Iris: 2:30 - 4:00 in Guthrie 265F
- Dorothy: 7:30 - 9:00 in Mary Gates Hall common space
- Raks: 4:30 - 5:30 in Mary Gates Hall common space
- Tracy: 7:30 - 9:00 in Mary Gates Hall common space
- Dan: 11:00 - 1:00 in Mary Gates Hall common space
HW #4: Pick up answers from here
Readings 9: To be quizzed 6/2/03
- :Loftus, G.R. (1996). Psychology will be a much better science when we change
the way we analyze data. Current Directions in Psychological Science,
161-171. You can download it from here.
Exam #4
- Exam 3, which will occur Wednesday 6/4/03 will cover lectures from May 12
through May 28. It will cover textbook Chapter 13 from p. 418-end of chapter,
Chapter 14, and Chapter 15 through p. 493.
Important! Download information about confidence
intervals around Pearson r from here.
Excel lecture: Friday 5/30/03
- Correlation, planned comparisons
Iris's office hours
- Iris's Friday officer hours will be changed to Thursday 10:00 - 1:00
HW #4: Due Friday 5/30/03
- Chapter 13: 11b, 12b.
- Chapter 14: 1, 2, 3, 7. For problems 2 and 3, compute 95% confidence intervals
around the Pearson r and the Pearson r squared.
- Chapter 15: 1, 3, 11, 13b-c, 14, 16, 22 (problem 8 only), 23 (problem 1
only), 24 (problem 1 only), 25 (problem 1 only)
HW #4: Problems to be dropped, which will
show up on the Final Homework
- Chapter 15: 1d, 11b, 13b-c, 14, 16, 22 (problem 8 only), 23 (problem 1 only),
24 (problem 1 only), 25 (problem 1 only).
Handing in HW#4
- Iris will not be at office hours this Friday 5/30. Please turn in your
homework to either Iris's or Dorothy's mailbox (Guthrie, first floor)
Readings 8: To be quizzed Tuesday 5/27/03
- Chapter 15
- Note: Part of all of readings #9 willl be:Loftus, G.R. (1996). Psychology
will be a much better science when we change the way we analyze data. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 161-171. You can download it from
Exam #3 Data
- mean 68; Median 79; range 19-98.
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less than 100, I scale all scores upward
so that the highest grade is 100. So in this case, all of you can multiply
your exam grade by 100/98 to get the score that will be entered on the official
grade sheet
Readings 7: To be quizzed 5/19/03
HW #3: Answer sheets can be downloaded here
Iris will be out of town from Thursday 5/8
through Wed 5/14
- Iris will not have office hours on Friday 5/9
- Please turn in your homework to Iris's or Dorothy's mailbox in Guthrie Hall
Exam #3
- Exam 3, which will occur Wednesday 5/14/03 will cover lectures from April
28 through May 7. It will cover textbook Chapter 12, p. 370-end of chapter,
and Chapter 13 through p. 418,
Readings 6: To be quizzed 5/12/03
- Chapter 14 through p. 452
HW #3: Due Friday 5/9/03
- Chapter 12: 1f, 2b (interaction computation only), 8a,c (interaction computations
only), 8d, 9d-f, 10, 11
- Chapter 13: 1, 4, 5, 9 (NOTE: for Part e, the deviations should be: subj
1 add 1.0; subj 2 add 2.0; subj 3 leave alone; subj 4 subtract 3.0), 11, 12.
HW #3: Problems to be dropped (they'll show
up on HW#4)
Exam 2 data:
- Mean: 79.5; Median 83, SD 16; range: 23-99.
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less
than 100, I scale all scores upward so that the highest grade is 100.
So in this case, all of you can multiply your exam grade by 100/99 to get
the score that will be entered on the official grade sheet.
Readings 5: To be quizzed 5/5/03
Exam #2
- Exam 2, which will occur Wednesday 4/30/03 will cover lectures from April
14 through April 23. It will cover textbook chapter 11, p 335-end of chapter,
and Chapter 12 through p. 370
- Download HW2 answers from here
and Excel handout from here.
Readings 4: To be quizzed 4/28/03
- Re-read all of Chapter 12
Excel Section: Friday 4/25
- One and two-way ANOVA (examples from homework)
HW #2: Due Friday 4/25/03
- Chapter 11: 5, 6, 8
- Chapter 12: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11
HW #2: Problems to be dropped (they'll show
up on HW#3)
- Chapter 12: 1f, 2b (interaction computation only), 8a,c (interaction computations
only), 8d, 9d-f, 10, 11
Exam 1 data:
- Mean: 80.9; Median 86, SD 14; range: 39-98.
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less
than 100, I scale all scores upward so that the highest grade is 100.
So in this case, all of you can multiply your exam grade by 100/98 to get
the score that will be entered on the official grade sheet.
Practice Exam answers
- We inadvertantly left off answers for the practice exams. We do have answers
to some of the exams (although not all). We will provide them in the copy
center as soon as we can.
Readings 3: To be quizzed 4/21/03
Excel Section, Week of 4/7: pick up a handout
What Exam #1 will cover
- Exam 1, which will occur Wednesday 4/16/03 will cover lectures from March
31 through April 9. It will cover textbook chapters 10 and 11, pp. 322-335
HW #1 answer sheet will be available from
here on Friday 4/11
around 1:00 PM.
HW #1: Due Friday 4/11/03
- Chapter 10: (NOTE: in all problems where you are comparing two means, compute
the 95% confidence interval around the mean difference): 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14,
- Chapter 11: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
HW #1: Problems to be dropped (they will appear
on HW #2)
Readings 2: To be quizzed 4/14/03
Excel Section, Week of 4/7
- Excel section this Friday will be on t test and estimation
of variance from multiple groups in MGH 030
Practice Exam packet
- A practice exam packet will be ready as soon as the copy center can get
it prepared
Iris's Office hours
- For this week only, Iris will switch her office hours to Wednesday 9:30-12:30
Quiz Section Locations: Thursday Sections
- AA: PAR 206
- AB: THO 202
- AC: THO 211
- AD: THO 231
- AE: PAR 212
Readings 0-1: To be quizzed 4/7/03
HW #1: Due Friday 4/11/03
- Chapter 10: (NOTE: in all problems where you are comparing two means, compute
the 95% confidence interval around the mean difference): 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14,
- Chapter 11: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
TA Office hours
- Iris: F 9:30-12:30 in Guthrie 265F
- Dorothy: Th 1:00-4:00
- Raks: Tu 2:30-5:20 in MGH hall
- Marie: M 1:00-2:30; Tu 3:00-4:20
- Tracy: MW 12:00-1:30
- Dan: Th 9:30-12:20
Syllabus corrections
- It's Spring, not Winter
- There is no holiday on 4/14
Quiz Section Locations (the University time
schedule got them all wrong)
- AA BAG 108
AB BAG 331a
AC BLM 204
AD GUG 306
AE FSH 102
- You will probably be assigned a random section by the University. You may
feel free to go to any section you wish. Please make sure that if you go to
a section you're not officially assigned to, the TA knows you're there.
- You may wish to go to the same section (i.e., with the same TA) as last
Excel Section, Week of 3/31
- No Excel section this week
Syllabus and handouts
- You may pick up a syllabus and handouts the first day of class
- If you wish, download the syllabus from here
and the handouts from here as .pdf (acrobat)
- Office hours will be provided as soon as possible
Final Grades
Final Exam data:
- Mean: 77; Median 78, SD 13; range: 35-99.
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less
than 100, I scale all scores upward so that the highest grade is 100.
So in this case, all of you can multiply yourfinal exam grade by 100/99 to
get the score that will be entered on the official grade sheet.
Final Score data:
- Mean: 83; SD 11; range: 56-101.
Excel Section for week of 3/10/03
- The Excel lecture this week will cover confidence
Final HW which would have been due Friday 3/14/03
- The final HW is cancelled. We will
add 2.5 points to everyone's final-exam score to make up for what you could
have earned on the final HW.
Final Exam Coverage
- The final exam, to be given on Tuesday,
March 18 at 8:30 AM, will cover the text: Introduction through Chapters
9. It will cover all lectures given during the quarter.
Exam 4 data:
- Mean: 63; Median 60, SD 19; range: 18-97.
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less
than 100, I scale all scores upward so that the highest grade is 100.
So in this case, all of you can multiply your exam grade by 100/97 to get
the score that will be entered on the official grade sheet.
Exam 4 Coverage
- The fourth hour exam, to be given on Wednesday,
March 12, will cover the text: Chapter 6 from p. 184 through the end of the
chapter, plus Chapters 7-9. It will cover lectures from 2/24/03 through 3/5/03.
Final HW: Due Friday 3/14/03 in Iris Zemach's
office hours
- Chapter 10: 1-2. NOTE: In all cases, please
compute a 95% confidence interval around the relevant sample mean
Readings #9: To be quizzed 3/11/02
- Chapter 9; Chapter 10 through p. 297
Excel Section for week of 3/3/03: You may
pick up a handout about it here.
- The Excel lecture this week will cover sampling
distributions, hypothesis testing, and power.
Homework #4: Pick up an answer sheet here
Homework #4: Due Friday 3/7/03 in
Iris Zemach's office hours
- Chapter 6: 15, 16
- Chapter 7: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 14 (i.e.,
all Chapter 7 problems)
- Chapter 8: 2, 5, 10
- Chapter 9: 2, 3, 4, 6
Readings for this week (3/3/03):
- I inadvertantly did not assign Chapter 9
for reading this week. It will be assigned for next week. We will probably
get to the Chapter-9 material this week. It would be to your benefit to read
it as soon as you can.
Exam 3 data:
- Mean: 82; Median: 85; Range: 43-100; SD:
Exam 3 grading:
- Marie will review the gradings for Q2 and
Q5 in exam 3. If You have any problem concerning these 2 questions, please
give Marie your test within this week.
Readings #8: To be quizzed 3/4/02
HW for Dan's section
- Sorry; Dan couldn't be in class today. He'll
hand back your homework tomorrow (Tuesday, 2/25).
HW#3: Correction to answer sheet
Excel Section for week of 2/24/03
- No Excel lecture this week.
Exam 3 Coverage
- The third hour exam, to be given on Wednesday,
February 26, will cover the text: Chapter 3 from p. 105-end of chapter, Chapter
4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 through p. 184, and Appendixes A-C. It will cover
lectures from 2/10/03 through 2/19/03.
Excel Section for 2/21/02
- Download a Handout for the 2/21/03 Excel
lecture here
Homework #3 due 2/21/03
- Download answer sheets for Homework #3 here
Readings #7: To be quizzed 2/24/03
- Chapter 7; Chapter 8, pp. 256-257
Excel Section
- 2/21/03 Excel section will cover the normal
distribution. Iris will go over some of the homework examples.
Homework #3: Due Friday 2/21/03 at 12:30 PM in Iris Zemach's
office hours
- Chapter 4: 1, 2, 4, 6, 14, 17, 20, 24
- Chapter 5: 1 (list 5 situations only),
2, 4, 8, 10
- Chapter 5: 1 (list 5 situations only),
2, 4, 8, 10
- Chapter 6: 1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 15, 16, 20,
- Chapter 7: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 14
Homework #3: Drop the following problems. They will show up on
- Chapter 7: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 14 (i.e.,
all Chapter 7 problems)
Excel Section
- 2/14/03 Excel section will cover the binomial
distribution. Iris will go over some of the homework examples.
3 Date
- Exam 3 will be on February 26. HW#3 will
be due on February 21. This is contrary to what the syllabus says. Please
update your calanders.
- The remaining exams will occur as scheduled
on the syllabus.
Readings #6: To be quizzed TUESDAY 2/18/03
Exam 2 data:
- Mean: 81.2; Median: 84; Range: 31.5-100;
SD: 14.7
Note about Quizzes
- As stated prior to the first quiz, you must
put your section (or TA's name) on your quiz, or you will lose 2 points.
Excel Section
- Threre will be no Excel section on
Friday 2/7/03
Readings #4: To be quizzed 2/10/03
Homework #2: An answer sheet can be downloaded from here
Excel Section Friday 1/31/2003:
An information sheet on Excel and descriptive statistics can be downloaded from
Computational formulas on calculators and
in Excel
- There are two definitions of "variance".
The first is the sum of squared deviations divided by n, as discussed in class
today, January 20. The second is the sum of squared deviations divided by
(n-1). We will not be concerned with this second definition until later in
this course. For now, "variance" means what I defined it to be today
in class, i.e., sum of squared deviations divided by n.
- You should check which definition of variance
your calculator uses. Many calculators use the "divide by n-1" definition.
If so, you'll need to be cautious if you use your calculator to compute variance.
- As Iris will discuss in her Excel lecture
on Friday, the Excel "var" function uses the "divide by n-1"
definition. The Excel "varp" function uses the "divide by n"
Exam #2 Coverage
- Exam #2, to be given on Wednesday, February
5, will cover text Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 through p. 105. . It will cover
lectures from Tuesday 1/21 through Wednesday, 1/29.
Readings #4: To be quizzed 2/2/03
Marie's Thursday section
- Marie is out of town on a family emergency.
Dorthy has agreed that Marie's students can go to her section in ARC 025.
Excel Section Friday 1/31/2003
- Use of Excel to calculate descriptive statistics
such as mean, median, standard deviation, and variance. Examples from Homework
#2 will be gone over.
Homework #2: Due FRIDAY, 1/31/2003 at 12:30 PM in Iris Zemach's
office hours
- Chapter 2: 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 15
- Chapter 3: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9
Homework #2: Drop the following problems. They will show up on
Exam Appeal Process:
- You may appeal your exam grade up through
a week after the exam (in this case through Wednesday, 1/29/03). If you have
a question on a particular problem, please see the TA who graded that problem.
If you cannot reach an accord, please see a graduate TA. If you still cannot
reach an accord, please see Professor Loftus.
Exam 1 data:
- Mean: 60; range: 28.5-91.
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less
than 100, I scale all scores upward so that the highest grade is 100.
So in this case, all of you can multiply your exam grade by 100/91 to get
the score that will be entered on the official grade sheet.
Readings #3: To be quizzed 1/27/03
- Chapter 2 p. 73 - end of chapter
- Chapter 3
Readings #2: To be quizzed TUESDAY 1/21/03
Exam Coverage
- The first hour exam, to be given on Wednesday,
January 22, will cover the text: Preface, Introduction Chapter, and Chapter
1. It will cover lectures from Monday 1/6 through Wednesday, 1/15.
Excel Section
- Threre will be no Excel section on
Friday 1/24/03
Homework #1: Due FRIDAY, 1/17/2003 at 12:30 PM in Iris Zemach's
office hours
- Chapter 1:1-4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18,
- An answer sheet can be downloaded from here
Textbook shortage
- There are many more people in the class
than had been anticipated. Therefore, the bookstore has run out of textbooks.
They are ordering more; meanwhile I have put a copy on reserve at the OUGL.
If you still don't have the book, please
try to beg, borrow (but don't steal) copy so you can photocopy the relevant
readings and homework.
Excel Section
- The macro information sheet from the 1/17
Excel lecture can be downloaded from here
Excel Section Friday 1/17/2003
- Continuation of Excel basics (Iris)
- Download Excel Sheet from the January 10
Excel lecture here
Exam Paks
- Packets of old exams are now on sale at
the OUGL
Homework issues
- Please put your section number on your homework
when you turn it in
- A point will be deducted if,
- a question is incomplete or missing
- work is not shown
- homework is done in ink
- the paper is messy or illegable
- your section is not indicated at the
Readings #0 and #1: (Relevant to lectures
to be given weeks of 1/6/2003 and 1/13/2003)
- Preface, Introduction Chapter, and Chapter
- Readings #0 and Readings #1 will both be
quizzed next Monday, 1/14
Excel Section Friday 1/10/2003
Syllabus errors
- Sections: Tracy AB; Marie AC; Raksmey AE
- Office Hours: Marie MW 2:00-3:20; Raksmey:
M 2:30-4:20; W 2:30-3:20
Emailing questions to me
- I get 100 - 200 email messages a day and
it takes me a very long time to go through them. So I'd like you to be circumspect
in emailing questions to me. If you have a question that needs an urgent answer,
then phone me, stop by, or email me. However, if the question can be answered
by a TA, then please direct it to your TA or any TA. If the question can wait,
ask someone during office hours, or raise the question in section or in class.
There is a limited amount of space in Psychology
317. I will not be giving out entry codes until the first week of class, at
which time, I'll know how many people are in the class. In the meantime, I have
established a waiting list, and people will be given entry codes on a first-on-the-waiting-list-first-come
basis. If you want to be on the waiting list, please email