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Eric Zivot's
GAUSS Resources

Last updated: November 29, 2002

Aptech Systems

Learning GAUSS


The following information is taken the from the help files in the DOS version 3.2.13.

Gaussians Mailing List

There is an electronic mailing list for GAUSS users. This list is an excellent resource for GAUSS users. The following gives a description of the list:

Gaussians was created primarily for discussion of anything related to the GAUSS software package. Its goals is to bring GAUSS users together and provide them a forum for information exchange, and tips/experiences/frustration sharing etc. The remainder of this message contains:

1) instructions on how to post messages to the list
2) how to subscribe and unsubscribe
3) where to find archives of gauss software
4) where to find archives of this list
5) email addresses for Aptech

If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to Thank you!


To post a message to the list, just send it to the address below and it will be forwarded to everyone on the list:

If you reply to a question posted to the list, please also send your reply to the whole list (that is, cc it to gaussians) when what you have to say might be of general interest.

Please DO NOT send subscription or unsubscription requests to the address above. If you do, you'll look silly because EVERYONE on the list will get a message saying that you want to subscribe or unsubscribe. You'll get lots of annoyed messages telling you to do the following thing instead...


To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, send one of the following commands in the body of an email message (not on the subject line) to
		subscribe gaussians 
		unsubscribe gaussians

Send subcribe messages from the account where you'd like to receive postings from the list; send unsubscribe messages from the account you where you receive postings. Again, please DO NOT send administrative requests to gaussians; send them to instead. If you take this advice, you'll keep everyone happy and avoid a lot of hate mail.


The American University Economics Department archives GAUSS source code for public non-commerical use. At the moment it contains some good code for non-linear optimization, qualitative choice models, generalized method of moments estimation, and cointegration tests, along with a variety of other useful special purpose procedures. Since this is an archive of source code, useful general purpose utilites will often be available in specific applications. The code is located at the following URL: Gauss programs at American University

Anyone may submit source code by e-mailing it to The code should be extensively commented so that its purpose and strucure are readily discerned. The code must contain a clear statement of authorship. Existing copyrights and patents must be fully honored. In addition, attributions should be made in accord with academic standards. Any submission of code must include a header with the following information:

  • A claim to authorship and a date of last revision (e.g., Written by Jane Doe 7/15/94).
  • A statement that the code is written and submitted for public,non-commercial use.
  • A disclaimer stating that there are no performance guarantees.
  • A request for appropriate attribution should the code be used in a research project.
  • A precise citation of any grant support of the code development.

For more information about the archive write to


Messages to gaussians are automatically archived at the Gaussians mailing list archive. An HTML version of the archive is available from R.H. Koning.

If you ever want to retract a message you sent to gaussians and have it deleted from the archive, send email to: This will have to be handled by a person, so please only make use of this if you find out you said something horribly wrong or offensive.

GAUSS Programs on the Net

Third Party Applications

GAUSS-to-Matlab and Matlab-to GAUSS Conversion Utilities