BASE10 Convert number to #.### and a power of 10. CEIL Round up towards +INF. FLOOR Round down towards -INF. PRCSN Set computational precision for matrix operations. ROUND Round to the nearest integer. TRUNC Truncate decimal portion of number.
All calculations in GAUSS are done in double precision, with the exception of some of the intrinsic functions, which may use extended precision (18-19 digits of accuracy). Use PRCSN to change the internal accuracy used in these cases.
ROUND, TRUNC, CEIL and FLOOR convert floating point numbers into integers. The internal representation for the converted integer is still 64-bit (double precision).
Each matrix element in memory requires 8 bytes of workspace. See the function CORELEFT to determine availability of workspace.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trigonometric Functions Other Math Functions ----------------------- -------------------- ARCCOS Inverse cosine. BESSELJ Bessel function, 1st kind. ARCSIN Inverse sine. BESSELY Bessel function, 2nd kind. ARCTAN Inverse tangent. EXP Exponential function. ARCTAN2 Angle whose tangent GAMMA Gamma function. is y/x. LN Natural log. COS Cosine. LNFACT Natural log of factorial COSH Hyperbolic cosine. function. SIN Sine. LOG Log base 10. SINH Hyperbolic sine. PI Returns the value of PI. TAN Tangent. SQRT Square root. TANH Hyperbolic tangent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
All trigonometric functions take or return values in radian units. All mathematical functions are calculated in double precision, with the exception of the BESSEL functions and GAMMA. These are calculated to roughly single precision.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRADP Computes first derivative of a function. HESSP Computes second derivative of a function. INTQUAD1 Integrates a 1-dimensional function. INTQUAD2 Integrates a 2-dimensional function. INTQUAD3 Integrates a 3-dimensional function. INTSIMP Integrates by Simpson's method. INTGRAT2 Integrates over a region defined by functions of x. INTGRAT3 Integrates over a region defined by functions of x and y. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GRADP and HESSP use a finite difference approximation to the first and second derivatives. Use GRADP to calculate a Jacobian.
INTQUAD1, INTQUAD2, and INTQUAD3 use Gaussian quadrature to calculate the integral of the user-defined function over a rectangular region.
To calculate an integral over a region defined by functions of x and y, use INTGRAT2 and INTGRAT3.
To get a greater degree of accuracy than that provided by INTQUAD1, use INTSIMP for one-dimensional integration.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLYCHAR Computes characteristic polynomial of a square matrix. POLYEVAL Evaluates polynomial with given coefficients. POLYINT Calculates Nth order polynomial interpolation given known point pairs. POLYMULT Multiplies two polynomials together. POLYMAKE Computes polynomial coefficients from roots. POLYMAT Returns sequence powers of a matrix. POLYROOT Computes roots of polynomial from coefficients. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FFT Compute 1- or 2-D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). FFTI Compute inverse FFT. FFTN Compute FFT. DFFT Compute 1-D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). DFFTI Compute inverse DFT. RFFT Compute 1- or 2-D real FFT. RFFTI Compute inverse real FFT. RFFTIP Compute inverse real FFT, takes packed format FFT. RFFTN Compute real FFT. RFFTNP Compute real FFT, return packed format FFT. RFFTP Compute real FFT, return packed format FFT. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFT, RFFT, and RFFTP require the dimensions of the input matrix to be powers of 2. FFTN, FFTI, RFFTN, RFFTNP, RFFTI, and RFFTIP allow them to be products of 2, 3, 5, and 7.
RFFTNP and RFFTP return only the positive frequencies and Nyquist frequencies, as the negative frequencies are often not needed in RFFT applications.
FFT and RFFT are supported for backward compatibility. Use FFTN and RFFTN if you can.
Random Number Generators ------------------------ RNDN Creates a matrix of normally distributed random numbers. RNDU Creates a matrix of uniformly distributed random numbers. Random Number Generator Control ------------------------------- RNDCON Changes constant of random number generator. RNDMOD Changes modulus of random number generator. RNDMULT Changes multiplier of random number generator. RNDNS Creates a matrix of normally distributed random numbers using a specified seed. RNDSEED Changes seed of random number generator. RNDUS Creates a matrix of uniformly distributed random numbers using a specified seed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The random number generator can be seeded. Set the seed using RNDSEED or generate the random numbers using either RNDUS for uniformly distributed numbers or RNDNS for normally distributed numbers. For example:
seed = 44435667; x = rndus(1,1,seed);
COMPLEX Converts 2 real matrices to 1 complex matrix. IMAG Returns imaginary part of complex matrix. ISCPLX Returns 1 (TRUE) if its argument is complex. REAL Returns real part of complex matrix.
Most other operators and functions operate on complex scalars and matrices in the expected way with no extra programming necessary.
Scalar Comparisons ------------------ FEQ Fuzzy == FGE Fuzzy >= FGT Fuzzy > FLE Fuzzy <= FLT Fuzzy < FNE Fuzzy /= Element-by-Element Comparisons ------------------------------ DOTFEQ Fuzzy .== DOTFGE Fuzzy .>= DOTFGT Fuzzy .> DOTFLE Fuzzy .<= DOTFLT Fuzzy .< DOTFNE Fuzzy ./= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The global variable _FCOMPTOL controls the tolerance used for comparison. By default, this is 1E-15. The default can be changed by editing the file FCOMPARE.DEC.
GAUSS-386i allows expressions that directly reference variables (columns) of a data set. This is done within the context of a data loop.
dataloop infile outfile; drop wagefac wqlec shordelt foobly; csed = ln(sqrt(csed)); select csed > 0.35 and married $== "y"; make chfac = hcfac + wcfac; keep csed chfac stid recsum voom; endata;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE create variable based on a set of logical expressions DELETE delete rows (observations) based on a logical expression DROP specify variables NOT to be written to data set EXTERN allows access to matrices and strings in memory KEEP specify variables to be written to output data set LAG lag variables a number of periods LISTWISE controls deletion of missing values MAKE create new variable OUTTYP specify output file precision RECODE change variable based on a set of logical expressions SELECT select rows (observations) based on a logical expression VECTOR create new variable from a scalar-returning expression ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
In any expression inside of a data loop, all symbols not immediately followed
by a left parenthesis `(' are assumed to be data set variable (column) names.
All program statements in the main file and not inside of a data loop are
passed through without modification. Program statements inside of a data loop
that are preceded by a `#' are passed through to the data loop without
modification. The adept user who is familiar with the code generated in the
temporary file can use this to do out of the ordinary operations inside the
data loop.
The translator that processes data loops can be turned on and off with Ctrl-T
or from the Alt-C configuration menu. When the translation is on, the main
program file will be translated to a temporary file with the data loops
expanded to the appropriate GAUSS code to perform the data loop operations.
Lines within a data loop preceded by a `#' are passed through unchanged. This
allows the adept user to use any GAUSS commands or functions within the data
When assigning a character variable to a numeric variable or vice versa, the #= and $= operators must be used to force a type change by the translator.
numvar $= charvar; /* numvar is now a character variable */ charvar #= numvar; /* charvar is now a numeric variable */
The translator writes a temporary file called $XRUN$.TMP which can be loaded
into the editor after a run by pressing Ctrl-F1 twice. The first time you
press Ctrl-F1, the original source is loaded into the editor. The next time,
the original source file will be saved and then swapped out and the translated
file will be loaded into the editor. Each subsequent Ctrl-F1 will swap the two
files, saving the one currently in memory. Pressing F8 will swap the files
without saving any changes to the one in memory.
To keep the translated file permanently, rename it using Alt-O while it is in memory and save it by pressing Alt-W.
CDFBETA Computes integral of beta function. CDFBVN Computes lower tail of bivariate normal cdf. CDFCHIC Computes complement of cdf of chi-square. CDFCHINC Computes integral of noncentral chi-square. CDFFC Computes complement of cdf of F. CDFFNC Computes integral of noncentral F. CDFGAM Computes integral of incomplete gamma function. CDFN Computes integral of normal distribution: lower tail. CDFNC Computes complement (1-cdf) of normal distribution. CDFNI Computes inverse of cdf of normal distribution. CDFTC Computes complement of cdf of t-distribution. CDFTCI Computes inverse of complement of t-distribution cdf. CDFTNC Computes integral of noncentral t-distribution. CDFTVN Computes lower tail of trivariate normal cdf. ERF Computes Gaussian error function. ERFC Computes complement of Gaussian error function. PDFN Computes standard normal probability density function.
CROSSPRD Computes cross product. MOMENT Computes moment matrix (x'x) with special handling of missing values. MOMENTD Computes moment matrix from data set. DSTAT Computes descriptive statistics of a data matrix. CONV Computes convolution of two vectors. CORRM Computes correlation matrix of a moment matrix. CORRVC Computes correlation matrix from a variance- covariance matrix. CORRX Computes correlation matrix. MEANC Computes mean value of every column of a matrix. STDC Computes standard deviation of every column. VCM Computes a variance-covariance matrix from a moment matrix. VCX Computes a variance-covariance matrix from a data matrix. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
See @REG for linear regression routines.
OLS Computes least squares regression of data set. OLSQR Computes OLS coefficients using QR decomposition. OLSQR2 Computes OLS coefficients, residuals and predicted values using QR decomposition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
These functions can handle missing data by performing either a listwise or pairwise deletion. Also, they produce extensive printed output.
DESIGN Creates a design matrix of 0's and 1's. EDITM Invokes the matrix editor. EYE Creates an identity matrix. LET Creates a matrix from a list of values. ONES Creates a matrix of ones. RECSERAR Computes auto-regressive recursive series. RECSERCP Computes recursive series involving products. RECSERRC Computes recursive series involving division. SEQA Creates a vector as an additive sequence. SEQM Creates a vector as a multiplicative sequence. TOEPLITZ Computes Toeplitz matrix from column vector. ZEROS Creates a matrix of zeros. | Vertical concatenation operator. ~ Horizontal concatenation operator. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Use ZEROS or ONES to create a constant vector or matrix.
To get help on loading matrices from ASCII files, type @LSE.
To get help on loading matrices from data sets, type @DATA.
Dimension --------- COLS Returns number of columns in a matrix. ROWS Returns number of rows in a matrix. Minimum and Maximum Elements ---------------------------- MAXC Returns largest element in each column of a matrix. MAXINDC Returns row number of largest element in each column of a matrix. MINC Returns smallest element in each column of a matrix. MININDC Returns row number of smallest element in each column of a matrix. Ranges of Elements ------------------ COUNTS Returns number of elements of a vector falling in specified ranges. COUNTWTS Returns weighted count of elements of a vector falling in specified ranges. INDEXCAT Returns indices of elements falling within specified ranges. RANKINDX Returns rank index of Nx1 vector. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
See @SORT for routines which return sorted indices and unique indices.
DELIF Deletes rows from a matrix using a logical expression. DIAG Extracts the diagonal of a matrix. DIAGRV Pushes column vector into diagonal of matrix. EXCTSMPL Creates a random subsample of a data set, with replacement. LOWMAT Returns the main diagonal and lower triangle. LOWMAT1 Returns a main diagonal of 1's and lower triangle. UPMAT Returns the main diagonal and upper triangle. UPMAT1 Returns a main diagonal of 1's and upper triangle. SELIF Selects rows from a matrix using a logical expression. SUBMAT Extracts a submatrix from matrix. TRIMR Trims rows from top or bottom of matrix. x[1 2 3:9,.] Submatrix containing all columns of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-9th rows of matrix x. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
To delete the rows of a matrix which contain missing values, see PACKR.
For more help on matrices, type @CREATE, @SIZE and @MAN.
Basic Row and Column Operations ------------------------------- CUMPRODC Computes cumulative products of each column of a matrix. CUMSUMC Computes cumulative sums of each column of a matrix. PRODC Computes the product of each column of a matrix. SUMC Computes the sum of each column of a matrix. Set Operations -------------- UNION Returns the union of two vectors. INTRSECT Returns the intersection of two vectors. SETDIF Returns elements of one vector that are not in another. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
To get a list of all matrix operators, type @OPERS. To get help on matrix comparison and logical operators, type one of the operators. (GT or AND, for example).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REV Reverses the order of rows of a matrix. ROTATER Rotates the rows of a matrix, wrapping elements. SHIFTR Shifts rows of a matrix, filling in holes with a specified value. RESHAPE Reshapes a matrix to new dimension. VEC Stacks columns of a matrix to form a single column. VECR Stacks rows of a matrix to form a single column. X.' Bookkeeping transpose of matrix X. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The functions RESHAPE, VEC, VECR and the dot transpose operator ( .' ) change
the shape of matrices, while REV, ROTATER and SHIFTR move elements in the
matrix, but retain the structure of the matrix.
The standard transpose operator ( ' ) returns the complex conjugate transpose
of complex matrices. The bookkeeping transpose ( .' ) simply transposes the
matrix without changing the sign of the imaginary part.
RESHAPE is useful when loading data from an ASCII file. See @LSE.
For more information on matrices, see @CREATE, @SIZE, and @OPERS for a list of operators.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Set Dimension ------------------ COLSF Returns number of columns in an open data set. ROWSF Returns number of rows in an open data set. ISCPLXF Returns 1 (TRUE) if data set is complex. TYPEF Returns the element size (2, 4, or 8 bytes). Creating, Opening, Loading and Closing Data Sets ------------------------------------------------ CLOSE Closes an open data set (.DAT file). CLOSEALL Closes all open data sets. CREATE Creates and opens a data set. EOF Tests for end of file. LOADD Loads a small data set. OPEN Opens an existing data set. READR Reads rows from open data set. SAVED Creates small data sets. SEEKR Moves pointer to specified row in open data set. WRITER Writes matrix to an open data set. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
See System and Graphics Manual for help on data conversion utility ATOG386.EXE.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GETNAME Returns names of all variables in a data set. INDCV Returns indices of selected variables in a data set. INDICES Returns indices and names of selected variables in a data set. INDICES2 Similar to INDICES, but returns separate lists for dependent and independent variables. MERGEVAR Concatenates column vectors to create larger matrix. MAKEVARS Decomposes matrix to create column vectors. SETVARS Creates global variables using names from data set. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
These functions are written to simplify the task of working with the
variables in data sets.
Example: Creating vectors in memory from data set variables: open f1 = mydata; x = readr(f1,rowsf(f1)); makevars(x,0,getname("mydata")); f1 = close(f1);
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE Code the data in a vector by applying a logical set of rules to assign each data value to a category. DUMMY Creates a dummy matrix, expanding values in a vector to rows with ones in columns corresponding to true categories and zeros elsewhere. DUMMYBR Similar to DUMMY. DUMMYDN Similar to DUMMY. RECODE Similar to CODE, but leaves the original data in place if no condition is met. SUBSTUTE Similar to RECODE, but operates on matrices. SUBSCAT Simpler version of RECODE, but uses ascending bins instead of logical conditions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CODE, RECODE, and SUBSCAT allow the user to code data variables and operate
on vectors in memory. SUBSTUTE operates on matrices, and DUMMY and
DUMMYBR and DUMMYDN create matrices.
See @MISS for help on recoding missing values.
all create a single missing value. Equality and inequality comparisons may be done on matrices containing missing values by using the $== and $/= operators.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SORTC Quick-Sorts rows of matrix based on numeric column. SORTCC Quick-Sorts rows of matrix based on character column. SORTD Sorts rows of data set on basis of a column. SORTHC Heap-Sorts rows of matrix based on numeric column. SORTHCC Heap-Sorts rows of matrix based on character column. SORTIND Returns a sorted index of numeric vector. SORTINDC Returns a sorted index of character vector. SORTMC Sorts rows of matrix on the basis of multiple columns. UNIQINDX Returns a sorted unique index of vector. UNIQUE Removes duplicate elements of a vector. INTRLEAV Produces one large sorted data set from two smaller sets having the same variables and sorted on a key column. MERGEBY Produces one large sorted data set from two smaller sorted sets having a single key column in common. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sorting routines operate on matrices by sorting the rows on the
basis of a key column. Both character and numeric data can be sorted using
these functions.
MERGEBY, INTRLEAV, and SORTD operate on data sets. See @SIZE for functions which rank elements of matrices.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computes: Matrix type: ------------------------------------------------- EIG Eigenvalues Complex general Real general EIGV Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Complex general Real general EIGH Eigenvalues Complex hermitian Real symmetric EIGHV Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Complex hermitian Real symmetric ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
To get help on polynomial functions, type @POLY.
See @DEC for information on matrix decompositions.
See @INV for help on solving linear systems.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decompositions -------------- BALANCE Balances a matrix. CHOL Computes Cholesky decomposition, X = Y'Y. CHOLDN Performs Cholesky downdate on an upper triangular matrix. CHOLUP Performs Cholesky update on an upper triangular matrix. CROUT Computes Crout decomposition, X = LU. CROUTP Computes Crout decomposition with row pivoting. HESS Computes upper Hessenberg form (real matrices only). LU Computes LU decomposition, X = LU. NULL Computes orthonormal basis for right null space. NULL1 Computes orthonormal basis for right null space. ORTH Computes orthonormal basis for column space. QQR QR decomposition: returns Q1 and R. QQRE QR decomp: returns Q1, R and a permutation vector E. QQREP QR decomp. with pivot control: returns Q1, R and E. QR QR decomposition: returns R. QRE QR decomp: returns R and a permutation vector E. QREP QR decomp. with pivot control: returns R and E. QTYR QR decomp: returns Q'Y and R. QTYRE QR decomp: returns Q'Y, R and a permutation vector E. QTYREP QR decomp. with pivot control: returns Q'Y, R and E. QYR QR decomp: returns Q*Y and R. QYRE QR decomp: returns Q*Y, R and a permutation vector E. QYREP QR decomp. with pivot control: returns Q*Y, R and E. RREF Computes reduced row echelon form of a matrix. SCHUR Computes Schur decomposition of a matrix (real only). SVD Computes the singular values of a matrix. SVD1 Computes singular value decomposition, X = USV'. SVD2 Computes SVD1 with compact U. Scalar Descriptions ------------------- COND Computes condition number of a matrix. DET Computes determinant of square matrix. DETL Computes determinant of decomposed matrix. RANK Computes rank of a matrix. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
For help on eigenvalues and eigenvectors, type @EIG. For help on solving linear systems, type @INV.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INV Inverts a matrix. INVPD Inverts a positive definite matrix. PINV Generalized pseudo-inverse: Moore-Penrose. INVSWP Generalized sweep inverse. b/A Solves a linear system Ax = b. CHOLSOL Solves a system of equations given the Cholesky factorization of a matrix. SOLPD Solves a system of positive definite linear equations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INV uses Crout decomposition and INVPD uses Cholesky decomposition.
See @DEC for help on matrix decompositions.
See @EIG for help on eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END Terminates a program and closes files. PAUSE Pauses for the specified time. RUN Runs both source code and compiled form programs. STOP Terminates a program and leaves files open. SYSTEM Quits GAUSS and returns to DOS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
These functions start, stop or pause the execution of a program. Neither END
nor STOP is required in a program; if neither if found, an implicit STOP is
executed upon program termination.
If you have subroutine definitions at the end of a program file, you
should place an END or STOP statement before the first subroutine label.
Examples: /* coin toss... */ /* file check... */ toss: open f1 = mydat for read; coin = rndu(1,1); if f1 == -1; if coin > .49 and coin < .51; goto errout( "File not found", -1 ); goto edge; endif; elseif coin >= .51; . heads = heads + 1; . endif; errout: t = t + 1; pop rv; goto toss; pop msg; edge: errorlog msg; print "It's on edge!"; _errval = rv; print "H " heads " T " t-heads; end;
The target of a GOTO is called a label. Labels must begin with '_' or
an alphabetic character and are always followed by a colon.
GOTO, like GOSUB, can pass arguments via the stack. If arguments are passed, they are retrieved (POPed) in the reverse order they are passed.
Looping is controlled with the DO statement.
do while st > tol; /* loop if true */ . . . endo; do until st <= tol; /* loop if false */ . . . endo; BREAK; Jump to the statement following ENDO. CONTINUE; Jump to the top of a DO loop.
See the Foreign Language Interface section of the GAUSS System and Graphics Manual for more details.