You must take your quiz in the section in which you are registered.
Only students registered in that quiz section may attend that section on
a quiz day.
Each student may bring a single 8.5" by 11"
sheet of paper with notes, possibly
written on both sides, to the Midterm Exam. It may be hand-written, or
typed, or word-processed, etc. .... but it is strongly
recommended that you prepare your own sheet of notes (perhaps working
with your peers).
Preparing your sheet of notes is a very useful revision tool.
Here is a Review list of topics for the exams.
It is last quarter's list from Dr. Morita, and has
NOT yet been updated for our class.
Part 1 is the part that is relevant
to the Midterm exam:
our exam is later, and so will go through the end of regression.
Here also is a copy of last quarter's
Midterm exam. Note again that our class has
emphasized different things, so although you should be able to work most
of this practice exam, some things may be unfamiliar.
Obviously, you will not be asked about things we have not covered!
Your actual exam should look more familiar!!
Also, this Midterm exam was very long! Yours will be shorter!!
Here is a Review list for the final exam: last part of course
Each student may bring a single 8.5" by 11"
sheet of paper with notes, possibly
written on both sides, to the Final Exam. It may be hand-written, or
typed, or word-processed, etc. .... but it is strongly
recommended that you prepare your own sheet of notes (perhaps working
with your peers).
Preparing your sheet of notes is a very useful revision tool.
Additionally, a Normal Table and various SE formulae will be provided
(Very similar to the one for Quiz-3).
The place of the STAT220 FINAL EXAM IS SMITH 120