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I have setup a "newsgroup" for the class. This is an electronic discussion place. You "subscribe" through your email account.


The name of the Newsgroup is :


This is how to do it :


in Pine, in the opening page,

Select FOLDER LIST and hit return ONCE


You will see this next page.

Select the second section (News On ...) and then hit RETURN

You will see this next page.

Select the bottom section

Type A (to subscribe)

and hit Return

You type in


and hit Return

From now on when you go to the NEWS ON NEWS... section of the FOLDERS option you will see this :

Just hit RETURN and then you can read other postings and/or make your own postings.

I expect you to monitor this discussion section before each exam. Use it not only to comment on class materials but also to raise issues.

I will use the discussion to answer questions and give tips for the exam.

You are required to enter a discussion comment at least twice during the quarter or you will lose 10 exam points.