(opening words of The Camel's Nose by Knut Schmidt-Nielsen).
David Catling
Professor, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences / cross-campus Astrobiology Program, at the University of Washington (UW), Seattle, USA
Areas of research:
- The Coupled Evolution of Planetary Surfaces and Atmospheres; Planetary Atmospheres and Climate.
- The Origin of Life; Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere and
the Co-evolution of Life and Biogeochemical Cycles;
- Involvement with NASA's missions to the planet Mars :
- Data analysis from the Mars
Surveyor and Mars
- Science Team member for NASA's Phoenix lander (landed on Mars in 2008)
- Science Team member for NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover (landed on Mars in 2021)
- Working within the Virtual Planetary Lab to understand the habitability of Earth and other planets.
- An investigator with the Simons Collaboration on the Origin of Life. See my project page with the Simons Foundation.
Advisor-advisee tree based on
post-doctoral, PhD, masters and undergrad research advisors and
their advisees. Hopefully, a few little crumbs of wisdom have
passed down this tree to me.

Brief Bio
- 2023- present: Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. Citation: "For creative insights into coupling between Earth’s biota and its atmosphere over timescales of billions of years"
- 2012-present: Professor, University of Washington, Seattle.
- 2018-2022: Associate Chair for the Graduate Program, Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle.
- Spring-Summer 2018:
- Leverhulme Visiting Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, England;
- Visiting Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge, England.
- 2017-2018: Senior Research Visitor, European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile
- 2009-2012: Associate Professor, Univ. of Washington
- 2005-2008: European Union Marie Curie Chair at the University
of Bristol, England & Affiliate professor, Univ. of
- 2001: Jointly appointed to University of Washington Dept. of
Atmospheric Sciences and Astrobiology
- 1995-2001: NASA Ames Research Center, California, in the Planetary Systems Branch, Space Science Division
- 1994: D.Phil in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford, England.
Zahnle (NASA Ames Research Center) - on all things
astrobiology & planetary science
Jon Toner (Dept. Earth and Space Sciences) -- on the habitability of cold solar system environments: Mars, Enceladus, etc.
Roger Buick (University of Washington, Earth and Space Sciences) - on early Earth and astrobiology
Vikki Meadows (UW Astronomy) -- leads the Virtual Planetary Lab & Univ. of Washington's astrobiology program
Tyler Robinson (University of Arizona) - on planetary atmospheres
David Montgomery (University of Washington, Earth and Space Sciences) - on the geology of Mars
Jon Toner (Dept. Earth and Space Sciences) -- on the habitability of cold solar system environments: Mars, Enceladus, etc.
Roger Buick (University of Washington, Earth and Space Sciences) - on early Earth and astrobiology
Vikki Meadows (UW Astronomy) -- leads the Virtual Planetary Lab & Univ. of Washington's astrobiology program
Tyler Robinson (University of Arizona) - on planetary atmospheres
David Montgomery (University of Washington, Earth and Space Sciences) - on the geology of Mars
Current postdoctoral researchers:
Ardith Bravenec (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences)
Sebastian Haas (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences)
Fabian Klenner (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences)
Current graduate students
Lucas Fifer (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences/ Astrobiology)
Andrew Shumway (Dept. of Earth &
Space Sciences/ Astrobiology)
Ping-Chun Lin (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences/ Astrobiology)
Kimberly Sinclair (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences/ Astrobiology)
Thomas (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences/ Astrobiology)Ping-Chun Lin (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences/ Astrobiology)
Kimberly Sinclair (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences/ Astrobiology)
Danqiu Chen (Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences/Astrobiology)
Yuk-Chun Chan (Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences/ Astrobiology) - co-advised with Becky Alexander
Former Ph.D and M.S. students:
Where are they now?
Mark Claire (2008 PhD) Blue Marble Science
Elliot Sefton-Nash (2010 PhD) Planetary Scientist, European
Space Agency, European Space Research & Technology Centre
(ESTEC), Noordwijk, Netherlands.
Sanjoy Som (2010 PhD) - Research Scientist & Director, Blue
Marble Space. Also at NASA Ames Research Center
Megan Smith (2015 MS) - Technical staff, Aerospace Corp.,
El Segundo, Los Angeles, CA
Goosmann (2018 MS) - Lab Data Manager, Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Josh Krissansen-Totton (2019, PhD) Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Steven Sholes (2019, PhD) - Systems Engineer, NASA JPL
Owen Lehmer (2020, PhD) - Researcher, Google LLC
Lauren O'Neil (2022 PhD) - Postdoc, Texas A&M University
Nick Wogan (2023 PhD) - Postdoc fellowship, NASA Ames Research Center
Zack Cohen (2023 PhD) - Postdoc fellowship, NASA Ames Research Center
Josh Krissansen-Totton (2019, PhD) Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Steven Sholes (2019, PhD) - Systems Engineer, NASA JPL
Owen Lehmer (2020, PhD) - Researcher, Google LLC
Lauren O'Neil (2022 PhD) - Postdoc, Texas A&M University
Nick Wogan (2023 PhD) - Postdoc fellowship, NASA Ames Research Center
Zack Cohen (2023 PhD) - Postdoc fellowship, NASA Ames Research Center
Former postdoctoral researchers:
Where are they now?
Zoe Todd (2020-2023) - Assistant Prof., U. Wisconsin, Madison.
(2017-2021), Assistant
Prof., Tokyo Institute of Technology.
MacKenzie Day (2017-2018), Assistant Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
MacKenzie Day (2017-2018), Assistant Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
Charnay (2014-16) - Researcher
with CNRS ( Centre
national de la recherche scientifique), at LESIA,
the Paris Observatory
in Meudon, France.
Phil Pogge von Strandmann (2009-11) -Professor, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany.
Julien Foriel (2005-8) - Research Associate, Harvard University
Phil Pogge von Strandmann (2009-11) -Professor, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany.
Julien Foriel (2005-8) - Research Associate, Harvard University
Former undergraduate researchers:
Where are they now?
Mousseau (2022) - Student at Yale University
MacKenzie Day (2010) - Assistant Professor, UCLA, after PhD U Texas, Austin & postdoc
David Bergsman (2009-2010) - Assistant Prof, Dept. Chem. Engineering, Univ. of Washington, after PhD (Stanford); & postdoc MIT.
Meelis Lootus (2007-8) - Univ. of Oxford D.Phil. in 2015. Director of AI Engineering, ML Technologies.
Chris Glein (2004-5) - Lead Scientist, Southwest Research Institute.
Carie Frantz (2004) - Associate Prof., Weber State University, UT.
Elliott Ginder (2002-2004) - Professor, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan; PhD from Kanazawa University.
Cindy Peacock (2003-2004) - was a Chemist at NOAA.
Charlie Barnhart (2003) - Associate Professor, Western Washington University.
Joannah Metz (2001) - Caltech PhD (2010). Geoscientist, Shell Oil.
Carol Paty (2000) - Professor, University of Oregon, Eugene.
Hillary Waites (1997) - Climate change attorney, Santa Clara, CA.
MacKenzie Day (2010) - Assistant Professor, UCLA, after PhD U Texas, Austin & postdoc
David Bergsman (2009-2010) - Assistant Prof, Dept. Chem. Engineering, Univ. of Washington, after PhD (Stanford); & postdoc MIT.
Meelis Lootus (2007-8) - Univ. of Oxford D.Phil. in 2015. Director of AI Engineering, ML Technologies.
Chris Glein (2004-5) - Lead Scientist, Southwest Research Institute.
Carie Frantz (2004) - Associate Prof., Weber State University, UT.
Elliott Ginder (2002-2004) - Professor, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan; PhD from Kanazawa University.
Cindy Peacock (2003-2004) - was a Chemist at NOAA.
Charlie Barnhart (2003) - Associate Professor, Western Washington University.
Joannah Metz (2001) - Caltech PhD (2010). Geoscientist, Shell Oil.
Carol Paty (2000) - Professor, University of Oregon, Eugene.
Hillary Waites (1997) - Climate change attorney, Santa Clara, CA.