
Joanne (Jody) Bourgeois, Professor
Interests: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Paleoseismology & Neotectonics



Brian Atwater, Affiliate Professor
Interests: Quaternary geology, paleoseismology




Frank Gonzalez , Affiliate Professor
Interests: Tsunami dynamics, Remote Sensing




Randy LeVeque, Professor (Applied Mathematics)
Interests: Scientific Computing & Numerical Analysis,
Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures



Vasily Titov, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Interests: Tsunami Research




Bob Freitag, Director – Institute for Hazards Mitigation
Planning and Research (College of Built Environments)
Interests: Tsunami Hazards Planning




Catherine Petroff, Affiliate Assistant Professor
(Civil & Environmental Engineering)
Interests: Tsunami impacts on coastlines and coastal structures




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