March 17, 2005
New doctors work long hours in the hospital. Shifts lasting longer than
24 hours and a total workweek of more than 80 hours are not uncommon.
Many doctors get very little sleep during these long shifts and must drive
themselves home when they get off work. Research published in the New
England Journal of Medicine (January 13, 2005) shows that these
doctors are more likely be involved in car accidents than doctors who do
not work extended hours.
Researchers surveyed 2,737 first-year doctors ("interns") about their work
schedules and driving incidents (crashes, near-misses). These interns
spent an average of 70.6 hours each week at work in the hospital.
The doctors
averaged almost four extended shifts (shifts lasting more than 24 hours)
each month. The average extended shift lasted 32 hours.
During the period of the study, doctors were involved in 131 motor vehicle
crashes and 3,127 near-misses while driving after work. Doctors who drove
after an extended shift were 2.3 times more likely to
have a car crash and 5.9 times more likely to have a
near-miss incident than doctors who do not work extended hours. Working
extended shifts also increased the risk of falling asleep while driving or
while stopped in traffic. Doctors who worked five or more extended shifts
in one month were 2.39 times more likely to fall asleep while driving and
3.69 times more likely to fall asleep while stopped in traffic.
It is unfortunate that young doctors have to work long hours. They have a
tremendous responsibility to deliver the best medical care to their
patients. People who are sleep deprived may have lapses in memory and
concentration. Sleep deprived doctors may put their patients at risk if
errors in treatment are made.
Is it time to change the way young doctors work? Truck drivers and
airline pilots have restrictions on the amount of time they can work.
Perhaps the work schedules of doctors should have similar restrictions
because well-rested doctors may reduce errors in the hospital and on the
road. |