August 15, 2005
King George III (born 1738, died 1820) was ruler of Britain as the British
Empire mastered the oceans and defeated France's Napoleon Bonaparte. It
was also during the reign of King George III, that the United States
gained its independence from the British. George III is also remembered
for his poor physical health and episodes of mental instability.
Scientists have suggested that these symptoms were caused by porphyria --
a rare inherited blood disorder. New studies have revealed another
possible contributing cause for the King's problems : arsenic poisoning!
During his reign, George III suffered from abdominal and limb pain, rapid
pulse, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and confusion. Although
researchers believe that George III had porphyria, they thought that
another factor contributed to the severity, late onset and persistence of
the symptoms. One possible cause of these symptoms is exposure to heavy
metals such as lead and mercury. Therefore, the researchers searched for signs of
heavy metal exposure in a sample of the King's hair.
The Wellcome Trust and Science Museum in London gave the scientists a lock
of hair from George III. The hair was taken from the King when he died
and had been kept without preservatives in a black-edged envelope.
Chemical analysis of the hair revealed normal levels of mercury and
slightly elevated levels of lead. Arsenic levels in the hair were
extremely high, reaching a value of 17 parts per million. Arsenic
poisoning occurs at levels of only 1 part per million.
The researchers point out the arsenic may worsen the symptoms of
porphyria. The King was given many medications while he was sick and
notes from the King's doctors suggest that some of the medicines may have
been contaminated with arsenic. Repeated use of these medicines may have
contributed to the severe symptoms shown by the King.