Vanderbilt Lab Members

Dr Chris Cameron (

(1997): Visiting PhD student from the University of Edmonton,PhD in 2000 with Dr. A. Richard Palmer; currently collaborating with Ned Djilali,in the Dept. of Mech. Eng., Univ. of Victoria.

Bamfield Marine Sciences Center
Bamfield, BC
Canada V0R 1B0
Phone: (250) 728-330
Fax: (250) 728-345

Publications in the Swalla Lab
  • Cameron, CB, Garey, JR and Swalla, BJ. (2000) Evolution of the chordate body plan: New insights from phylogenetic analyses of deuterostome phyla. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97: 4469-4474.
  • Swalla, BJ, Cameron, CB, Corley, LS and Garey, JR. (2000) Urochordates are monophyletic within the deuterostomes. Systematic Biology, 49: 122-134.
  • Winchell, CJ , Sullivan, J, Cameron, CB, Swalla, BJ and Mallatt, J. (2002) Evaluating competing theories of deuterostome evolution with new LSU and SSU ribosomal DNA phylogenies. Molecular Biology and Evolution,19: 762-776

Dr Laura S. Corley (

(1995-1996): Laura was a PhD student at Vanderbilt University, (but finished her PhD at the University of Kentucky with Dr. Allen J. Moore). She was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Michael R. Strand at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Currently she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology at Washington State University.

Department of Entomology
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-6382

Publications in the Swalla Lab
  • Panganiba, G., Irvine, S.M., Lowe, C., Roehl, H., Corley, L.S., Sherbon, B., Grenier, J., Fallon, J.F., Kimble, J., Walker, M., Wray, G., Swalla, B.J., Martindale, M.Q., and Carrol, S.B. (1997) The origin and evolution of animal appendages. PNAS, 94: 5162-5166.
  • Swalla, BJ, Cameron, CB, Corley, LS and Garey, JR. (2000) Urochordates are monophyletic within the deuterostomes. Systematic Biology, 49: 122-134.

Allison Hatmaker (

(1995-97): Honors Thesis at Vanderbilt University; now a Medical Student at University of Lousiville in Kentucky.

Publications in the Swalla Lab
  • Hatmaker, ARW, Ross, JM and Swalla, BJ. (2001) A SHARK family tyrosine kinase, localized in the myoplasm, is implicated in axis formation and muscle determination in ascidians. (in preparation).

Lee Hendricks

(1995-1996) Undergraduate research student.

McClean Jackson

(1996-97): Undergraduate research student.

M. Rebecca Jones

(1994-1997): M.S. in Biological Sciences; Vanderbilt University; presently teaches Middle School Science at Cason Lane Academy; Murfeesboro, TN

Anne Pitruzello

(1996-97): Undergraduate research student.

Dr Jay Raveill

(1995-96): Vanderbilt University; PhD 1995 Vanderbilt University, now an Associate Professor at Central Missouri State University.

Jennifer Ross

Publications in the Swalla Lab:
  • Hatmaker, ARW, Ross, JM and Swalla, BJ. (2001) A SHARK family tyrosine kinase, localized in the myoplasm, is implicated in axis formation and muscle determination in ascidians. (in preparation).

Karen Strunk (

(1996): IGP Rotation Student at Vanderbilt University, now in the Lab of David Threadgill, working on the EFG Resceptor in mice.

Kristen Suling (

(1994-96): Research Scientist, Vanderbilt University, now a Research Scientist with Dr. E. Antonio Chiocca, in the Neuro-Oncology Department of the Neuroscience Center at Massachusetts GeneralHospital.

Thao Thieu

(1995-97): Honors Student with thesis at Vanderbilt University; (2000) M.D. from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Currently in an OB/GYN residency in Boston, MA

Karen A Thomas

Karen E Thomas

Jennifer Wambach

(1995-97): Honors Student at Vanderbilt University now a Medical Student at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.