Ernesto Alvarado C.

Research Associate Professor
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
UW (206) 616-6920 PWFSL (206) 732-7842


Curriculum Vitae


Teaching and Training



Staff and Students


Other Interests

The UW Fire Ecology and Management Group is associated to the USFS Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory.
Ernesto C. Alvarado (Ph.D. University of Washington). I coordinate the group and am a principal investigator of several research agreement between the PWFSL and the UW.

Graduate Students

Everett Isaac

Laurel James

Brooke Cassell

Jonathan Tallman

Undergraduate Students

Jannelle Deane. UW Sophmore.

Aarin Sengsirirak. UW College of Forest Resources, Senior.

Manuel Luis Garcia. UW School of Forest Resources, Junior.

Melody Rosencrans, UW, Junior


Dr. Susan Prichard. Ph.D. Washington.

Dr. Jessica Halofsky. Ph.D. Oregon State University

Dr. Maureen Kennedy, Ph. D. University of Washington

Cameron Balog. MS U Edinburgh

Jon Dvorak. BS UC Berkeley.

Travis Freed. MS UC Berkeley

James Cronan. MS U Yale

Anne Andreu. MS UW.

Paige Eagle. MS University of Michigan.

Robert Norheim. MS UW

Stephanie Hart, M.S. Oregon State University

Kjell Sweedin. Computer Engineer

Asako Fujisaki, BS. UW

Jesse Sankey, BS University of Minesota

Courtney Butler, BS University of Utah

Visiting Scientists

Dr. Marcus VinicioNeves d' Oliveira. EMBRAPA Brasil - Acre

Dr. Diego Perez Salicrup. Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.


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