TCSS 558-W'21: Applied Distributed Computing

TCSS 558:
Applied Distributed Computing


ANNOUNCEMENTS Syllabus Grading Schedule Assignments


Course Announcments

1. Please check the SCHEDULE page for information related to the posting and due dates of the assignements.

2. Please complete the online course demographics survey:  [HERE]

3. Please complete the AWS Cloud Credits survey:  [HERE]

Important Dates:
Monday January 4 Classes begin - First day of classes
Sunday January 17Last Day to Register without fees
Monday January 18CAMPUS CLOSED - Martin Luther King Day Holiday (observed)
Sunday January 24Last Day to Register with late penalty fee
Thursday February 11Midterm Exam (tentative)
Monday February 15CAMPUS CLOSED - President's Day Holiday (observed)
Sunday February 21Last day for drop with a W
Tuesday March 16Final Exam
Wednesday March 24Grades posted