TCSS 360-W'17: Software Development and Quality Assurance Techniques

TCSS 360: Software Development and Quality Assurance Techniques


Announcements Syllabus Grading Schedule Assignments


Team-Based Software Development Project
This section of TCSS 360 will feature a team-based quarter long project focused on the development of a service oriented application. The specific technologies for the project are not fixed. One or more example systems will be presented/provided demonstrating architectural alternatives. The course textbook and associated website provide additional resources and tutorials. There will multiple project status reports and three project deliverables during the quarter. Our ultimate goal is to introduce the concepts of modern day software engineering in the context of developing service oriented applications. The course is NOT a programming course on Java, Ruby, Python, Javascript, or other associated languages or frameworks.

Midterm and Final Exams
TCSS 360 will not feature midterm or final exams. Instead, concepts will be reviewed and practiced on homework assignments and through the team-based software development project.

Readings and homeworks
Weekly readings will be posted to the schedule page, and homework assignments throughout the quarter are posted on the assignments page.

Grading Policy
Weights are assigned to the different elements of the course as listed below. Points are added up at the end of the quarter and weighted accordingly to determine a total percentage score. The percentage score is translated into a final decimal point (4.0 max) grade.

Course ElementWeight
In Class Tutorials10%
Project Deliverable 120%
Project Deliverable 220%
Project Deliverable 320%
Project Status Reports (Group Wikis)10%

UW Grading Scale

Due Dates / Submitting Assignments
All assignments are due at 11:59 PM on the due date unless specified otherwise. There is a late penalty of 10% per day for up to 2 days. Submissions more than 48 hours late will receive a zero score. When possible, assignments will be posted at least two weeks prior to the due date. Assignments may include programming and/or written components. Homework will relate to the lecture and textbook readings throughout the quarter. The details of each homework will be posted HERE. Completed homeworks will be submitted through Canvas.

Conduct / Academic Honesty
Any attempt to receive credit for non-original work that is not your own is plagiarism. Attempts to hide the lack of contribution from a weak team member will be counted as academic dishonesty. Discussing topics, including general approaches to assignments, in a collaborative atmosphere is encouraged. Discussing concepts and methods to be applied to problems is a tremendous aid to studying. Non-group homework assignments require original individual work and will be specified as individual.