Publications sorted by topic

(Combinatorial, Numerical, Random) Linear Algebra
Probability and Potential Theory
Graph Theory, Analysis on Graphs
Number Theory, Point Distributions, etc.
Optimal Transport
Classical Analysis, Fourier Analysis
Applied Harmonic Analysis, Data Science
Miscellaneous, Economics

(Combinatorial, Numerical, Random) Linear Algebra

  • Randomly Pivoted Partial Cholesky: Random How? arxiv
  • A note on approximate Hadamard matrices arxiv
  • Bad Science Matrices arxiv
  • Approximate Solutions of Linear Systems at a Universal Rate, arxiv, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, accepted.
  • (with Hau-tieng Wu) Eigenvector phase retrieval: recovering eigenvectors from the absolute value of their entries, arxiv, Linear Algebra and Applications, accepted.
  • Quantile-Based Random Kaczmarz for corrupted linear systems of equations, arxiv, Information and Inference, accepted.
  • (with Beltran, Betermin, Grabner), How well-conditioned can the eigenvalue problem be?, arxiv, Math. Comp. 91, p. 1237-1245 (2022).
  • Surrounding the solution of a Linear System of Equations from all sides, arxiv, Quart. Appl. Math. 79, p. 419-429 (2021).
  • On the Regularization Effect of Stochastic Gradient Descent applied to Least Squares, arxiv, ETNA 54, p. 610-619 (2021).
  • A Weighted Randomized Kaczmarz Method for Solving Linear Systems, arxiv, Math. Comp. 90, p. 2815-2826 (2021).
  • Randomized Kaczmarz converges along small singular vectors, arxiv, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 42, p. 608-615 (2021).
  • (with Rima Al-Aifari, Xiuyuan Cheng, Lillian Pierce), On Matrix Rearrangement Inequalities, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148, p. 1835-1848 (2020).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu) Detecting Localized Eigenstates of Linear Operators, arxiv, Res. Math. Sci. 5, no. 34 (2018)


  • Universal lower bounds for Dirichlet eigenvalues, arxiv
  • (with Raghav Venkatraman), Dirichlet eigenfunctions with nonzero mean value, arxiv
  • (with Mariana Smit Vega Garcia) An Almgren monotonicity formula for discrete harmonic functions, arxiv
  • (with Ovall, Quan, Reid) On localization of eigenfunctions of the magnetic Laplacian, arxiv
  • (with Hoskins and Quan) Magnetic Schrodinger operators and landscape functions, arxiv
  • (with Burdzy, Hoskins) From pinned billiard balls to partial differential equations, arxiv
  • An Agmon estimate for Schrodinger operators on Graphs, arxiv, Lett. Math. Phys., accepted.
  • Quantum Entanglement and the Growth of Laplacian Eigenfunctions arxiv, Comm. PDE, accepted.
  • Effective Bounds for the Decay of Schrodinger Eigenfunctions and Agmon bubbles, arxiv, Israel J. Math, accepted.
  • An upper bound on the Hot Spots constant, arxiv, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, accepted.
  • On Concavity of Solutions of the nonlinear Poisson equation, arxiv, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 244, p. 209-224 (2021).
  • A Pointwise Inequality for Derivatives of Solutions of the Heat Equation in Bounded Domains, arxiv
  • (with Murphey Lu), Fast localization of eigenfunctions via smoothed potentials, arxiv, Journal of Scientific Computing 90, number: 38 (2022).
  • Regularized Potentials of Schrodinger Operators and a Local Landscape Function, arxiv, Comm. PDE 46,p. 1262-1279 (2021).
  • (with Jeremy Hoskins), Towards Optimal Gradient Bounds of the Torsion Function in the Plane, arxiv, Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, p. 7812-7841 (2021).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), A Dimension-Free Hermite-Hadamard Inequality via Gradient Estimates for the Torsion Function, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148, p. 673-679 (2020).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), Optimal Trapping of Brownian Motion: A Nonlinear Analogue of the Torsion Function, arxiv, Potential Analysis 54, p. 687-698 (2021)
  • Hot Spots in Convex Domains are in the Tips (up to an Inradius), arxiv, Comm. PDE, 45, p. 641-654 (2020).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu and Chris Sogge) Approximating Pointwise Products of Laplacian Eigenfunctions, arxiv, Journal of Functional Analysis, 373, p. 3271-3282 (2019).
  • A Nonlocal Transport Equation Describing Roots of Polynomials Under Differentiation, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 147, p. 4733-4744 (2019).
  • Quantitative Homogenization and Convergence of Moving Averages, arxiv
  • (with Peter W. Jones) Localization of Neumann Eigenfunctions near Irregular Boundaries, arxiv, Nonlinearity 32, p. 768-776 (2019).
  • A metric Sturm-Liouville theory in two dimensions, arxiv, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 59, article 12 (2020).
  • (with Alex Cloninger) On the Dual Geometry of Laplacian Eigenfunctions, arxiv, Experimental Mathematics, 30, p. 283-293, (2021).
  • An Endpoint Alexandrov Bakelman Pucci Estimate in the Plane, arxiv, Canad. Math. Bull., 62, p. 643-651 (2019).
  • Quantitative Projections in the Sturm Oscillation Theorem, arxiv, J. Math. Pure Appl., 144, p. 1-16 (2020).
  • On the Spectral Resolution of Products of Laplacian Eigenfunctions, arxiv, Journal of Spectral Theory, 9, p. 1367-1384 (2019)
  • (with Janna Lierl) A Local Faber-Krahn inequality and Applications to Schrodinger's Equation, arxiv, Comm. PDE, 43, 66-81 (2018).
  • Varadhan Asymptotics for the Heat Kernel on Finite Graphs, arxiv
  • Spectral Limitations of Quadrature Rules and Generalized Spherical Designs, arxiv, IMRN, 16, 12265-12280 (2021).
  • Oscillatory functions vanish on a large set, arxiv, Asian J. Math., 24, 177-190 (2020).
  • Topological Bounds on Fourier Coefficients and Applications to Torsion, arxiv, Journal of Functional Analysis, 274, 1611-1630 (2018).
  • (with Bogdan Georgiev and Mayukh Mukherjee) A Spectral Gap Estimate and Applications, arxiv, Potential Analysis, 49, 635-645 (2018).
  • (with Manas Rachh) On the location of maxima of solutions of Schroedinger's equation, arxiv, Comm. Pure. Appl. Math., 71, 1109-1122 (2018).
  • Localization of Quantum States and Landscape Functions, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 145, 2895-2907 (2017).
  • (with Alberto Enciso and Daniel Peralta-Salas) Prescribing the nodal set of the first eigenfunction in each conformal class, arxiv, IMRN, 54, 555-569.
  • Lower bounds on nodal sets of eigenfunctions via the heat flow, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 39 (2014), arxiv.
  • Dispersion dynamics for the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 789-800, arxiv.
  • A Geometric Uncertainty Principle with an Application to Pleijel's Estimate, Annales Henri Poincare, 15 (2014), 2299 - 2319, arxiv.

    Probability and Potential Theory

  • Random Growth via Gradient Flow Aggregation, arxiv
  • (with Ottolini) Concentration of Hitting Times in Erdos-Renyi graphs, arxiv
  • (with Andrea Ottolini) Guessing cards with complete feedback, arxiv
  • (with Bamdad Hosseini) Intrinsic Sparsity of Kantorovich Solutions arxiv, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, accepted.
  • On the Logarithmic Energy of Points on S^2, arxiv, Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, accepted.
  • (with Roy Lederman), Extreme Values of the Fiedler Vector on Trees, arxiv
  • Electrostatic Interpretation of Roots of Orthogonal Polynomials, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146, p. 5323-5331 (2018).
  • A Sharp Estimate for Probability Distributions, arxiv, Stat. Prob. Lett. 155 (2019), 108584.
  • (with Jianfeng Lu) A Variation on the Donsker-Varadhan Inequality for the Principal Eigenvalue, arxiv, Proc. Royal Soc. A, 473 (2017).

    Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Analysis on Graphs

  • On a problem involving unit fractions arxiv
  • (with Thomas) Conformally rigid graphs, arxiv
  • (with Babecki and Thomas) Spectrahedral Geometry of Graph Sparsifiers, arxiv
  • (with Devriendt and Ottolini) Graph curvature via resistance distance, arxiv
  • (with Shubham Gupta) Rearrangement Inequalities on the Lattice Graph, arxiv
  • An elementary proof of a lower bound for the inverse of the star discrepancy, arxiv, J. Complexity, accepted.
  • (with Rekha Thomas) Random Walks, Equidistribution and Graphical Designs arxiv
  • The first eigenvector of a distance matrix is nearly constant arxiv, Discrete Math., accepted.
  • Sums of Distances on Graphs and Embeddings into Euclidean Space arxiv, Mathematika, accepted.
  • Curvature on Graphs via Equilibrium Measures arxiv, J. Graph Theory, accepted.
  • The Boundary of a Graph and its Isoperimetric Inequality arxiv, J. Discrete Applied Mathematics, accepted.
  • The product of two high-frequency Graph Laplacian eigenfunctions is smooth, arxiv, Discrete Mathematics, accepted.
  • A Graph Decomposition motivated by the Geometry of Randomized Rounding, arxiv
  • Max-Cut via Kuramoto-type Oscillators, arxiv, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, accepted.
  • A Spectral Approach to the Shortest Path Problem, arxiv, Linear Algebra and its Applications 620, p. 182-200 (2021).
  • (with George Linderman) Numerical Integration on Graphs: where to sample and how to weigh, arxiv, Mathematics of Computation, 89, p. 1933-1952 (2020).
  • Generalized Designs on Graphs: Sampling, Spectra, Symmetries, arxiv, Journal of Graph Theory, 93, p. 253-267 (2020), Gallery of examples,
  • (with Noah Kravitz) Ulam Sequences and Ulam sets, arxiv, Integers, 18 , A80 (2018).
  • (with Florian Pausinger) On the Discrepancy of Jittered Sampling, Journal of Complexity, 33 (2016), 199-216, arxiv
  • A note on the number of different inner products generated by a finite set of vectors, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010) no. 5, 1112-1117, link.

    Number Theory, Point Distributions, etc.

  • On differences of two harmonic numbers arxiv
  • Sums of square roots that are close to an integer arxiv, J. Number Theory, accepted.
  • Some Remarks on the Erdős Distinct Subset Sums Problem, arxiv, Int. J. Number Theory, accepted.
  • Polynomials with Roots on the Unit Circle: Regularity of Leja sequences, arxiv, Mathematika 67, p. 553-268 (2021).
  • Dynamically Defined Sequences with Small Discrepancy, arxiv, Monatshefte Math., 191, p. 639-655 (2020).
  • A Nonlocal Functional Promoting Low-Discrepancy Point Sets, arxiv, Journal of Complexity, 54, 101410 (2019).
  • Poissonian Pair Correlation in Higher Dimensions, arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 208, p. 47-58 (2020).
  • Roots of trigonometric polynomials and the Erdos-Turan theorem, arxiv, Mathematika, 66, p. 245-254 (2020).
  • Exponential Sums and Riesz energies, arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 182, 37-56 (2018).
  • Poissonian Pair Correlation and Discrepancy, arxiv, Indag. Math. 29, 1167-1178 (2018).
  • (with Nick Marshall) Triangles capturing many lattice points, arxiv, Mathematika, 64, 551-582 (2018).
  • (with Alex Cloninger) On Suprema of Autoconvolutions with an Application to Sidon sets, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,145, 3191-3200 (2017).
  • Localized Quantitative Criteria for Equidistribution, arxiv, Acta Arithmetica, 180, 183-199 (2017).
  • A Hidden Signal in the Ulam sequence, arxiv, Experimental Mathematics, 23, 460-467 (2017).
  • The asymptotic behavior of the average $L^p-$discrepancies and a randomized discrepancy, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 17 (2010) R106, link.
  • A New Lower Bound for the Geometric Traveling Salesman Problem in Terms of Discrepancy, Operations Research Letters 38 (2010) no. 4, 318-319, link.
  • Uniform distribution preserving mappings and variational problems Uniform Distribution Theory 4 (2009) no. 1, 117-145, link.
  • (with Friedrich Pillichshammer) Average distance between consecutive points of uniformly distributed sequences, Uniform Distribution Theory 4 (2009) no. 1, 51-67, link.

    Optimal Transport

  • (with Ottolini) Greedy Matching in Optimal Transport with concave cost, arxiv
  • On Combinatorial Properties of Greedy Wasserstein Minimization, arxiv
  • On a Kantorovich-Rubinstein Inequality, arxiv, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 501, 125185 (2021).
  • (with Louis Brown) On the Wasserstein Distance between Classical Sequences and the Lebesgue Measure arxiv, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373, p. 8943-8962 (2020).
  • A Wasserstein Inequality and Minimal Green Energy on Compact Manifolds, arxiv, J. Functional Analysis, 281 (2021).
  • (with Amir Sagiv), Transport and Interface: an Uncertainty Principle for the Wasserstein distance, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 52, p. 3039-3051 (2020).
  • Wasserstein Distance, Fourier Series and Applications, arxiv, Monatshefte Math. , 194, p. 305-338 (2021).

    Classical Analysis, Fourier Analysis

  • Nonlinear recursions on the reals and a problem of Graham, arxiv
  • (with Bilyk, Mastrianni), Single radius spherical cap discrepancy via gegenbadly approximable numbers arxiv
  • (with Bilyk, Chang, Heinävaara, Matzke) A random line intersects S^2 in two probabilistically independent locations, arxiv
  • (with Faulhuber) Maximal polarization for periodic configurations on the real line, arxiv
  • Local sign changes of polynomials, arxiv
  • Quadratic Crofton and sets that see themselves as little as possible, arxiv
  • An Inequality Characterizing Convex Domains, arxiv
  • Discrete Rearrangements and the Polya-Szegő Inequality on Graphs, arxiv
  • (with Betermin, Faulhuber), A variational principle for Gaussian lattice sums, arxiv
  • Free Convolution Powers via Roots of Polynomials, arxiv, Experimental Math. , accepted.
  • (with Noah Kravitz) The Smoothest Average: Dirichlet, Fejer and Chebychev, arxiv, Bull. London Math. Soc. 53, p. 1801-1815 (2021).
  • (with Jeremy Hoskins) Semicircle Law for Derivatives of Random Polynomials, arxiv, IMRN 13,p. 9784-9809 (2022).
  • Fourier Uncertainty Principles, Scale Space Theory and the Smoothest Average, arxiv, Math. Res. Lett. 28,p. 1851-1874 (2021).
  • On the Stability of Fourier Phase Retrieval, arxiv, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 28, no. 29 (2022)
  • (with Sean O'Rourke) A Nonlocal Transport Equation Modeling Complex Roots of Polynomials under Differentiation arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 149, p. 1581-1592 (2021).
  • (with Louis Brown) Positive-definite Functions, Exponential Sums and the Greedy Algorithm: a curious Phenomenon arxiv, Journal of Complexity, 61, 101485 (2020).
  • (with Beck, Brandolini, Burdzy, Henrot, Langford, Larson, Smits), Improved Bounds for Hermite-Hadamard Inequalities in Higher Dimensions, arxiv, Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, p. 801-816 (2021).
  • On Sublevel Set Estimates and the Laplacian, arxiv, Potential Analysis 55, p. 11-28 (2021).
  • (with Rick Barnard) Three Convolution Inequalities on the Real Line with Connections to Additive Combinatorics arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 207, p. 42-55 (2020).
  • (with Markus Faulhuber) An Extremal Property of the Hexagonal Lattice arxiv, Journal of Statistical Physics, 177, p. 285-298 (2019). .
  • (with Felipe Goncalves and Diogo Oliveira e Silva) A Universality Law For Sign Correlations of Eigenfunctions of Differential Operators arxiv, Journal of Spectral Theory, 11, p. 661-676 (2021).
  • (with Raphy Coifman) A Remark on the Arcsine Distribution and the Hilbert Transform arxiv, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 25 p. 2690-2696 (2019), see also.
  • (with Trevor Richards) Leaky Roots and Stable Gauss-Lucas Theorems, arxiv, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 64, p. 1898-1904 (2019).
  • The Hermite-Hadamard inequality in higher dimensions, arxiv, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 30, p. 466-483 (2020).
  • (with Hau-tieng Wu) On Zeroes of Random Polynomials and Applications to Unwinding, arxiv, IMRN,13, p. 10100-10117 (2021).
  • A Stability Version of the Gauss-Lucas Theorem and Applications, arxiv, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 109, p. 262-269 (2020).
  • A Compactness Principle for Maximizing Smooth Functions over Toroidal Geodesics, arxiv, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 100, p. 148-154 (2019).
  • Refined Heinz-Kato-Loewner inequalities, arxiv, Journal of Spectral Theory, 9, p. 1-20. (2018).
  • (with Dmitriy Bilyk and Feng Dai) General and Refined Montgomery Lemmata, arxiv, Math. Annalen, 373, p. 1283-1297 (2019).
  • Well-Distributed Great Circles on S^2, arxiv, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 60, 40-56 (2018).
  • Fast Escape in Incompressible Vector Fields, arxiv, Monatshefte Math., 186, 525-537 (2018).
  • (with Raphy Coifman and Hau-tieng Wu) Carrier frequencies, holomorphy and unwinding, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 49 , 4838-4864 (2017).
  • (with Roy Lederman) Stability Estimates for Truncated Fourier and Laplace Transforms, arxiv, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 87, 529-543 (2017).
  • (with Raphy Coifman) Nonlinear phase unwinding of functions arxiv, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 23, 778-809 (2017).
  • (with Felipe Goncalves and Diogo Oliveira e Silva) Hermite polynomials, linear flows on the torus, and an uncertainty principle for roots, arxiv, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,451, 678-711 (2017).
  • (with Markus Faulhuber) Optimal Gabor frame bounds for separable lattices and estimates for Jacobi theta functions, arxiv, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 445 , 407-422 (2017).
  • Directional Poincare Inequalities along Mixing Flows, Arkiv för Matematik 54 , 555-569, 2016 arxiv .
  • (with Rima Al-Aifari and Lillian Pierce) Lower bounds for the truncated Hilbert transform, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 32 (2016), 23-56, arxiv.
  • A Rigidity Phenomenon for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function, Studia Mathematica, 229 , 263-278 (2015), arxiv
  • An Uncertainty Principle on compact manifolds, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 21 (2015), 575-599 arxiv.
  • (with Herbert Koch) Convolution Estimates for Singular Measures and Some Global Nonlinear Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities, arxiv, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 145 (2015), 1223-1237.
  • Sharp L^1 Poincare inequalities correspond to optimal hypersurface cuts, Archiv der Mathematik, 105 (2015), 179-188 arxiv.
  • (with Michaela Nieuwenhuis and James Robinson ), Minimal Periods for Ordinary Differential Equations in Strictly Convex Banach Spaces and Explicit Bounds for some L^p-Spaces, Journal of Differential Equations 256 (2014), 2846 - 2857, arxiv.

    Applied Harmonic Analysis, Data Science

  • (with Alaifari, Bartolucci, Wellershoff) On the connection between uniqueness from samples and stability in Gabor phase retrieval arxiv, Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, accepted.
  • (with Hau-tieng Wu) Fundamental component enhancement via adaptive nonlinear activation functions, arxiv, App. Comp. Harm. Anal. , accepted.
  • (with George Linderman) Dimensionality Reduction via Dynamical Systems: the case of t-SNE, SIAM Review 64, p. 153-178 (2022).
  • (with Raphy Coifman and Nick Marshall) A common variable minimax theorem for graphs, arxiv, FoCM, accepted.
  • (with Ofir Lindenbaum) Refined Least Squares for Support Recovery, arxiv, Signal Processing 195, number: 108493 (2022).
  • (with Yulan Zhang), t-SNE, Forceful Colorings and Mean Field Limits, arxiv GitHub, Res. Math. Sci. 9, number: 42 (2022).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), Neural Collapse under Cross-Entropy Loss, arxiv, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 59, p. 224-251 (2022).
  • (with Adela DePavia) Spectral Clustering Revisited: Information Hidden in the Fiedler Vector, arxiv, Foundations of Data Science 3, 225-249 (2021).
  • (with Ofir Lindenbaum) Randomly Aggregated Least Squares for Support Recovery, arxiv, Signal Processing, 180, 107858 (2021).
  • (with Jaffe, Kluger, Lindenbaum, Patsenker, Peterfreund), The Spectral Underpinning of word2vec, arxiv, Front. Appl. Math. Stat.
  • (with Dmitry Kobak, George Linderman, Yuval Kluger, Philipp Berens) Heavy-tailed kernels reveal a finer cluster structure in t-SNE visualisations, arxiv, ECML PKDD 2019
  • (with Eric Chi) Recovering Trees with Convex Clustering, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Data Science, 1, p. 383-407 (2019).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu and Matthias Sachs) Quadrature Points via Heat Kernel Repulsion, arxiv, Constructive Approximation, 51, p. 27-48 (2020).
  • (with George Linderman, Manas Rachh, Jeremy Hoskins, Yuval Kluger) Efficient Algorithms for t-distributed Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding, arxiv, Nature Methods, 16, p. 243-245 (2019).
  • (with George Linderman, Gal Mishne, Ariel Jaffe, Yuval Kluger) Randomized Near Neighbor Graphs, Giant Components, and Applications in Data Science, arxiv, Journal of Applied Probability, 57 (2020), p. 458 - 476.
  • (with George Linderman) Clustering with t-SNE, provably, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Data Science, 1, 313-332 (2019).
  • (with Xiuyuan Cheng and Gal Mishne) The Geometry of Nodal Sets and Outlier Detection, arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 185 , 48-64 (2018).
  • (with Uri Shaham) Stochastic Neighbor Embedding separates well-separated clusters, arxiv
  • (with Xiuyuan Cheng and Manas Rachh) On the Diffusion Geometry of Graph Laplacians and Applications, arxiv, Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., 46, p. 674-688 (2019).
  • (with Alex Cloninger) Spectral Echolocation via the Wave Embedding, arxiv, Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., 43, 577-590 (2017).
  • (with Yuke Li, Tianhao Wu and Nicholas Marshall) Extracting Geography from Trade Data, arxiv, Physica A, 473 205-212 (2017)
  • A Filtering Technique for Markov Chains with Applications to Spectral Embedding, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis , 40 (2016), 575-587, arxiv.

    Miscellaneous, Economics, etc.

  • (with Anna Gilbert and Yulan Zhang) May the force be with you, arxiv
  • (with Korssjoen, Li, Tripathi, Zhang) Finding Structure in Sequences of Real Numbers via Graph Theory: a Problem List, arxiv, Involve 15, 251-270 (2022).
  • (with Greengard, Liu, Tsyvinski) Factor Clustering with t-SNE, ssrn
  • Using Expander Graphs to test whether samples are iid, arxiv
  • (with Aleh Tsyvinski) On Vickreys Income Averaging, arxiv
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators in Dense Networks, arxiv, Nonlinearity, 33, 5905 (2020).
  • (with Aleh Tsyvinski) Tax Mechanisms and Gradient Flows arxiv
  • The best way to reconcile your past is exponentially, arxiv, American Mathematical Monthly, 127, p. 64-69 (2020).
  • (with Jakob Kapeller and Matthias Aistleitner) Citation Patterns in Economics and Beyond, Science in Context, 32, p. 361 - 380 (2019).
  • (with Sam Johnson) Intuitions about mathematical beauty: A case study in the aesthetic experience of ideas, Cognition, 189, 242-259 (2019).
  • (with Sam Johnson) The Aesthetic Psychology of Mathematics, arXiv, Math. Intelligencer, 41, 67-70 (2019)
  • (with Florian Pausinger and Manas Rachh) Optimal Jittered Sampling for Two Points in the Unit Square, arxiv, Statist. Probab. Lett., 132, 55-61 (2018).
  • (with SMALL 2016) On algorithms to calculate integer complexity, arxiv, Integers 19, A12, (2019).
  • (with Jakob Kapeller and Matthias Aistleitner) The Power of Scientometrics and the Development of Economics, Journal of Economics Issues, 52, 816-834 (2018).
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) Stability, Fairness and Random Walks in the Bargaining Problem, arxiv, Physica A, 488, 60-71 (2017).
  • An amusing sequence of functions, arxiv, Mathematics Magazine, 91, 262-266 (2018). pictures more fun
  • (with Florian Pausinger, Heating a Room with Number Theory Math. Mag., 92, 99-106 (2019).
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) Emergent phenomena in scientific publishing: a simulation exercise, Research Policy 45, 1945-1952 (2016).
  • On the Number of Positions in Chess without Promotion, International Journal of Game Theory 44, 761-767 (2015).
  • (with Florian Pausinger) Local Extrema in Quantum Chaos, Physics Letters A, 379 (2015), 535-541 arxiv.
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) Modeling the Evolution of Preferences: An Answer to Schubert and Cordes, Journal of Institutional Economics 10 (2014), 337- 347 pdf.
  • (with Jakob Kapeller and Bernhard Schuetz ) The Impossibility of Rational Consumer Choice - A Problem and its Solution. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23 (2013) 29 - 60, link.
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) How Formalism shapes Perception: An Experiment on Mathematics as a Language, International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 4 (2013): 138 - 156.
  • New Bounds for the Traveling Salesman Constant, Advances in Applied Probability, 47 (2015), arxiv.
  • A Remark on Disk Packings and Numerical Integration of Harmonic Functions, Journal of Complexity: Oberwolfach Special Issue 31 (2015), 486-493, arxiv.
  • (with Erhard Aichinger) A proof of a Theorem by Fried and MacRae and applications to the composition of polynomial functions, Archiv der Mathematik 97 (2011) no.2, 115-124, link.
  • On the optimal interpoint distance sum inequality, Archiv der Mathematik 97 (2011) no.3, 289-298., link.
  • Extremal uniform distribution and random chord lengths, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 130 (2011) no.4, 321-339, link.
  • A note on implicitly defined sets in uniform distribution theory, Uniform Distribution Theory 6 (2011) no.2, 85-94, link.
  • Random restricted matching and lower bounds for combinatorial optimization. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 24 (2012) no.3, 280 - 298, link.