
  • Universal lower bounds for Dirichlet eigenvalues, arxiv
  • On differences of two harmonic numbers arxiv
  • (with Bandeira and Mixon) A lower bound for the Balan-Jiang matrix problem, arxiv
  • Randomly Pivoted Partial Cholesky: Random How? arxiv
  • On a problem involving unit fractions arxiv
  • A note on approximate Hadamard matrices arxiv, Designs, Code and Cryptography , accepted.
  • (with Thomas) Conformally rigid graphs, arxiv
  • Bad Science Matrices arxiv
  • Sums of square roots that are close to an integer arxiv, J. Number Theory, accepted.
  • Nonlinear recursions on the reals and a problem of Graham, arxiv
  • (with Raghav Venkatraman), Dirichlet eigenfunctions with nonzero mean value, arxiv
  • (with Mariana Smit Vega Garcia) An Almgren monotonicity formula for discrete harmonic functions, arxiv
  • Random Growth via Gradient Flow Aggregation, arxiv
  • (with Ovall, Quan, Reid) On localization of eigenfunctions of the magnetic Laplacian, arxiv
  • (with Bilyk, Mastrianni), Single radius spherical cap discrepancy via gegenbadly approximable numbers arxiv
  • (with Bilyk, Chang, Heinävaara, Matzke) A random line intersects S^2 in two probabilistically independent locations, arxiv
  • (with Ottolini) Greedy Matching in Optimal Transport with concave cost, arxiv
  • (with Babecki and Thomas) Spectrahedral Geometry of Graph Sparsifiers, arxiv
  • (with Faulhuber) Maximal polarization for periodic configurations on the real line, arxiv
  • (with Ottolini) Concentration of Hitting Times in Erdos-Renyi graphs, arxiv
  • (with Bilyk, Mastrianni, Matzke) Polarization and Greedy Energy on the Sphere, arxiv
  • (with Devriendt and Ottolini) Graph curvature via resistance distance, arxiv
  • Local sign changes of polynomials, arxiv
  • (with Shubham Gupta) Rearrangement Inequalities on the Lattice Graph, arxiv
  • (with Andrea Ottolini) Guessing cards with complete feedback, arxiv
  • Quadratic Crofton and sets that see themselves as little as possible, arxiv
  • (with Hoskins and Quan) Magnetic Schrodinger operators and landscape functions, arxiv
  • An Inequality Characterizing Convex Domains, arxiv
  • Discrete Rearrangements and the Polya-Szegő Inequality on Graphs, arxiv
  • (with Burdzy, Hoskins) From pinned billiard balls to partial differential equations, arxiv
  • Some Remarks on the Erdős Distinct Subset Sums Problem, arxiv, Int. J. Number Theory, accepted.
  • (with Anna Gilbert and Yulan Zhang) May the force be with you, arxiv
  • An elementary proof of a lower bound for the inverse of the star discrepancy, arxiv, J. Complexity, accepted.
  • On Combinatorial Properties of Greedy Wasserstein Minimization, arxiv
  • Approximate Solutions of Linear Systems at a Universal Rate, arxiv, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, accepted.
  • An Agmon estimate for Schrodinger operators on Graphs, arxiv, Lett. Math. Phys., accepted.
  • (with Rekha Thomas) Random Walks, Equidistribution and Graphical Designs arxiv
  • The first eigenvector of a distance matrix is nearly constant arxiv, Discrete Math., accepted.
  • (with Alaifari, Bartolucci, Wellershoff) On the connection between uniqueness from samples and stability in Gabor phase retrieval arxiv, Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, accepted.
  • (with Bamdad Hosseini) Intrinsic Sparsity of Kantorovich Solutions arxiv, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, accepted.
  • Sums of Distances on Graphs and Embeddings into Euclidean Space arxiv, Mathematika, accepted.
  • Curvature on Graphs via Equilibrium Measures arxiv, J. Graph Theory, accepted.
  • The Boundary of a Graph and its Isoperimetric Inequality arxiv, J. Discrete Applied Mathematics, accepted.
  • (with Hau-tieng Wu) Fundamental component enhancement via adaptive nonlinear activation functions, arxiv, App. Comp. Harm. Anal. , accepted.
  • Quantum Entanglement and the Growth of Laplacian Eigenfunctions arxiv, Comm. PDE, accepted.
  • (with Betermin, Faulhuber), A variational principle for Gaussian lattice sums, arxiv
  • Effective Bounds for the Decay of Schrodinger Eigenfunctions and Agmon bubbles, arxiv, Israel J. Math, accepted.
  • (with Hau-tieng Wu) Eigenvector phase retrieval: recovering eigenvectors from the absolute value of their entries, arxiv, Linear Algebra and Applications, accepted.
  • (with George Linderman) Dimensionality Reduction via Dynamical Systems: the case of t-SNE, SIAM Review 64, p. 153-178 (2022).
  • (with Raphy Coifman and Nick Marshall) A common variable minimax theorem for graphs, arxiv, FoCM, accepted.
  • Quantile-Based Random Kaczmarz for corrupted linear systems of equations, arxiv, Information and Inference, accepted.
  • An upper bound on the Hot Spots constant, arxiv, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, accepted.
  • The product of two high-frequency Graph Laplacian eigenfunctions is smooth, arxiv, Discrete Mathematics, accepted.
  • (with Beltran, Betermin, Grabner), How well-conditioned can the eigenvalue problem be?, arxiv, Math. Comp. 91, p. 1237-1245 (2022).
  • A Graph Decomposition motivated by the Geometry of Randomized Rounding, arxiv
  • On Concavity of Solutions of the nonlinear Poisson equation, arxiv, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 244, p. 209-224 (2021).
  • (with Ofir Lindenbaum) Refined Least Squares for Support Recovery, arxiv, Signal Processing 195, number: 108493 (2022).
  • (with Yulan Zhang), t-SNE, Forceful Colorings and Mean Field Limits, arxiv GitHub, Res. Math. Sci. 9, number: 42 (2022).
  • Max-Cut via Kuramoto-type Oscillators, arxiv, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, accepted.
  • A Pointwise Inequality for Derivatives of Solutions of the Heat Equation in Bounded Domains, arxiv
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), Neural Collapse under Cross-Entropy Loss, arxiv, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 59, p. 224-251 (2022).
  • (with Korssjoen, Li, Tripathi, Zhang) Finding Structure in Sequences of Real Numbers via Graph Theory: a Problem List, arxiv, Involve 15, 251-270 (2022).
  • On the Logarithmic Energy of Points on S^2, arxiv, Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, accepted.
  • (with Murphey Lu), Fast localization of eigenfunctions via smoothed potentials, arxiv, Journal of Scientific Computing 90, number: 38 (2022).
  • On a Kantorovich-Rubinstein Inequality, arxiv, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 501, 125185 (2021).
  • (with Greengard, Liu, Tsyvinski) Factor Clustering with t-SNE, ssrn
  • Free Convolution Powers via Roots of Polynomials, arxiv, Experimental Math. , accepted.
  • Surrounding the solution of a Linear System of Equations from all sides, arxiv, Quart. Appl. Math. 79, p. 419-429 (2021).
  • Using Expander Graphs to test whether samples are iid, arxiv
  • (with Noah Kravitz) The Smoothest Average: Dirichlet, Fejer and Chebychev, arxiv, Bull. London Math. Soc. 53, p. 1801-1815 (2021).
  • On the Regularization Effect of Stochastic Gradient Descent applied to Least Squares, arxiv, ETNA 54, p. 610-619 (2021).
  • A Weighted Randomized Kaczmarz Method for Solving Linear Systems, arxiv, Math. Comp. 90, p. 2815-2826 (2021).
  • Randomized Kaczmarz converges along small singular vectors, arxiv, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 42, p. 608-615 (2021).
  • Polynomials with Roots on the Unit Circle: Regularity of Leja sequences, arxiv, Mathematika 67, p. 553-268 (2021).
  • (with Jeremy Hoskins) Semicircle Law for Derivatives of Random Polynomials, arxiv, IMRN 13,p. 9784-9809 (2022).
  • Fourier Uncertainty Principles, Scale Space Theory and the Smoothest Average, arxiv, Math. Res. Lett. 28,p. 1851-1874 (2021).
  • On the Stability of Fourier Phase Retrieval, arxiv, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 28, no. 29 (2022)
  • (with Aleh Tsyvinski) On Vickreys Income Averaging, arxiv
  • A Spectral Approach to the Shortest Path Problem, arxiv, Linear Algebra and its Applications 620, p. 182-200 (2021).
  • (with Adela DePavia) Spectral Clustering Revisited: Information Hidden in the Fiedler Vector, arxiv, Foundations of Data Science 3, 225-249 (2021).
  • (with Ofir Lindenbaum) Randomly Aggregated Least Squares for Support Recovery, arxiv, Signal Processing, 180, 107858 (2021).
  • Regularized Potentials of Schrodinger Operators and a Local Landscape Function, arxiv, Comm. PDE 46,p. 1262-1279 (2021).
  • (with Jaffe, Kluger, Lindenbaum, Patsenker, Peterfreund), The Spectral Underpinning of word2vec, arxiv, Front. Appl. Math. Stat.
  • (with Jeremy Hoskins), Towards Optimal Gradient Bounds of the Torsion Function in the Plane, arxiv, Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, p. 7812-7841 (2021).
  • (with Roy Lederman), Extreme Values of the Fiedler Vector on Trees, arxiv
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators in Dense Networks, arxiv, Nonlinearity, 33, 5905 (2020).
  • (with Sean O'Rourke) A Nonlocal Transport Equation Modeling Complex Roots of Polynomials under Differentiation arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 149, p. 1581-1592 (2021).
  • (with Louis Brown) On the Wasserstein Distance between Classical Sequences and the Lebesgue Measure arxiv, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373, p. 8943-8962 (2020).
  • (with Louis Brown) Positive-definite Functions, Exponential Sums and the Greedy Algorithm: a curious Phenomenon arxiv, Journal of Complexity, 61, 101485 (2020).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), Optimal Trapping of Brownian Motion: A Nonlinear Analogue of the Torsion Function, arxiv, Potential Analysis 54, p. 687-698 (2021)
  • Hot Spots in Convex Domains are in the Tips (up to an Inradius), arxiv, Comm. PDE, 45, p. 641-654 (2020).
  • A Wasserstein Inequality and Minimal Green Energy on Compact Manifolds, arxiv, J. Functional Analysis, 281 (2021).
  • (with Beck, Brandolini, Burdzy, Henrot, Langford, Larson, Smits), Improved Bounds for Hermite-Hadamard Inequalities in Higher Dimensions, arxiv, Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, p. 801-816 (2021).
  • On Sublevel Set Estimates and the Laplacian, arxiv, Potential Analysis 55, p. 11-28 (2021).
  • (with Amir Sagiv), Transport and Interface: an Uncertainty Principle for the Wasserstein distance, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 52, p. 3039-3051 (2020).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu), A Dimension-Free Hermite-Hadamard Inequality via Gradient Estimates for the Torsion Function, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148, p. 673-679 (2020).
  • (with Aleh Tsyvinski) Tax Mechanisms and Gradient Flows arxiv
  • (with Rima Al-Aifari, Xiuyuan Cheng, Lillian Pierce), On Matrix Rearrangement Inequalities, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148, p. 1835-1848 (2020).
  • Roots of trigonometric polynomials and the Erdos-Turan theorem, arxiv, Mathematika, 66, p. 245-254 (2020).
  • (with Rick Barnard) Three Convolution Inequalities on the Real Line with Connections to Additive Combinatorics arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 207, p. 42-55 (2020).
  • (with Markus Faulhuber) An Extremal Property of the Hexagonal Lattice arxiv, Journal of Statistical Physics, 177, p. 285-298 (2019). .
  • (with Felipe Goncalves and Diogo Oliveira e Silva) A Universality Law For Sign Correlations of Eigenfunctions of Differential Operators arxiv, Journal of Spectral Theory, 11, p. 661-676 (2021).
  • (with Dmitry Kobak, George Linderman, Yuval Kluger, Philipp Berens) Heavy-tailed kernels reveal a finer cluster structure in t-SNE visualisations, arxiv, ECML PKDD 2019
  • Dynamically Defined Sequences with Small Discrepancy, arxiv, Monatshefte Math., 191, p. 639-655 (2020).
  • A Nonlocal Functional Promoting Low-Discrepancy Point Sets, arxiv, Journal of Complexity, 54, 101410 (2019).
  • The best way to reconcile your past is exponentially, arxiv, American Mathematical Monthly, 127, p. 64-69 (2020).
  • Poissonian Pair Correlation in Higher Dimensions, arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 208, p. 47-58 (2020).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu and Chris Sogge) Approximating Pointwise Products of Laplacian Eigenfunctions, arxiv, Journal of Functional Analysis, 373, p. 3271-3282 (2019).
  • A Nonlocal Transport Equation Describing Roots of Polynomials Under Differentiation, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 147, p. 4733-4744 (2019).
  • Quantitative Homogenization and Convergence of Moving Averages, arxiv
  • (with Raphy Coifman) A Remark on the Arcsine Distribution and the Hilbert Transform arxiv, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 25 p. 2690-2696 (2019), see also.
  • (with Trevor Richards) Leaky Roots and Stable Gauss-Lucas Theorems, arxiv, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 64, p. 1898-1904 (2019).
  • (with Peter W. Jones) Localization of Neumann Eigenfunctions near Irregular Boundaries, arxiv, Nonlinearity 32, p. 768-776 (2019).
  • A metric Sturm-Liouville theory in two dimensions, arxiv, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 59, article 12 (2020).
  • The Hermite-Hadamard inequality in higher dimensions, arxiv, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 30, p. 466-483 (2020).
  • (with Hau-tieng Wu) On Zeroes of Random Polynomials and Applications to Unwinding, arxiv, IMRN,13, p. 10100-10117 (2021).
  • (with Eric Chi) Recovering Trees with Convex Clustering, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Data Science, 1, p. 383-407 (2019).
  • A Stability Version of the Gauss-Lucas Theorem and Applications, arxiv, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 109, p. 262-269 (2020).
  • A Compactness Principle for Maximizing Smooth Functions over Toroidal Geodesics, arxiv, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 100, p. 148-154 (2019).
  • (with Jakob Kapeller and Matthias Aistleitner) Citation Patterns in Economics and Beyond, Science in Context, 32, p. 361 - 380 (2019).
  • (with Alex Cloninger) On the Dual Geometry of Laplacian Eigenfunctions, arxiv, Experimental Mathematics, 30, p. 283-293, (2021).
  • Electrostatic Interpretation of Roots of Orthogonal Polynomials, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146, p. 5323-5331 (2018).
  • An Endpoint Alexandrov Bakelman Pucci Estimate in the Plane, arxiv, Canad. Math. Bull., 62, p. 643-651 (2019).
  • Quantitative Projections in the Sturm Oscillation Theorem, arxiv, J. Math. Pure Appl., 144, p. 1-16 (2020).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu and Matthias Sachs) Quadrature Points via Heat Kernel Repulsion, arxiv, Constructive Approximation, 51, p. 27-48 (2020).
  • Wasserstein Distance, Fourier Series and Applications, arxiv, Monatshefte Math. , 194, p. 305-338 (2021).
  • (with George Linderman) Numerical Integration on Graphs: where to sample and how to weigh, arxiv, Mathematics of Computation, 89, p. 1933-1952 (2020).
  • Generalized Designs on Graphs: Sampling, Spectra, Symmetries, arxiv, Journal of Graph Theory, 93, p. 253-267 (2020), Gallery of examples,
  • Refined Heinz-Kato-Loewner inequalities, arxiv, Journal of Spectral Theory, 9, p. 1-20. (2018).
  • (with Dmitriy Bilyk and Feng Dai) General and Refined Montgomery Lemmata, arxiv, Math. Annalen, 373, p. 1283-1297 (2019).
  • A Sharp Estimate for Probability Distributions, arxiv, Stat. Prob. Lett. 155 (2019), 108584. .
  • (with George Linderman, Manas Rachh, Jeremy Hoskins, Yuval Kluger) Efficient Algorithms for t-distributed Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding, arxiv, Nature Methods, 16, p. 243-245 (2019).
  • On the Spectral Resolution of Products of Laplacian Eigenfunctions, arxiv, Journal of Spectral Theory, 9, p. 1367-1384 (2019)
  • (with Sam Johnson) Intuitions about mathematical beauty: A case study in the aesthetic experience of ideas, Cognition, 189, 242-259 (2019).
  • (with Sam Johnson) The Aesthetic Psychology of Mathematics, arXiv, Math. Intelligencer, 41, 67-70 (2019)
  • (with Janna Lierl) A Local Faber-Krahn inequality and Applications to Schrodinger's Equation, arxiv, Comm. PDE, 43, 66-81 (2018).
  • Varadhan Asymptotics for the Heat Kernel on Finite Graphs, arxiv
  • (with George Linderman, Gal Mishne, Ariel Jaffe, Yuval Kluger) Randomized Near Neighbor Graphs, Giant Components, and Applications in Data Science, arxiv, Journal of Applied Probability, 57 (2020), p. 458 - 476.
  • Poissonian Pair Correlation and Discrepancy, arxiv, Indag. Math. 29, 1167-1178 (2018).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu) Detecting Localized Eigenstates of Linear Operators, arxiv, Res. Math. Sci. 5, no. 34 (2018)
  • Spectral Limitations of Quadrature Rules and Generalized Spherical Designs, arxiv, IMRN, 16, 12265-12280 (2021).
  • Oscillatory functions vanish on a large set, arxiv, Asian J. Math., 24, 177-190 (2020).
  • Exponential Sums and Riesz energies, arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 182, 37-56 (2018).
  • (with Nick Marshall) Triangles capturing many lattice points, arxiv, Mathematika, 64, 551-582 (2018).
  • (with George Linderman) Clustering with t-SNE, provably, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Data Science, 1, 313-332 (2019).
  • (with Xiuyuan Cheng and Gal Mishne) The Geometry of Nodal Sets and Outlier Detection, arxiv, Journal of Number Theory, 185 , 48-64 (2018).
  • Topological Bounds on Fourier Coefficients and Applications to Torsion, arxiv, Journal of Functional Analysis, 274, 1611-1630 (2018).
  • (with Noah Kravitz) Ulam Sequences and Ulam sets, arxiv, Integers, 18 , A80 (2018).
  • (with Florian Pausinger and Manas Rachh) Optimal Jittered Sampling for Two Points in the Unit Square, arxiv, Statist. Probab. Lett., 132, 55-61 (2018).
  • (with Uri Shaham) Stochastic Neighbor Embedding separates well-separated clusters, arxiv
  • (with Bogdan Georgiev and Mayukh Mukherjee) A Spectral Gap Estimate and Applications, arxiv, Potential Analysis, 49, 635-645 (2018).
  • (with Xiuyuan Cheng and Manas Rachh) On the Diffusion Geometry of Graph Laplacians and Applications, arxiv, Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., 46, p. 674-688 (2019).
  • (with SMALL 2016) On algorithms to calculate integer complexity, arxiv, Integers 19, A12, (2019).
  • Well-Distributed Great Circles on S^2, arxiv, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 60, 40-56 (2018).
  • Fast Escape in Incompressible Vector Fields, arxiv, Monatshefte Math., 186, 525-537 (2018).
  • (with Jakob Kapeller and Matthias Aistleitner) The Power of Scientometrics and the Development of Economics, Journal of Economics Issues, 52, 816-834 (2018).
  • (with Jianfeng Lu) A Variation on the Donsker-Varadhan Inequality for the Principal Eigenvalue, arxiv, Proc. Royal Soc. A, 473 (2017).
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) Stability, Fairness and Random Walks in the Bargaining Problem, arxiv, Physica A, 488, 60-71 (2017).
  • Localized Quantitative Criteria for Equidistribution, arxiv, Acta Arithmetica, 180, 183-199 (2017).
  • (with Manas Rachh) On the location of maxima of solutions of Schroedinger's equation, arxiv, Comm. Pure. Appl. Math., 71, 1109-1122 (2018).
  • (with Raphy Coifman and Hau-tieng Wu) Carrier frequencies, holomorphy and unwinding, arxiv, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 49 , 4838-4864 (2017).
  • (with Roy Lederman) Stability Estimates for Truncated Fourier and Laplace Transforms, arxiv, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 87, 529-543 (2017).
  • An amusing sequence of functions, arxiv, Mathematics Magazine, 91, 262-266 (2018). pictures more fun
  • (with Alex Cloninger) On Suprema of Autoconvolutions with an Application to Sidon sets, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,145, 3191-3200 (2017).
  • (with Alex Cloninger) Spectral Echolocation via the Wave Embedding, arxiv, Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., 43, 577-590 (2017).
  • (with Florian Pausinger, Heating a Room with Number Theory Math. Mag., 92, 99-106 (2019).
  • Localization of Quantum States and Landscape Functions, arxiv, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 145, 2895-2907 (2017).
  • A Hidden Signal in the Ulam sequence, arxiv, Experimental Mathematics, 23, 460-467 (2017).
  • (with Raphy Coifman) Nonlinear phase unwinding of functions arxiv, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 23, 778-809 (2017).
  • (with Felipe Goncalves and Diogo Oliveira e Silva) Hermite polynomials, linear flows on the torus, and an uncertainty principle for roots, arxiv, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,451, 678-711 (2017).
  • (with Markus Faulhuber) Optimal Gabor frame bounds for separable lattices and estimates for Jacobi theta functions, arxiv, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 445 , 407-422 (2017).
  • (with Yuke Li, Tianhao Wu and Nicholas Marshall) Extracting Geography from Trade Data, arxiv, Physica A, 473 205-212 (2017)
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) Emergent phenomena in scientific publishing: a simulation exercise, Research Policy 45, 1945-1952 (2016).
  • (with Alberto Enciso and Daniel Peralta-Salas) Prescribing the nodal set of the first eigenfunction in each conformal class, arxiv, IMRN, 54, 555-569.
  • Directional Poincare Inequalities along Mixing Flows, Arkiv för Matematik 54 , 555-569, 2016 arxiv .
  • A Filtering Technique for Markov Chains with Applications to Spectral Embedding, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis , 40 (2016), 575-587, arxiv.
  • (with Florian Pausinger) On the Discrepancy of Jittered Sampling, Journal of Complexity, 33 (2016), 199-216, arxiv
  • (with Rima Al-Aifari and Lillian Pierce) Lower bounds for the truncated Hilbert transform, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 32 (2016), 23-56, arxiv.
  • A Rigidity Phenomenon for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function, Studia Mathematica, 229 , 263-278 (2015), arxiv
  • An Uncertainty Principle on compact manifolds, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 21 (2015), 575-599 arxiv.
  • (with Herbert Koch) Convolution Estimates for Singular Measures and Some Global Nonlinear Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities, arxiv, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 145 (2015), 1223-1237.
  • Sharp L^1 Poincare inequalities correspond to optimal hypersurface cuts, Archiv der Mathematik, 105 (2015), 179-188 arxiv.
  • On the Number of Positions in Chess without Promotion, International Journal of Game Theory 44, 761-767 (2015).
  • (with Florian Pausinger) Local Extrema in Quantum Chaos, Physics Letters A, 379 (2015), 535-541 arxiv.
  • Lower bounds on nodal sets of eigenfunctions via the heat flow, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 39 (2014), arxiv.
  • New Bounds for the Traveling Salesman Constant, Advances in Applied Probability, 47 (2015), arxiv.
  • A Remark on Disk Packings and Numerical Integration of Harmonic Functions, Journal of Complexity: Oberwolfach Special Issue 31 (2015), 486-493, arxiv.
  • Dispersion dynamics for the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 789-800, arxiv.
  • A Geometric Uncertainty Principle with an Application to Pleijel's Estimate, Annales Henri Poincare, 15 (2014), 2299 - 2319, arxiv.
  • (with Michaela Nieuwenhuis and James Robinson ), Minimal Periods for Ordinary Differential Equations in Strictly Convex Banach Spaces and Explicit Bounds for some L^p-Spaces, Journal of Differential Equations 256 (2014), 2846 - 2857, arxiv.
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) Modeling the Evolution of Preferences: An Answer to Schubert and Cordes, Journal of Institutional Economics 10 (2014), 337- 347 pdf.
  • (with Jakob Kapeller and Bernhard Schuetz ) The Impossibility of Rational Consumer Choice - A Problem and its Solution. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23 (2013) 29 - 60, link.
  • (with Jakob Kapeller) How Formalism shapes Perception: An Experiment on Mathematics as a Language, International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 4 (2013): 138 - 156.
  • Random restricted matching and lower bounds for combinatorial optimization. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 24 (2012) no.3, 280 - 298, link.
  • (with Erhard Aichinger) A proof of a Theorem by Fried and MacRae and applications to the composition of polynomial functions, Archiv der Mathematik 97 (2011) no.2, 115-124, link.
  • On the optimal interpoint distance sum inequality, Archiv der Mathematik 97 (2011) no.3, 289-298., link.
  • Extremal uniform distribution and random chord lengths, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 130 (2011) no.4, 321-339, link.
  • A note on implicitly defined sets in uniform distribution theory, Uniform Distribution Theory 6 (2011) no.2, 85-94, link.
  • The asymptotic behavior of the average $L^p-$discrepancies and a randomized discrepancy, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 17 (2010) R106, link.
  • A New Lower Bound for the Geometric Traveling Salesman Problem in Terms of Discrepancy, Operations Research Letters 38 (2010) no. 4, 318-319, link.
  • A note on the number of different inner products generated by a finite set of vectors, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010) no. 5, 1112-1117, link.
  • Uniform distribution preserving mappings and variational problems Uniform Distribution Theory 4 (2009) no. 1, 117-145, link.
  • (with Friedrich Pillichshammer) Average distance between consecutive points of uniformly distributed sequences, Uniform Distribution Theory 4 (2009) no. 1, 51-67, link.