WARPXM v1.10.0
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unique_variable_synchronizer.h File Reference
#include "sync/synchronizer.h"
#include "dfem/variable/unique_distributed_variable.h"

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class  wxm::dfem::sync::UniqueVariablePatchSynchronizer
 Class for Unique Variable Patch Synchronizer This is basically empty because this is not synchronized, instead some MPI barrier is used such as allreduce to get the value on all processes. More...
class  wxm::dfem::sync::UniqueVariableRankSynchronizer
 Class for Unique Variable Rank Synchronizer This is basically empty because this is not synchronized, instead some MPI barrier is used such as allreduce to get the value on all processes. More...


namespace  wxm
 Base namespace for everything not included in the global namespace.
namespace  wxm::dfem
namespace  wxm::dfem::sync