WARPXM v1.10.0
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warpy.functions.shock_tube Namespace Reference


class  electromagnetic_shock_tube_13moment
 Function which sets 13-moment fluid to brio wu shock tube conditions. More...
class  euler1d_arbitrary_shocktube_5moment
 Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions arbitrary riemann problem. More...
class  euler1d_double_rarefaction_5moment
 Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions double rarefaction problem. More...
class  euler1d_shock_entropy_problem_5moment
 Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions for shock entropy problem as described by Moe and Rossmanith (A simple and effective high-order shock-captutring limiter for discontinuous galerkin methods: http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.03024 ) More...
class  kinetics1d1v_arbitrary_shocktube
 Function which sets 1d1v kinetics fluid to shock tube conditions arbitrary riemann problem. More...
class  kinetics1d1v_double_rarefaction
 Function which sets kinetic shock tube conditions double rarefaction problem. More...
class  shock_tube_13moment
 Function which sets 13-moment fluid to shock tube conditions. More...
class  shock_tube_5moment
 Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions. More...