WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
examples.dg.5-moment.sheath Namespace Reference


str torder = 'TVDRK2'
str sorder = 'firstOrder'
float cfl = 1.0
float density_min = 0.01
float pressure_min = 0.01
bool use_limiter_mr = False
int limiter_alpha_coefficient = 2.
bool use_phmaxwell = True
float phchi = 1.5
float phgamma = phchi
float qe = 1.602177e-19
float mp = 1.672622e-27
float mu0 = 1.256637e-6
float eps0 = 8.854187e-12
int c_light = 1/(mu0*eps0)**.5
tuple L_debye = (eps0*qe*1/(1e19*qe**2))**0.5
tuple L = L_debye
float ompt = 1.0
float omct = 3.265e-5
float c_tilde = ompt/omct
int skin_depth_norm = 1/omct
float n0 = mp*omct**2/(mu0*L**2*qe**2)
float tau = ompt*L/(omct*c_light)
float b0 = mp*c_light*omct**2/(qe*L*ompt)
float e0 = b0**2/mu0
float T0 = e0/(n0*qe)
int atom = 1
int gamma = 5/3
int Zi = 1
int Ze = -1
int Zn = 0
int Ai = 1
int Ae = 1/1836
int An = Ai
float phi_ion_eV = 13.6
float phi_ion = phi_ion_eV/T0
float phi_eff_eV = 33.0
float phi_eff = phi_eff_eV/T0
float lx = 200.0
int nx = 500
int ny = nx
float dx = lx/nx
warpy mesh
list fluid_comps = ['rho', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'e']
list field_comps = ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Bx', 'By', 'Bz']
warpy ions
warpy electrons
warpy field
tuple ic_fun_i
tuple ic_fun_e
tuple ic_fun_EM
list applicators = []
list solver_apps = []
int width = 20
int n_init = 1
int T_init = 10
tuple c_sound = (2*T_init/Ai)**0.5
float G_sh = 0.5*n_init*c_sound
int q_sh = gamma*T_init*G_sh
 else :
list bc_apps = []
list values_in = [Ae*1e-4,0,0,0,1e-4/(gamma-1)]
warpy spatial_solver
list var_adj = []
warpy writer
list limiter_apps_elec = []
list limiter_apps_ion = []
warpy time_integrator
tuple ompe = (1e19*qe**2/(eps0*Ae*mp))**0.5
int t_tot = 20e3/ompe/tau
int dt = 5e-6
int nout = 20
warpy dt_controller = warpy.dt_calc.fixed_dt(init_dt=dt)
warpy sim

Variable Documentation

◆ Ae

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.Ae = 1/1836

◆ Ai

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.Ai = 1

◆ An

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.An = Ai

◆ applicators

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.applicators = []

◆ atom

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.atom = 1

◆ b0

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.b0 = mp*c_light*omct**2/(qe*L*ompt)

◆ bc_apps

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.bc_apps = []

◆ c_light

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.c_light = 1/(mu0*eps0)**.5

◆ c_sound

tuple examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.c_sound = (2*T_init/Ai)**0.5

◆ c_tilde

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.c_tilde = ompt/omct

◆ cfl

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.cfl = 1.0

◆ density_min

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.density_min = 0.01

◆ detect_nonscalar


◆ dt

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.dt = 5e-6

◆ dt_controller

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.dt_controller = warpy.dt_calc.fixed_dt(init_dt=dt)

◆ dx

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.dx = lx/nx

◆ e0

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.e0 = b0**2/mu0

◆ electrons

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.electrons
Initial value:
1= warpy.variable(name='electrons',
2 components=fluid_comps,
3 basis_array_set=sorder)
Definition: variable.py:4

◆ else

examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.else :

◆ eps0

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.eps0 = 8.854187e-12

◆ field

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.field
Initial value:
1= warpy.variable(name='field',
2 components=field_comps,
3 basis_array_set=sorder)

◆ field_comps

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.field_comps = ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Bx', 'By', 'Bz']

◆ fluid_comps

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.fluid_comps = ['rho', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'e']

◆ G_sh

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.G_sh = 0.5*n_init*c_sound

◆ gamma

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.gamma = 5/3

◆ gen_xdmf


◆ ic_fun_e

tuple examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.ic_fun_e
Initial value:
1= (
3 gamma=gamma,
4 ic_type=2,
5 var_type=1,
6 mass=Ae))
Function which sets IC for 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem.
Definition: ein_ic.py:4

◆ ic_fun_EM

tuple examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.ic_fun_EM
Initial value:
1= (
2 warpy.functions.ein_ic_EM_5moment(name='ic_EM',ic_type=1))
Function which sets IC for EM fields in 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem.
Definition: ein_ic_EM.py:4

◆ ic_fun_i

tuple examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.ic_fun_i
Initial value:
1= (
3 gamma=gamma,
4 ic_type=2,
5 var_type=2,
6 mass=Ai))

◆ ions

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.ions
Initial value:
1= warpy.variable(name='ions',
2 components=fluid_comps,
3 basis_array_set=sorder)

◆ L

tuple examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.L = L_debye

◆ L_debye

tuple examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.L_debye = (eps0*qe*1/(1e19*qe**2))**0.5

◆ limiter_alpha_coefficient

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.limiter_alpha_coefficient = 2.

◆ limiter_apps_elec

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.limiter_apps_elec = []

◆ limiter_apps_ion

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.limiter_apps_ion = []

◆ lx

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.lx = 200.0

◆ mesh

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.mesh
Initial value:
1= warpy.mesh.block(Bounds=[-lx/2, lx/2],
2 NumCells=[nx],
3 NodeSets=['leftWall','rightWall'],
4 NumLayers=1,
5# PeriodicBoundaries = ['leftWall', 'rightWall'],
6# PeriodicBoundaries = ['bottomWall', 'topWall'],
7 basis_array_set=sorder,
8 block_type="symmetric")
block mesh generator
Definition: mesh.py:87

◆ mp

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.mp = 1.672622e-27

◆ mu0

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.mu0 = 1.256637e-6

◆ n0

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.n0 = mp*omct**2/(mu0*L**2*qe**2)

◆ n_init

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.n_init = 1

◆ nout

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.nout = 20

◆ nx

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.nx = 500

◆ ny

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.ny = nx

◆ omct

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.omct = 3.265e-5

◆ ompe

tuple examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.ompe = (1e19*qe**2/(eps0*Ae*mp))**0.5

◆ ompt

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.ompt = 1.0

◆ phchi

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.phchi = 1.5

◆ phgamma

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.phgamma = phchi

◆ phi_eff

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.phi_eff = phi_eff_eV/T0

◆ phi_eff_eV

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.phi_eff_eV = 33.0

◆ phi_ion

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.phi_ion = phi_ion_eV/T0

◆ phi_ion_eV

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.phi_ion_eV = 13.6

◆ pressure_min

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.pressure_min = 0.01

◆ q_sh

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.q_sh = gamma*T_init*G_sh

◆ qe

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.qe = 1.602177e-19

◆ sim

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.sim
Initial value:
1= warpy.dg_sim(name='sh08j',
2 meshes=[mesh],
3 initial_conditions=applicators,
4 temporal_solvers=[time_integrator],
5 writers=[writer],
6 time=[0,t_tot],
7 dt_controller = dt_controller,
8 flexible_writeout=True,
9 write_steps=nout,
10# verbosity='debug',
11 verbosity='info',
12 enable_fpe=True,
13 num_partitions=1)
Discontinuous finite element RK simulation.
Definition: dg_sim.py:11

◆ skin_depth_norm

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.skin_depth_norm = 1/omct

◆ solver_apps

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.solver_apps = []

◆ sorder

str examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.sorder = 'firstOrder'

◆ spatial_solver

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.spatial_solver
Initial value:
1= warpy.spatial_solvers.dg(name="dg",
2 spatial_order=sorder,
3 applications=solver_apps,
4 cfl = cfl)

◆ T0

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.T0 = e0/(n0*qe)

◆ T_init

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.T_init = 10

◆ t_tot

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.t_tot = 20e3/ompe/tau

◆ tau

float examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.tau = ompt*L/(omct*c_light)

◆ time_integrator

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.time_integrator
Initial value:
1= warpy.host_actions.erk(name="ti", scheme=torder,
2 spatial_solvers=[spatial_solver],
3 variable_adjusters=var_adj)
Explicit Runge-Kutta temporal solver Note: Dormand45 currently will not work correctly with limiters ...
Definition: erk.py:5

◆ torder

str examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.torder = 'TVDRK2'

◆ True


◆ use_limiter_mr

bool examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.use_limiter_mr = False

◆ use_phmaxwell

bool examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.use_phmaxwell = True

◆ values_in

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.values_in = [Ae*1e-4,0,0,0,1e-4/(gamma-1)]

◆ var_adj

list examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.var_adj = []

◆ width

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.width = 20

◆ writer

warpy examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.writer
Initial value:
1= warpy.host_actions.writer(name='writer',
2 ReadVars=[ions, electrons, field])
Writes out a list of variables.
Definition: writer.py:4

◆ Ze

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.Ze = -1

◆ Zi

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.Zi = 1

◆ Zn

int examples.dg.5-moment.sheath.Zn = 0