Plasma slug acceleration inlet boundary condition for ideal MHD.
| pulse_inlet () |
void | setup (const WxCryptSet &wxc) override |
const std::vector< int > & | getInputVariableIndexes (int flag) const override |
const std::vector< int > & | getOutputVariableIndexes (int flag) const override |
void | bc_q (const real *q_in, const real *aux_in, const real *aux_out, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *q_out) const override |
| Boundary Condition Application which sets the boundary condition on ghost nodes.
| WmApplication () |
virtual | ~WmApplication ()=default |
virtual void | setup (const WxCryptSet &wxc) |
virtual const std::vector< int > & | getAuxiliaryVariableIndexes (int flag=WMAPPLICATIONFLAG_NONE) const |
virtual const std::vector< int > & | getCrossVariableIndexes (int flag=WMAPPLICATIONFLAG_NONE) const |
const std::vector< std::string > & | getBoundaryNames () const |
bool | isOnBoundary (const std::string &boundaryName) const |
bool | has (int flag) const |
virtual real | numerical_flux (const real *q_l, const real *q_r, const real *aux_l, const real *aux_r, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *numericalFlux) const |
virtual real | internal_flux (const real *q, const real *aux, const solverVariables_t *pSV, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &internalFlux) const |
virtual real | source (const real *q, const real *aux, const elementGeometry_t *pEG, real *source) const |
virtual void | bc_q (const real *q_in, const real *aux_in, const real *aux_out, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *q_out) const |
| Boundary Condition Application which sets the boundary condition on ghost nodes.
virtual real | bcNumericalFlux (const real *q_l, const real *q_r, const real *aux_l, const real *aux_r, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *numericalFlux) const |
virtual void | conserved_to_primitive (const real *q, const real *aux, real *w) const |
virtual void | primitive_to_conserved (const real *w, const real *aux, real *q) const |
virtual void | evaluate_function (const real *q, const real *aux, const solverVariables_t *pSV, real *result) const |
virtual void | bc_q_kinetic (const real *q_in, const real *aux_in, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *q_out) const |
std::shared_ptr< std::string > | app_name () |
virtual const std::vector< int > & | getInputVariableIndexes (int flag=0) const |
virtual const std::vector< int > & | getOutputVariableIndexes (int flag=0) const |