Farewell to Ryan

Sam Burden bio photo By Sam Burden

Postdoc Ryan Robinson has accepted a position with Spaceflight Industries — starting Sep 1 2016, he’ll be an Engineer with the Attitude Determination and Control Team.

Ryan will develop sensor fusion and attitude control software that will go onboard Spaceflight’s proposed satellite constellation (a synchronized network of 60+ satellites) to provide high-resolution imaging of our planet in (near) real-time. His responsibilities will include developing dynamic models of satellites, spacecraft, and their sensors and actuators.

Congratulations, Ryan!

Ryan Robinson


University of Washington, Seattle — Postdoctoral Research Associate
Army Research Lab, Adelphi — Postdoctoral Research Engineer
University of Maryland, College Park — PhD Aerospace Engineering — 2014
University of Maryland, College Park — MS Aerospace Engineering — 2012
University of Maryland, College Park — BS Aerospace Engineering — 2005