Homework 2ΒΆ

Due by 11:00pm on April 23, 2019.

Note: Submit a pdf file via the Canvas assignment page Homework 2.

  • hw2.pdf
  • If you want to use latex for your solutions, you can start with the file hw2.tex, which includes commented-out sections where you can insert solutions. This can be found in the class repository (after cloning and perhaps doing a git pull, see Class GitHub Repository) as $AM586/homeworks/hw2/hw2.tex. Note that this uses some macros from the file $AM586/homeworks/latex/macros.tex.
  • If you use a notebook for part or all of this, please submit both the .ipynb file and the .html or .pdf file that is generated via the Files –> Download as... menu, or with the jupyter nbconvert command. If you use a Python script, please submit the .py file.
  • The notebook Pendulum_ForwardEuler.ipynb is saved in the github repository without output, but if you want to view the animation it creates, you can see this html version