UW AMath High Performance Scientific Computing
AMath 483/583 Class Notes
Spring Quarter, 2013

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Homework 3 [2014]

Due Thursday, May 8, 2014, by 11:00pm PDT.

Recall from linear algebra that if \(\|x\|\) is some vector norm then the corresponding matrix norm is defined by

\(\|A\| = \max_{x\neq 0} \frac{\|Ax\|}{\|x\|}\)

This means that \(\|Ax\| \leq \|A\|\|x\|\) for all \(x\), and in fact the norm of \(A\) is the smallest value \(c\geq 0\) such that the inequality \(\|Ax\| \leq c\|x\|\) holds for all vectors \(x\) of the appropriate shape.

Recall also that the 1-norm of a vector of length \(n\) is defined by

\(\|x\|_1 = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|\)

It is fairly easy to show that there is a simple formula for the corresponding matrix 1-norm of an \(n \times n\) matrix \(A\):

\(\|A\|_1 = \max_{j=1,2,\ldots,n} \sum_{i=1}^n |A_{ij}|\)

In other words, compute the 1-norm of each column vector and the 1-norm of the matrix is the maximum of these column sums.

The goal of this homework is to:

  • Compute the 1-norm by this formula and compare it to an approximation obtained by computing the maximum of \(\frac{\|Ax\|}{\|x\|}\) over a large number of random vectors.
  • Speed the code up using OpenMP, exploring two different ways to add parallelization to the approximation.

The directory $UWHPSC/homeworks/homework3 contains some code to get you started on this assignment:

  • main.f90 is a main program that reads in some data values, creates a random matrix, computes the 1-norm by the formula, and then calls approx_norm1 and prints out the approximation.
  • approx_norm.f90 has a template for how this module should look, but does not contain the necessary code.
  • random_util.f90 that has a function to seed the Fortran random number generator based on a single integer that you can set to some positive integer (so the results are repeatable if you run the code twice). If you set seed = 0 then it will generate a “random” seed. See Random number generators for some references.
  • Makefile is set up so to create a file input_data.txt that is read in by the Fortran code, to illustrate one way of changing parameters easily at the command line.

For example:

$ make test

will compile the code and run it with some default parameter values set in the Makefile. But you can also do, e.g.:

$ make test n=200

to try a \(200 \times 200\) random matrix instead of the default \(50 \times 50\), or:

$ make test n=200 seed=0

to also change the seed for the random number generator. (Also note that seed=0 indicates that it should give different random results every time you run this.)


  1. Write the Fortran code needed in approx_norm.f90 so that the program gives sensible output, e.g.:

    $ make test
    Wrote data to input_data.txt
     seed1 for random number generator:       12345
    Using matrix with n =    50   True 1-norm:          28.091553
    Based on   1000 samples, Approximate 1-norm:        24.998100

    Note that the approximation to the 1-norm should always be less than or equal to the true 1-norm, since in the program you are only computing the maximum over some finite number of random vectors rather than over all \(x\). (And in general this does not give a very good approximation, even when the number of samples is very large!)

    To write this code, note that you want to loop over nsamples different random vectors \(x\), and for each vector compute \(\|Ax\|/\|x\|\). Keep track of the maximum of these as you go along. Note that nsamples is also read in from input_data.txt and a default value is specified in the Makefile.

    You will need to determine the size of the matrix a passed into to the subroutine since that is not an explicit argument. For this you can use:

    n = size(a,1)   ! number of rows in a
  2. Change the Makefile so that it compiles with the -fopenmp flag and add OpenMP directives to the main program so that the loop on j for computing the true 1-norm is a parallel do loop. Think about what variables need to be declared private. Make sure the program still runs and gives consistent results whether you compile with OpenMP or not.

    Note: To recompile with or without OpenMP, you should first do:

    $ make clean

    in the directory to make sure it recompiles all the *.o object files with the correct compiler flag.

  3. Add an input parameter nthreads that is read in from input_data.txt and used to set the number of threads to use in the main program. Also add this to the Makefile with a default value 2 and print it out from the main program, so that for example:

    $ make test nthreads=4
    Wrote data to input_data.txt
     nthreads =            4
     seed1 for random number generator:       12345
    Using matrix with n =    50   True 1-norm:          28.091553
    Based on   1000 samples, Approximate 1-norm:        24.998100
  4. Parallelize approx_norm1 using OpenMP. Note that there is more than one way to do this.

    1. You could parallelize the outermost loop over random vectors (so different threads are working on different vectors x), or

    2. You could loop over the different \(x\) vectors as in the serial code, but then parallelize the work that must be done in computing \(\|Ax\|/\|x\|\) for each x.

    Implement both these approaches, and add a parameter method so that method=1 means the first approach and method=2 means the second approach. Handle this parameter similar to the other input data, with a default value in the Makefile, and with main.f90 reading it in from the file input_data.txt.

    Add method as a module variable to approx_norm.f90 in order to pass the value from the main routine into the subroutine. Do not change the calling sequence of the subroutine.

  5. (You don’t need to turn anything in for this part since timing parallel codes can be dicey on some machines.)

    Experiment with the two methods implemented above to see which approach seems to be better on large problems. For example you might try:

    $ time make test n=50 nsamples=100000 nthreads=1 method=1

    and then see what happens as you increase the number of threads with this method, and then repeat with method=2.

    Note that this problem has small matrices and vectors but lots of samples.

    Also see what happens if the matrix is big but the number of samples is relatively small, e.g.

    $ time make test n=5000 nsamples=100 nthreads=1 method=1

    Can you understand the behavior you see? If you get counter-intuitive results, try to understand why.

To submit

  • At the end, you should have committed the following files to your repository:

    • $MYHPSC/homework3/Makefile
    • $MYHPSC/homework3/main.f90
    • $MYHPSC/homework3/random_util.f90 (unchanged from original)
    • $MYHPSC/homework3/approx_norm.f90

    Note that we should be able to run your code by giving commands like those given above. But also if we write a new main program that calls your subroutine approx_norm1, that should also work.

    Make sure you push to bitbucket after committing.

  • Submit the commit number that you want graded by following the link provided on the Canvas page for Homework 3.