We will hold a class conference in 208 Lewis Hall on Saturday, February 25, 2017. This will be the Seventh Pacific-Coast Variational Conference (SPCVC). I will ask participants to present a 15-20 minute talk on a paper from the scientific literature that uses the calculus of variations. Your talk (and participation) account for 1/3 of your grade.
Students who are unable to attend the meeting may instead submit a 10-20 page (double-spaced) term paper on some topic having to do with the calculus of variations. The term paper is due (by 11:30 am) on the last day of lectures.
Here are
to some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the meeting and term paper.
Be sure to read these answers before asking questions.
Registration is Now Closed !
Here is the latest meeting program.
Here is the latest list of assigned
tasks and duties
Be sure you know your duties.