A new paper from our lab is featured on the cover of the journal Evolution.
The Ghostly Tree Frog, Leptopelis spiritusnoctis, is one of many unique amphibians and reptiles species endemic to subtropical West Africa. A comparative phylogeographic study of 20 species (Leache et al. pages 716–724) uncovered a wide range of genetic divergence histories, suggesting that biodiversity in this region has been shaped by diversification events that are both recent and extending beyond the Holocene. Photo Credit: Duncan Reid & Adam Leache, University of Washington. (See pages 716–724).
Leaché, A. D., J. Oaks, C. Ofori-Boateng, and M. K. Fujita. 2020. Comparative phylogeography in West African amphibians and reptiles. Evolution 74: 716–724.