Is ENSO a cycle or a series of events?

Is ENSO a cycle or a series of events?

Under construction!

Slides shown during talk at EGS. Nice, 8 April 2003
(Session NP8: ENSO Dynamics and predictability)

William S. Kessler
NOAA / Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle WA 98115 USA

  1. Introductory slide
  2. The Jin discharge-recharge mode
  3. EOFs of Z20: Spatial patterns
    PC timeseries   PC comparisons
  4. Warm water volume and SST: Time series   Phase orbits
       Updated plots for data through Dec 2004: Time series   Phase orbits
  5. Radial histogram   Speed around orbit   A mean cycle
  6. ENSO persistence: Amplitude from one phase to another   Lag between El Niños as a function of SST amplitude
  7. Conclusion slide

Read the paper:
Kessler, W. S., Is ENSO a cycle or a series of events? Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(23), 2125, doi:10.1029/2002GL015924, 2002 (pdf format)
Entire talk in pdf format
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