Kathleen F. Kerr

Selected publications appear below. A comprehensive list of publications is available as an NCBI Collection.


Evaluating Biomarkers and Risk Prediction Models

I have a strong interest in advancing the rigorous evaluation of new biomarkers, including assessing a biomarker's incremental value to improve upon an exising risk predicition model.

Evaluating Risk Prediction Models for Risk-Based Treatment Recommendations

A guiding theme of my biomarker research is that biomarkers should be evaluated in a way that reflects how they will be used for practice. An important development in the past decade has been methods that use classical results from decison theroay to evaluating risk prediction models.

Recalibrating Risk Prediction Models

When a risk model will be used to recommend for or against treatment based on comparing an individual's estimated risk to a risk threshold, then good model calibration is especially critical near the critical risk threshold.

Multi-Center Biomarker Studies

We have considered particular issues that can arise when biomarkers are studied in a mult-center setting. Most often the multi-center nature of the data is ignored, which can be problematic. We have proposed using center-adjusted measures of biomarker performance for multi-center biomarker studies.

Developing Biomarker Combinations

Some lines of research have pursued developing biomarker combinations by maximizing measures of performance such as AUC rather than using likelihood-based methods. However, AUC is not a clinically relevant measure of predictive performance. We have developed methods to develop biomarker combinations by maximizing the true positive rate while fixing the false positive rate, which is often easier to match to an intended application.

Evaluating Biomarkers for Prognostic Enrichment of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials of interventions intended to prevent an unwanted clinical event may be conducted in a subset of the relevant patient population at highest risk of the event. We have considered how a biomarker should be evaluated when its purpose is to enrich a clinical trial in this way, termed "prognostic enrichment."

Microarrays, Gene Expression, Bioinformatics

I was an eary developer of statistical methodology for gene experssion microarryas. We emphasized the importance of sound experiemtnal design for microarray studies.

Experimental Design

Through my work on two-color microarrays I have contributed to the body of knowledge on incomplete block designs.

GWAS Methods

I have been involved in dozens of genomewide associations studies (GWAS) for cardiovascular and other traits. I have helped develop methodology related to GWAS in diverse (non-European ancestry) populations.

Select Scientific Collaborations

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